Do Ati cards support Physx?


Jun 9, 2008
I was installing the Trine demo and in the install it says the game requires Physx. I have an ATI card, will it be able to use Physx?

you can use a secondary [nvidia] card as PPU in XP though or a real ageia physx card (out dated/old) as a PPU
You can use PhysX in software mode so the demo should be able to run.
I'm not sure what impact that will have on the game though, maybe reduced visual object quality and/or reduced performance.
ATI cards will not hardware accelerate PhysX calls.
Mirror's Edge also is a Physx game, does that mean i won't be able to run it on my card?
It will work but you have to turn Physx off.
This removes some objects in game but doesnt affect gameplay.
It caused my 4890's in CF to BSOD.... Unistalled the demo. :( I could play for awhile but the fans would crank up on the cards and then crash my PC.


Ok.... I reinstalled the game and also PhysX 9.09 and it ran good.
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