Oh No He Didn’t!

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I had a completely different news post going and then I stumbled across this brilliant statement. Did he just say that “the best thing for Microsoft to do is buy Yahoo?” While I am sure Microsoft needs Jerry’s opinion like a hole in the head, MS will no doubt wait until Yahoo tanks further before making any offers…if they do at all.

Responding to a question about whether he had any regrets about stepping into the CEO role last year, Yang said: "I don't regret a moment of what happened even though it's not been the most fun thing."
I hope MS just let's Yahoo! die. If not wait until Yahoo! is about to file their Chapter 11 paperwork. :)
How that guy ever got in a position like that is beyond me. Epic Fail cannot even begin to describe his shenanigans.
Wow, i am glad i am not a share holder in Yahoo. With that idiot at the helm all i can see is a slowly sinking ship. M$ will get them for a fraction of the value they had originally offered and rightfully so.
That's what kills me, he acts like we didn't just watch him botch that whole deal at $35 a share a share a few months ago and now he's like "oh, yeah...I always thought it was a good idea". Pulease.

I think MS should buy at $7 to $9 a share and ask for Yang to be removed as part of the deal.

(heh, remove your yang...ouch) ;)
How that guy ever got in a position like that is beyond me. Epic Fail cannot even begin to describe his shenanigans.

He started the company. If he was smart, he should have stayed focused on technical issues and brought someone in who actually knows how to run a big business, instead of constantly shooting himself in the foot and looking like the business moron he is.
Yang said he remains open to selling the Internet company to Microsoft, but at the right price.

"People who know me know I don't have an ego about remaining independent versus not remaining independent," the embattled executive told the gathering.

Gee Mr Yang, I wonder what the "right price" is now compared to Microsoft's first offer. Lets be honest. You might as well give Microsoft your company for free.
Gee Mr Yang, I wonder what the "right price" is now compared to Microsoft's first offer. Lets be honest. You might as well give Microsoft your company for free.

Either that or they should pay them to take it.
Yahoo holds several patents that would save MS substantial annual cash flow were they to own.
It is still in MS's best interest to aquire them, but not right now as the stock price keeps dropping.
Pennies on the dollar man, pennies on the dollar.
Well of course it is still in Microsofts best interest to acquire Yahoo. Yahoo simply has things that Microsoft sorely needs in order to compete in the search world. Why do you think they offered them so much in the first place?

Yahoo is just dumb for not accepting that initial offer. Now Microsoft is just waiting until they get so cheap that they can offer less than 1/3rd of what they originally offered.

The BIG question is why it would be SO HARD for Google and Yahoo just to have a partnership when Microsoft buying Yahoo outright is no problem at all? Seems a teeny bit unfair dontcha think?
For a second there I thought you meant Jerry Seinfeld.
It's all about the potential market share. MS+Yahoo search < Google search. Google+Yahoo > everything out there.