Facebook Profiles Can Be Used to Detect Narcissism

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Did we really need a full study by the University of Georgia to tell us that your profile on Facebook could be used to detect narcissism? I mean, it’s kinda obvious, isn’t it?

"We found that people who are narcissistic use Facebook in a self-promoting way that can be identified by others," said lead author Laura Buffardi, a doctoral student in psychology who co-authored the study with associate professor W. Keith Campbell.
NO WAI. So their saying just by looking at someones profile you can tell whos full of themselves? I mean they actually published that shit?
seriously, why dont people pass stuff through the common sense filter any more?
is the common sense filter broken, world wide or something?
I take it you didn't like my shirtless profile pic? lol


I liked it Ockie-poo. :p

I think this Laura Buffardi, W. Keith Campbell, are the real narcissistic for thinking anyone would actually care about this study... They need to spend less time stalking people on facebook and more time working on something that actually matters.
So I go to UGA and I am sitting in class reading this....*face palm*

lol i am doing the same thing man.

glad to see our school is putting all of our money to good use! we definitely needed Tate II and obviously this stuff was ground breaking research!!!

oh well...BLACKOUT this weekend woot!
So I go to UGA and I am sitting in class reading this....*face palm*

Same here haha...except Auburn.

The common sense filter of society seems to have been broken a long time ago...maybe facebook should be considered an online dating/meeting site. lol

War Eagle
Further studies revealed that crazy cat ladies tend to have pictures of, and we're fact-checking this now, cats on social networking sites. For up-to-the-minute coverage please browse towards www.spoonfed.com.

In other news [H]ard|OCP signatures can be used to detect penis size.
  1. The researchers were able to correlate measurable (e.g. friend count) and qualitative (e.g. snapshot vs. professional photo) Facebook features with a quantified personality test.
  2. These measures compared favourably with impressions from neutral observers.
This tells me that Facebook users are not doing anything special to mask their personalities. Further, it is perfectly reasonable for us to judge their personalities based on what we see posted--we are more than likely right. Finally, it should be possible to create a Facebook app that automatically rates ego-centricity.

I would not assume the same thing for anonymizers like MySpace and Second Life.