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  1. S

    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 2

    hey, count me in as well.
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    Computing’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories

    Can you guys take your 911 conspiracy theories elswhere? Calling people names on the internet becuase they have a different opinion is not going to change anything, and neither is trying to convince somone with facts, so take it to a board that cares. Either that or bring it back to computers.
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    *Pics* Massive GTX285 3 Way SLI Build Log *Pics*

    I had to forward your link to my team so they could enjoy this geek pron, I hope you know.:rolleyes:
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    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    just broke a million... finally!
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    Updated 3DFX Driver Released – yes, 3DFX

    Hells Yeah! Go Voodoo.
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    Microsoft’s Work Bus Equipped With PCs

    Have not seen these on campus yet. Don't believe everything you read
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    Oh No He Didn’t!

    Yahoo holds several patents that would save MS substantial annual cash flow were they to own. It is still in MS's best interest to aquire them, but not right now as the stock price keeps dropping. Pennies on the dollar man, pennies on the dollar.
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - Gameplay Perf and IQ @ [H]

    My dual 8800GTs run it pretty well at 1920x1200, average around 30 FPS with some of the options tweaked. My concern is that the game needs patched big time, I have pretty much abandoned this game till the next patch since all my save games crash on load now.
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    8GB Feasibility (Gaming)

    8GB will not gain you anything really for games right now. But you could have fun running some VMs!;)
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    Ницца работу, товарищ!
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    EVGA GTX260 VS GTX260 216 core, worth the upgrade?

    FYI you can only step up once. Your stepped up card is not eligible for the program. I reccomend wait till about a week or two from when your Step-up window is about to end, and then choose. You'll probably get a better card and a better deal.
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    eVGA Once Again Kicks Booty!

    +1 for EVGA stepup +2 for the RMA and cross-ship upgrade options (about the same price as paying for shipping anyway) +3 for the Lifetime warranty I'll always buy the EVGA version over another brand now.
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    How might the GTX 280 stack up to the 8800gt and 8800gt SLI?

    GPU Review can give you the numbers you are looking for, without unwarranted sexual innundo. GTX has a lead in Mem bandwidth and Flops, they are roughly tied on pixel fill rate, and 8800sli lead in texture fill rate. So throw in...
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    Confused by GPU Names - Still.... please make som sense out of the names

    While the above is a pretty comprehensive list, if you want to compare SLI and CrossfireX configs against each other and individual cards, it won't help. I use as it allows to you compare additional considerations, like overlocks and multi-gpu setups...
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    Props to EVGA

    Wow this thread is almost as bad as the old Intel vs AMD threads back in the day.
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    Clear Sky killed my Ballistix? (rantish)

    Right, I've pretty much determined that, since anything else would be pretty far fetched. But the timing is very suspicious, and hence makes it and interesting read. I'm currently borrowing some more ram from a friend until I get my RMAs back. The whole point of this was to see if anyone...
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    Clear Sky killed my Ballistix? (rantish)

    These are dual sided sticks. Is Ballistix really this bad?
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    Clear Sky killed my Ballistix? (rantish)

    The standard Ballistix set I got in January, and the Tracers I got last month. Not end of life.
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    Clear Sky killed my Ballistix? (rantish)

    (Not sure if I should post this under PC Games or Memory, so it's going here to avoid crossposting, mod please move if needed) I got Stalker: Clear Sky a few days after it came out, been having a helluva time getting it to run stable. It's fun but buggy as hell. After many a random crash to...
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    Chrome Fades as Users Return to IE, Firefox

    Oh boy! I love non-scientific polls!
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    Facebook Profiles Can Be Used to Detect Narcissism

    No, we don't need a study to tell us this.
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    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    I had to laugh at the last line. Evidently I'm cheating myself by not building a pc capable of being swung around my head like I'm trying to lasso a steer. :D
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    Stalker Clear Sky.

    Yeah I didn't care for the music either, you can turn it off with a checkbox in the audio submenu, it's called dynamic music I think.
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    Clear Sky + Steam question

    In SOC, just do a quick save F6 and quick load F7, your screen will freeze for about a second while it writes the save file to the disk, but it's much better than dealing with menus. That was one of the first things I remapped in Clear Sky, (they changed the default layout). The only thing I...
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    Stalker Clear Sky.

    I have to agree with the overly agressive MOBs attacking from long range, and general increased difficulty level. (possible spoiler) As soon as I got to the Cordon I had soldiers targetting me with sniper accuracy with full autos from probably 800+ meters while I'm behind cover. Currently...
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    The Cd-roms that would not eject.

    :eek:Were they being used as drink holders? jk. I've run into this before. Sometimes if the pc crashes while accessing the cd, they will damage the drive.We had a some at work go bad when a test pass locked up during cd access, and the little plastic ring that you set the disks on, got so hot...
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    What to do with extra servers?

    Make a few of them your test boxes.. Play around with Virtualization and alternate OSes and stuff. Just don't run them in your office for crying out loud, the noise.. the noise!!!:o
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    53rv3r pr0n

    That's right, I forgot that Dell calls it DRAC, Dell Remote Access Control. On HP machines it called ILO, Integrated Lights Out. Both do the same functions, usually using a separate "management" port.
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    53rv3r pr0n

    Regarding using a prebuilt/configured vendor solution (HP, Dell, IBM, etc) versus a "homebrew" server from a reliability standpoint is a no brainer. :cool: While it might seem nostalgic to run a the [H] on overclocked/moded hardware, the reality is that that kind of setup will not give you...
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    53rv3r pr0n

    KVM over IP is nice, and with the right system you can use PS/2 or usb dongles. Our standard is the Avocent DSR series, but it is rather spendy. Most Dell servers have their own ILO interface which might be an stopgap option to ditch the crashcart if you are headed towards an all Dell...
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    53rv3r pr0n

    I didn't see any sort of KVM solution for your racks. Do you just crashcart it when you need local access?
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    I’m Back!

    Ahh those shots make me miss Alaska. Hope you got to see some glaciers. You should try the Alcan if you get a chance, it's a long drive, but pretty fun. Did it 3x back in my college days.
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    Vantec NexStar HD Dock

    I guess what I was getting at is that all the other reviews done on the [H] have a set of standards that are tested against, and/or similar products contrasted. Let's face it, reviews at the [H] set the bar for other hardware sites to measure up to (real world video card perf test/psu torture...
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    Vantec NexStar HD Dock

    Did we really need a 3 minute video to tell us that it operates as advertised? That's hardly [H]ard. I would have at least expected some benchmarks to show that there is no speed difference between it and a standard internal port. Or maybe some futzing around with it by plugging in the USB...
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    Best CPU for MS-SQL

    Well to answer the question posed in the title, I'd have to say Itanuim. But since you don't have one of those, I'd have to say you need to figure in the ram, disk space/acess speeds, and bandwidth as well instead of just basing the desicion off of proc type.
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    KVM over IP

    +1 for Avocent DSR, if you are going to do it, do it right. The DSR2035 is our current lab standard, it allows 2 concurrent remote connections. The website software allows you to view multiple units from one webpage. Overall it just works. USB 2 dongles allow for virtual remote media, i.e...
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    NVIDIA Soars Despite 'Disappointing' Quarter

    Who is this joker and why is he yelling at his wife? Cuda has enormous potential, nVidia isn't going to be out of business anytime soon.
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    680i or P35?

    FWIW I have an Evga 680i LT and have had a great experiance with it. The Evga warranty is *I believe* lifetime if you register it within 30 days. I've RMA'd it 2x, both times ended up having nothing wrong with the board (drivers, then bad ram). For a few bucks they will even cross ship and cover...
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    Why All PC Enthusiasts Owe Thanks To ATi

    Yes, thank you to ATI for taking advantage of capitolism and a free market economy. No more waiting in long lines to pay through the nose for whatever Nvidia happens to have in stock. =)
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    The GTS 512 cooler has a different screw pattern than the GT. As an owner of two of these coolers for several months, I think there are a number of things that were overlooked in the review. The first one is that EVGA offers an alternate bios with "tweaked fan settings" to take full...