Microsoft’s Work Bus Equipped With PCs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Supposedly this is some kind of Microsoft work bus that comes with built in PCs so you can work before you get to work. To be honest, it looks like one of those tech busses that goes from location to location demonstrating new software and such, but who knows.
yeah I noticed that too. weird that they still run vista ads but do not use vista on this tour bus.
For all we know, this picture was taken before Vista was even out (no, i didn't read the article!).
Holy screen glare Batman!

Poor choice of displays for a bus that operates in sunlight, but I guess they don't see the sun too much in Redmond. Also, total lack of privacy for doing work on anything unannounced, confidential, HR-related, or otherwise sensitive - the business operations, legal council, etc will not lead the Green charge by example and take this bus.

But I think the big question on everybody's mind: does it play Crysis?
I guess that kinda crash is fatal and unrecoverable.
Don't know what gave the impression this was a microsoft work bus. The article never stated that, they said it was a public transporation bus somewhere in Asia. They later updated it to say the purpose of this bus is the bring technology to rural areas where they don't have access to it.
There are a lot of Microsoft shuttle buses in Redmond. Installing these systems in the buses doesn't seem like a bad idea.
I can verify that these are in fact real. They are only a few of these, and you need to request them ahead of time.

Microsoft's campus is spread over square miles of Washington, so if you have a large group going to a meeting, this is for that. Its mainly to help prepair for the meeting. I havent been in one myself, but I saw the inter-office E-mail about them and how to request it.
It's just a moment of time until someone gets BSOD'd and then pulls a gun killing everyone.