Chrome Fades as Users Return to IE, Firefox

After trying Chrome, you:

  • Stuck with it

    Votes: 74 16.4%
  • Switched back to I.E.

    Votes: 36 8.0%
  • Switched Back To FireFox

    Votes: 181 40.0%
  • Never tried Chrome

    Votes: 161 35.6%

  • Total voters

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I think it is a little early to say Chrome is “fading.” Personally I think a lot of people, many that never had any intentions of switching, downloaded and tried the beta to see what it was all about. Once Chrome is out of beta I think there will be a lot more users. I posted a non-scientific poll here so click your choice and participate!

At the end of its third week of availability, Google Inc.'s Chrome accounted for 0.77% of the browsers that visited the 40,000 sites tracked by Net Applications, down from a 0.85% share the week before. "The trend line on Chrome still has a slight downward angle, and these weekly numbers reflect that,"

*(ninja edit)*
It's way too early to say it's fading.

I just made it my default browser after seeing this benchmark.
For some reason I can't edit my first post, so here is where you can run the benchmark yourself.

I use Chrome still every day in addition to IE7.
I dont trust Google with my info so I cant recommend it.
I'm running chrome since I first tried it.
There are some minor annoyances, but overall it's light and fast so I'm sticking with it.
If I did more than just browsing, like web development or something, I probably wouldn't use it at all.
It's way too early to say it's fading.

I just made it my default browser after seeing this benchmark.

Both Opera and Firefox (FF3.1) have improved Javascript support

from the benchmarks coming out (for this new breed of Javascript JIT) Opera -> Chrome -> FF3.1 ------> present opera,FF,IE,...

There are interesting times ahead for the real browsers out there
I am sticking with Chrome on windows (waiting for linux version) simply because I prefer the simpler/cleaner interface - the javascript speed atm is an added bonus
Went back to Firefox soon after. I only tried it at work but I didn't like the lack of customization so far. Plus it didn't seem to work well with my proxy.
Went back to Firefox soon after. I only tried it at work but I didn't like the lack of customization so far. Plus it didn't seem to work well with my proxy.

I had the same problem. You don't have Google Accelerator do you? I uninstalled that and it worked fine afterwards.

The first page of mine takes about 3-4 seconds to load. After that it flies.
I liked Chrome for the most part, but I miss my adblocker (yeah, yeah, I know ads are $$$. They're also annoying as fuck most of the time) in Firefox. Plus I HATE bookmark bars. I just want a button that opens up a list of my bookmarks while I'm viewing any website.
It's way too early to say it's fading.

I just made it my default browser after seeing this benchmark.

For some reason I can't edit my first post, so here is where you can run the benchmark yourself.

Call me a skeptic, but I'm not going to trust results of google's browser when running their own benchmarks on their servers. There's no way to prove if its an unbiased test. They could have made those benchmarks themselves. If they didn't, they can still alter test results by placing code in the script that detects which browser they are using.:rolleyes:

Give me benchmarks on an indepedent website and I might take notice.
Chrome is open source so maybe they can incorporate the java engine
Chrome was OK but i fail to see the "blazing speed" so many people claimed. Maybe its because opera is fast and im used to fast browsing?

Couldnt vote though, there should be an other option or something.
I enjoy it's loading speed so much that I stick with it despite all its disadvantages such as ads and lack of useful extensions, and buggy behavior with my favorite extension-like program "1-Click Answers" (windows, not firefox version).

The one thing that bothers me the most right now is that unless you important your settings from Firefox, you have no way of adding proper keyword search shortcuts, which is a must-have for me. This really hit me when I built my new computer. Now I have to uninstall Chrome, install and configure Firefox, and then reinstall Chrome while importing settings. It's worth it though, for its loading speed.
Still using it, much faster on 3G connection and satellite connection that I am currently stuck with.

There are a few quirks, and it is still basic, but obviously a very early release still.

I have all the browsers on my PC, and this has been added to the list of ones I use frequently (IE7, FF2, FF3, Chrome)
I still use both Firefox and Chrome as my primary browsers (Firefox is set as default running NoScript in case something naughty tries to connect to the internet). I still use Firefox for the Better Gmail extension, for everything else (on sites I trust) I prefer Chrome - the experience has more snap to it. Firefox isn't slow, Chrome just feels better.
Didn't try it. I've got firefox running the way I like it, with the proper extensions and all...
FF is more of a chick's browser. Get to dress it all up with frilly things and show it off to your friends. Chrome is a man's browser. No bullshit. Gets the job done. ;)
tested it out along with ie 8 and opera. it's a very good browser, but without extensions it is not very useful to me. i'll take a peek whenever new builds, but until i have more control over everything i can't switch
I was using IE7, briefly switched to FF3, but now Chrome is my default. I like the simple interface.

It helps when you realize it's just a web browser, not a girlfriend. No need to get all attached ;)
I used chrome for awhile, then had to reformat. I didn't reinstall it after that. No reason to, really. Didn't offer me anything I couldn't already get. That I wanted.
I'm lost whats chrome bring to the table exactly? It's faster? I have to use firefox at work because it's stable. I'm wife made me install Chrome but It's just not for me, not yet anyway.

I actually still use IE for a few things at work. I work for one of the Big 3 Cable providers. I use IE to launch CTC and cisco transport manager and this ungodly old billing system called ***** I agree with H though Firefox is getting more popular by the day. The minute somebody claims browser issues the first thing we say is "Did you try it in Firefox?" So who knows? A year from now Chrome could be the next big thing.

Btw the logo is BS both Google and Simon stole it from GUYYYYYYYVVVEERRRR

I'm using chrome on my laptop, FF3 on my desktop because of tabmixplus. Tab scrolling ftw. Laptop doesn't have a scroll wheel so that's not an issue, plus I don't use autoscroll on my laptop so I don't care that chrome doesn't have it there.

Where's the "Tried it, liked it, using it and FF3" option? :p
Meh, it's a Beta, and it functions like a Beta. And that's why I am using FF3 again.
I don't really care about it, I never even looked at it. I use Firefox, I like it, it works, I like my add-ons, I have no reason to switch.
I'm lost whats chrome bring to the table exactly? It's faster? I have to use firefox at work because it's stable. I'm wife made me install Chrome but It's just not for me, not yet anyway.

I actually still use IE for a few things at work. I work for one of the Big 3 Cable providers. I use IE to launch CTC and cisco transport manager and this ungodly old billing system called ***** I agree with H though Firefox is getting more popular by the day. The minute somebody claims browser issues the first thing we say is "Did you try it in Firefox?" So who knows? A year from now Chrome could be the next big thing.

Btw the logo is BS both Google and Simon stole it from GUYYYYYYYVVVEERRRR


Anime Guyver or Mark Hamill? lol.

I stuck with it for most day to day stuff. Keeps me honest in supporting my favorite websites ;-)