Oblivion compared to Fallout 3

if someone use arguments that he dont know what to do in game, he got lost, or dont understand a book so he think it is bad and he dont like it, how would you call him? ignorant?
if someone use arguments that he dont know what to do in game, he got lost, or dont understand a book so he think it is bad and he dont like it, how would you call him? ignorant?

Except nobody said that. If you read the comments that most people wrote, they didnt like the TECHNICAL or GAMEPLAY aspects of the game. This isnt a giant surprise, the devolpers of Fallout 3 specifically said they were going to correct many of Oblivions shortfalls.
Oblivion bored me to sleep and I really felt like I fell victim to all the hype. I currently own both the PC and 360 version of Fallout 3, and can't get enough.
I just beat Fallout 3 and am debating whether or not to fork over the cash to try out Oblivion.

I have mixed feelings about FO3; I love the post-apocalyptic setting (my favorite genre), dry humor, and weaponry but lost interest once I got some levels under my belt and the feeling of survival and scraping by was completely gone when I was loaded with money, stimpacks, and ammo. There's a definite lack of quests in FO3 and the urge to explore wasn't very strong when you already have all the ammo/heals you'll ever need and combat is just way too easy (don't dig the whole lets give mobs 200% more health on harder difficulties instead of making it more tactical). I'll admit the first twenty or so hours had me totally hooked but then shortly after, I couldn't wait to finish the game as it had gotten very stale of all the sudden.

Does Oblivion suffer from the same problems?
Does Oblivion suffer from the same problems?

I think the side quests in Oblivion are significantly more involving (they're often multi-part, and can take a little bit of time to complete, along with the guilds you can join).

Having said that, you definitely need to be ok with the fantasy/medieval type setting of Oblivion, along with the associate weapon types. There are also a host of mods you should install before starting it up for the first time (not least of which is the BTMod, which makes the UI world's more PC friendly).

Definitely worth playing though.
You talk about it like it's an MMO :eek:

Yeah, well, I dont like MMOs :p Well, I played Warhammer Online for a while, but it was during the holidays and at the end of the holidays I regretted it all.

Everytime I came to play Oblivion, which was probably a couple of times a week, it was a case of sit down "oh yeah, where did I leave my character, oh damn, I thought I'd finished that quest, screw this, I can't be bothered".

people who dont like oblivion are usually the dumb ones, sad but true, you can see it even in this topic

OMG really?? :eek: I better burn my Aerospace Engineering degree and re-enrol in primary school. :p
people who dont like oblivion are usually the dumb ones, sad but true, you can see it even in this topic
Quite the contrary! Typically those who prefer shallow, senseless and polite "RPGs" like Oblivion would have the propensity to have mental handicaps or underdeveloped, childlike brains. Those who prefer the deeper RPGs, on the other hand...

On a purely intellectual level, Fallout 3 offers more to stimulate the grey matter than Oblivion. It is, after all, more than a glorified hack-and-slash. That I'm sure we can all agree on.
On a purely intellectual level, Fallout 3 offers more to stimulate the grey matter than Oblivion. It is, after all, more than a glorified hack-and-slash. That I'm sure we can all agree on.

I'm not quite sure I follow... do you mean there were more moral choices to make? I can see what you mean there... Oblivion you could do the Dark Brotherhood quests, but other than that, you were basically a good guy in quests....
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Fair enough! Was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with that comment anyway. :D

Now that Morrowind...what a pile that was! LOL

I logged WAY more hours into Morrowind then Oblivion, but Fallout 3 was definitely the best put together game, just way too short. I actually bought Morrowind and Oblivion on steam and plan to try and go through both of them some day... seems like I never got around to finishing my most time consuming games.
I've played the hell out of Oblivion (vanilla and with mods that only enhanced the graphics while leaving core game-play unchanged) and enjoy it quite a bit. I played FO3 for about 15 hours and slumped off...this isn't to say it's a bad game at all...in fact I'm about to reinstall it and load up my old saves and start on it again after reading so much about it. I enjoyed the bit of FO3 I played a lot, actually. Not sure what I'm trying to say...I guess I see both games as quality titles. Morrowind on the other hand...I will always view Morrowind as the better when compared to Oblivion. Damnit...now I'm going to have to install that, too. Oh well :D
Oblivion is far superior to FO3, IMO. It's a few years old, so you can buy it for a lot less than you might expect. Amazon has the GOTY version for $20.


After beating Oblivion play the Dark Brotherhood side quest. It's almost a full game in itself and is quite good, too.

im loving FO3 and Oblivion was ok... see I did the Dark Brotherhood side quest somewhat earlier on and once I completed it I was like WOW that was awesome game is done for me now... never did anything else including finishing the game after that.
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ok, I take it back.

decided to re-install fallout and give it another shot. The bugs still annoy me, but I forgot how much fun this game can be as well lol Can't help but love the unnecessary violence.
Haven't played oblivion but I'm 8 hours into fallout 3 and LOVE it. It is one of the best games IMO I have ever played. There's soo much to do. No fantasy bullcrap. All sci-fi and bloody violence. I could play it for 10 hours straight and not get tired of it. It was worth the 25 I paid for it.
I played over 80 hours on the vanilla PS3 version of FO3. I SOOOO want to play it again on the new rig I built (see sig). I should have jumped on that $25 deal! :mad:
I just went back and played Oblivion for a few hours and realized that one of my biggest complaints about Fallout3 is there are really no large or remotely nice living quarters. The Tenpenny Tower suite is the nicest, but its not very big compared to Battlehorn Castle (and its glitched all over the place). They offered like 7 houses, plus I think 5 HUGE DLC homes for Oblivion. I know you can liberate pretty much any place you want, but its just not the same as any of the homes in Oblivion.

It would be insane if you could just have a huge gated compound with some sort of army protecting it for you.
What in the? There were homes in Oblivion? One of these days I'm going to actually play something other than an FPS for more than an hour.
Finally bought the game over the weekend but I've run into one major problem. The damn horse. I have never had any problems playing games but riding around on the horse makes me so dizzy. Is there a mod to disable the bobbing?
Just resurrecting this post to say thanks. I read it a while back after playing through Fallout 3 and it got me to give Oblivion a try. I've been enjoying it just as much for the last month or so.

It's obvious after playing Oblivion for a while that the interface was mildly improved for Fallout 3, but still very playable. The story, atmosphere, and loot all are really good. I wish there were more random spawns to kill when roaming around. One other improvement that FO3 made was limiting the areas which noobs can roam, I seemed to be able to go anywhere as a lower lever character.

Maybe others that are through FO3+DLC will give Oblivion a try too.
I've since retried Oblivion since my last post and I've been having a blast. Oblivion is a good game in vanilla but gots some annoying issues, now that I've installed F-Com convergence with deadly reflexes mod and Qarls textures the game is a blast! Looks good, plays good and has more interesting locations and exploring feels much better. Of course Oblivion is the much harder game in all aspects since some area's will literally overwhelm even a high level character in F-Com. Still I did nearly everything in Fallout 3 not part of the DLC and I'm not even close to doing half the crap in Oblivion. Oblivion is just so huge and has so much to do that you could spend much more time in it then I could possibly imagine spending in Fallout 3.

Both great games but Oblivion is bigger, has better mods and way more side quests and general stuff to do. Overall Oblivion > Fallout 3 even though I've enjoyed both of them a great deal.
The biggest turnoff for me with Fallout 3 is that there is next to no character interaction and most of the NPC's are shallow. The only town of any substance in the game is the first one you come across, the rest are just a clump of people. When talking to people, you'll find next to no depth to any of there character, there are only a couple characters that have any real appeal to them.

Yeah this is my biggest complaint too. I the original Fallout games there were many towns and settlements you could visit , there was a lot more NPC interaction. Also There were way more dialog options in the originals which made the game more interesting.

Oblivion has a mod out that gives you xp for kills, exploring and doing quests like a traditional RPG check it out.
I'm using Oblivion Xp as well right now, I like it a lot, makes it a more traditional RPG. Unfortunately you don't get XP for doing things like repairing armor or using persuasion in conversation like you do in the original, and I don't think there is going to be a way to add that to it. Still, it's cool to get XP for completing quests and killing enemies. At the very least, it's a nice change from stock Oblivion leveling
Both great games but Oblivion is bigger, has better mods and way more side quests and general stuff to do. Overall Oblivion > Fallout 3 even though I've enjoyed both of them a great deal.


I play both on the 360 and I still like Oblivion over Fallout 3. I wish Fallout had quest lines like the Assassination quests in Oblivion.
I'd love to see a VATS mod for Oblivion then it would pretty much be the best of both worlds, so to speak. :p
I'd love to see a VATS mod for Oblivion then it would pretty much be the best of both worlds, so to speak. :p

Yes I have always thought this too, especially if you could disable and cut off limbs. Kind of like the Deadly Reflex mod.
I played FO3 then went to Oblivion. I couldn't get past the fact that Oblivion was the same game, just a different skin. I don't have much time invested in Oblivion, but tons in FO3.
I like Oblivion better.. but they are both good... I think the "scorched earth" landscape in FO3 is fun at first, but it get's very repetitive.. the kind sandy / rusty worn down color pallet starts to wear on me after a while.. I love the lush diverse env of my fully modded Oblivion install.. I keep coming back to it and finding new things to mod and goof with... a new content mod to install and enjoy.. I have gotten more use out of Oblivion than any game since Doom.. anyways.. One of my closest friends is hugely into FO3 so he's got me playing it again.. it's a great game also.. but I think I am more of a "swords and magic" kinda guy than a "bullets and radiation" kinda guy. ;) or something like that..
I tried Oblivion a few years ago when it first came out, but couldn't get into it... I'm playing Fallout 3 now and I'm really getting into it. Slow to start, but I'm getting into the swing of things and I love it. Any recommended mods for a first run through? Thanks.
I've played Oblivion at least 100 hours now and did levels 1-10 just roaming and bumping into quests. Then I found the portal to Shivering Isles and have done levels 11-30 there in the last couple of weeks. Last night I left the SI for the first time even though I'm not done there yet and was reminded that I have tons left to do in the main world, plus all of the Oblivion portals beyond Kvatch. I haven't yet done any fighters/mage/thieves guild stuff and just started last night on some of the assassination stuff. This game is friggin huge!

The only thing I miss is the weapon variety a bit from FO3, I've been tanking with heavy armor and a sword 95% of the time. Maybe I need to diversify a bit.....wish I had a few frag grenades or bottlecap mines in Oblivion. :D I seemed to use about 10 different weapons regularly in FO3.

p.s. I have something like 250,000 gold now. I recall back when I was pre-level 10 and saw a house for sale - I think it was 5,000. Do I just keep selling to up my Mercantile skill, are there actually big ticket items to buy later on? (Like 100k+?)
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