Why All PC Enthusiasts Owe Thanks To ATi

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Boot Daily has an interesting editorial posted today titled “Why All PC Enthusiasts Owe Thanks To ATi[/URL].” If the title alone wasn’t enough to stir things up, the author throws in a console versus PC price comparison for good measures.

Even if you still "nsist on NVIDIA" you should take heed here - because of ATI's efforts, you can now pay HUNDEREDS less for your next NVIDIA-based mainstream GPU. That's right folks, ATI's 4850 and 4870's have kicked NVIDIA in the nuts so hard that it has been forced to drastically lower prices on most of its entire line-up - and that's great for ALL consumers.
Thanks ATi for doing what businesses do. . . releasing a product and trying to be competitive! Though, some might point out that --had you been able to be competitive over the last two years-- maybe so many people wouldn't feel so unreasonably grateful to you for basic competence now.

As always, these are video cards. This isn't religion or politics. Buy the most you can afford given your priorities and what you're willing to spend. End of story.
Because - even though they suck lately - they don't suck so much that they're not a meaningful market force, and keep it technologically and economically competitive within reasonable expectations?

Wait, we needed an article for that? Silly Boot.
Yes, thank you to ATI for taking advantage of capitolism and a free market economy.
No more waiting in long lines to pay through the nose for whatever Nvidia happens to have in stock. =)
lol, they'll get my thanks when they actually make a better product than nvidia. I'm an enthusiast and care about who has the better product. IMO nvidia for the last few generations has the better product. The only reason ATI has Quote unquote "kicked nvidia in the nuts" is because in the end people are cheap. They'd rather buy a product that performs 15% less and save a little cash. Sure, ATI's new generation is good but it doesnt DOMINATE too much on any particular game while the 2xx series does quite a bit better on some titles over the 4xxx ati generation.

The guy who wrote that article can suck my left nut.

File their article under "Duh" please. :)

I've been saying thanks to AMD, I mean ATI for years for keeping costs down on their competition (Intel & Nvidia). Though I've never said thanks with my wallet... :/ b/c I've always been an Intel (cpu & mobo) & Nvidia (videocard) person. IMO thats the best combination for stability (but thats another topic.. don't start a flame war in here).
lol, they'll get my thanks when they actually make a better product than nvidia. I'm an enthusiast and care about who has the better product. IMO nvidia for the last few generations has the better product. The only reason ATI has Quote unquote "kicked nvidia in the nuts" is because in the end people are cheap. They'd rather buy a product that performs 15% less and save a little cash. Sure, ATI's new generation is good but it doesnt DOMINATE too much on any particular game while the 2xx series does quite a bit better on some titles over the 4xxx ati generation.

The guy who wrote that article can suck my left nut.


In this case the cheaper product also happens to be the faster one, or at least performs about the same as (4850 vs. 9800GTX, 4870 vs. GTX 260). Hence, thanks ATI. There aren't any sacrifices needed to be made. This isn't a spend less for 15% less performance. Its simply spend less for the same or more performance.

Sure, ATI's new generation is good but it doesnt DOMINATE too much on any particular game while the 2xx series does quite a bit better on some titles over the 4xxx ati generation.

You aren't honestly that much of an idiot that you think the 2900XT is better than the 4850 in anything, are you???
Thank you AMD for bringing competition back to the GPU, now just get your CPU act back together!
Proof that competition is healthy.

I can't wait for AMD to catch up in the processor market.
Agreed :) Im even switching back to an AMD Proc for something a) new to play with b) to support the underdog. I mean the fps difference is pretty minimal between it and a q6600. I switched over from the nv camp as well.
was the article written by Mr. Obvious ? /me chuckles
It's PS3 vs Wii, if they were graphics cards.

One isn't designed with economy in mind, expensive to produce and sold at a high price, the other one isn't anything like that, doesn't have the Wii level of hype or sales but damn well deserves it. A vote for Nvidia is a vote for $399 entry-level graphics cards every new generation.
Ati should get a nice chunk of market share out of this......this might get rid of all the bad choices to optimise for one CPU over another
Yeah, I am happy to see the video card market competitive. I'm happy with my 8800GT and I don't plan on upgrading yet, but its nice to see a great new card from ATI.
They're already thanking them, by buying their cards.

That's all the thanks they need.
As you can see, the Nvidia fanboys here won't even admit it when ATI is doing better. I've lost total respect for Nvidia and their shady business practices. They even refuse to add DX10.1 which has been out over 8 months now. ATI is much farther ahead in technology.
As you can see, the Nvidia fanboys here won't even admit it when ATI is doing better. I've lost total respect for Nvidia and their shady business practices. They even refuse to add DX10.1 which has been out over 8 months now. ATI is much farther ahead in technology.

Doesn't change the fact that this article is completely one-sided. You can thank nvidia just as much as you do ATI for the low prices. If either one didn't exsist - The prices would skyrocket as there would be no competition.

As for nvidia, i'm pretty sure they are going to do just fine. A bunch of idiots said the same thing about ATI when the 8800 series was released over a year and a half ago.
As you can see, the Nvidia fanboys here won't even admit it when ATI is doing better. I've lost total respect for Nvidia and their shady business practices. They even refuse to add DX10.1 which has been out over 8 months now. ATI is much farther ahead in technology.
There's one NVIDIA fanboy I see in this thread (and I whopper of one too), but is your attitude that much better?

NVIDIA's done some bad but they've done some good too (PhysX, free COD4 maps, adding TRAA to GF6 cards), and taking the good with the bad is part of life.
Well I am not going to say thank you ati, more of "It is about damn time they got competative". Competition means we all win. I have owned nothing but Nvidia since my TI4600, and given out often I upgrade that includes a FX5600 (I have much regrets over that one), 6800GT, 7900GT, 7950GX2, 8800GTS...however my current card is the 4850. Why? because it performed as well if not slightly better then the Nvidia card I would have bought the 260 and was a hell of alot cheaper. I frankly was getting a little tired of ponying up $400+ just to have a vid card that was worth buying. (no I don't consider anything below what would be lower premium to be worth purchasing)
In this case the cheaper product also happens to be the faster one, or at least performs about the same as (4850 vs. 9800GTX, 4870 vs. GTX 260). Hence, thanks ATI. There aren't any sacrifices needed to be made. This isn't a spend less for 15% less performance. Its simply spend less for the same or more performance.

You aren't honestly that much of an idiot that you think the 2900XT is better than the 4850 in anything, are you???

ummm and what about the 280?
nVidia seriously needed a hard kick in the nuts. $600 for a video card? Get lost. UMAP? Take a hike. The unfortunate thing is, nVidia runs that direction whenever they think they can get away with it. There is capitalism then there is unchecked greed and arrogance. No, AMD/ATI are not acting out of altruism; they are acting like capitalists. nVidia was getting out of control and healthy competition is the only way to rein them in.
Yeah, I am happy to see the video card market competitive. I'm happy with my 8800GT and I don't plan on upgrading yet, but its nice to see a great new card from ATI.

Actually, come to think of it, we really should all be thanking nvidia.

From what I remember the 8800GT really is the card that showed amazing price performance 1st.

I mean, it had 8800GTX level performance for like less than 1/2 the price.

If I am not mistaken, when the 8800GT came out, someone on this forum, said that nvidia would come to regret such a price performer. I bet they do now.
Actually, come to think of it, we really should all be thanking nvidia.

From what I remember the 8800GT really is the card that showed amazing price performance 1st.

I mean, it had 8800GTX level performance for like less than 1/2 the price.

If I am not mistaken, when the 8800GT came out, someone on this forum, said that nvidia would come to regret such a price performer. I bet they do now.

Oh yea... I bet they really do.... Looking at the specs of Nvidia's current generation (260 and 280)... Does anyone else get the impression that they literally jammed on as much powerful components that was possible, just to make this thing perform like a next generation should?

Some people want to argue the pricing game, the ATI vs. Nvidia game... But does anyone else feel that these new Nvidia cards may actually be the result of "The Best We Could Do in the Time We Had" scenario?

Their perfomance tells me that they are next gen... I guess I just don't like the fact that so much is placed on these cards spec wise (just like the 2900XT) and yet ATI has lower spec cards that are performing so well?

It's like we took a step backwards instead of forward...
Oh yea... I bet they really do.... Looking at the specs of Nvidia's current generation (260 and 280)... Does anyone else get the impression that they literally jammed on as much powerful components that was possible, just to make this thing perform like a next generation should?

Some people want to argue the pricing game, the ATI vs. Nvidia game... But does anyone else feel that these new Nvidia cards may actually be the result of "The Best We Could Do in the Time We Had" scenario?

Their perfomance tells me that they are next gen... I guess I just don't like the fact that so much is placed on these cards spec wise (just like the 2900XT) and yet ATI has lower spec cards that are performing so well?

It's like we took a step backwards instead of forward...

Because ATI finally got their shit together and designed something new; instead of throwing on more clock speed or more shaders. Just like nvidia did a year and a half ago with the 8800's. Things come and go in waves. People need to realize this. It takes some time for each company to design a new micro-architecture - and in the meantime they simply tweak their current architecture.
Don't know if I believe in such a thing,but Nvidia sure does seem to be on the receiving end
of a boatload of bad karma.Dropping stocks,bad laptop parts,and the competitor they figured was out of the race caught them by surprise.Guess they forgot that getting to the top of the mountain is only half the climb,screw up and it just means you've got further to fall.
Thanks ATI for making terrible TV tuners that rarely work and graphics cards that have move bugs and glitches than anything I've ever used. Thanks...if it wasn't for you I would have never found Nvidia
Thanks ATI for making terrible TV tuners that rarely work and graphics cards that have move bugs and glitches than anything I've ever used. Thanks...if it wasn't for you I would have never found Nvidia

Are you actually trying to be taken seriously?
I owe ATI nothing. I paid for my 4850, that's enough.

They're not some charity organisation or some kind of messiah that has come to save PC gaming from the evil Nvidia - They're out to make money just like any other company.

I'm glad that they are back, because it *does* mean lower prices, both on Nvidia's and ATI's products. But I'm not going to thank them, it was in their own interest as well to get back in the game.
I don't see why anyone should thank ATi or nVidia for that matter. Competition requires both company, without one, it would never happen

Without nVidia GeForce 8, ATi would never be pushed to come up with a great card at a great price

And without past ATi success, nVidia would never come up with suce a successful GeForce 8 cards

Everyone is acting as if ATi would come up with their great HD4 regardless of nVidia past success, which is not true.

It takes both company to push the each other for us to have the kind of competition we see today

Why should one just thank ATi, when we needed nVidia to push ATi?

and vice versa as well
i bet ati can take the lead if they increase their rops to 24 or 32 like nvidia. they have been stuck with 16 since x800 series ;)
Looking around the net. I haven't seen these price drops happen in meaningful way yet. GTX 260 is still price at $340 ish on most sites. And my sales agent at tigerdirect says. Their currently selling 48xx series cards 5 to 1 too GTX 2xx.
Are you actually trying to be taken seriously?
The last graphics card I bought ended a long string of ATI cards for me and they were all nothing but nightmares. ATI's driver troubles were well documented back then....something the D.B. fanboys seem to have forgotten. I took my chances once more with a Theater 550 TV tuner and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Drivers problems, hardware problems, outsourced software that didn't work....a horrific design all around. After that experience I bought my first Nvidia card......a 6800NU and never looked back. I haven't had a game crash or had a single problem since...even on the same games I ran on my ATI cards (F1 Challenge is still on my machine to this day). I'm actually using a leftover 8500DV in my carpc right now because it's the only card I have that will run the custom resolution properly and it's just as much of a nightmare as it was the first day I bought it. Does it sound like I'm serious? Do you have any more dumb comments to make?
I fail to grasp why everyone is jizzing their shorts over what amounts to simple competition. Thank God for Ford to help keep GM's prices down! Lets all swing on Fords nuts!
You have to be horrible with computers man.
Honestly i doubt you had driver problems more like end user problems.
Ive had a multitude of cards from both companies and neither one makes poor drivers.