EVGA GTX260 VS GTX260 216 core, worth the upgrade?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 15, 2007
Ok well I can step up my EVGA GTX260 for a GTX260 216core but wnated to know if its worth it?

I payed $304 for my GTX260 and the 216 core goes for $299 + shipping for a step-up but is it worth it?

Does the 216 run cooler? Is it faster? or should I save my step up in hopes for a price drop on the gtx280?
not worth it, get a GTX280 instead, but better yet wait a little longer
Well he'd only be paying the price of shipping, so that might be something to consider.

How much time do you have left on your stepup Rage?
So how much you'll end up paying? If not much (ie. less than $30), then definitely go for it.
It is a 5% increase. More if you OC it. With luck, it should be near 280 levels oc'ed.
ya I live in canada but wth shippign it shouldnt be more than $30.

The card is 27 days old, im not sure what the step-up window is (90 days or 120)

s yes all I would be paying is shipping, problem is I dont really have the $200 it would cost to go to a GTX280 but I dont want my step-up to go to waiste, is there any new nvidia cards coming out soon?
Maybe a new highest end 280X2. I think the 260 216 is going to be around for a few months at least.
I did the step-up since I paid $299 for my GTX 260 and the Core 216 is the same price so I paid about $10 total for shipping there and back. You get about 3-5 more FPS in Crysis (which is a lot when you only get 30-40 to begin with) but in total its about a 5%-8% performance increase.
FYI you can only step up once. Your stepped up card is not eligible for the program.

I reccomend wait till about a week or two from when your Step-up window is about to end, and then choose. You'll probably get a better card and a better deal.

No, if you clock them at the same speeds...a 192 vs. a core 216...your going to see about a 0-3 fps gain. An extra $110 for a 0 to 3 fps gain is not worth it. More importantly, you will not notice a performance increase when playing.
No, if you clock them at the same speeds...a 192 vs. a core 216...your going to see about a 0-3 fps gain. An extra $110 for a 0 to 3 fps gain is not worth it. More importantly, you will not notice a performance increase when playing.

I don't see where you got that $110 figure from, it's basically the price of shipping to step-up..
Ok, it's still not worth it...unless perhaps his current GTX260 doesn't OC very well, makes funny noises, etc. But if his GTX260 OCs well and is functioning fine...and he steps up and gets a gtx260 core 216 that doesn't OC worth the crap...he could end up with a slower card...and the step up could end up turning into a step down. Id wait a bit longer and go with a gtx280...
would a 70$ upgrade fee worth it? how much would you guys say the max you would spend to upgrade?
Ok, it's still not worth it...unless perhaps his current GTX260 doesn't OC very well, makes funny noises, etc. But if his GTX260 OCs well and is functioning fine...and he steps up and gets a gtx260 core 216 that doesn't OC worth the crap...he could end up with a slower card...and the step up could end up turning into a step down. Id wait a bit longer and go with a gtx280...

This is exactly my issue. My vanilla 260 is rock solid and cool at 725/1450/1250. My step-up runs out in 8 days and I'd be looking at $5 shipping for the step-up. I'm SO worried I might get a bum 216 that won't OC to where I'm at now.... I'd be hella pissed.

And honestly for $150, the step-up to a 280 is NOT worth it either... It think I've just gotta eat this one and let the step-up run out.....
This is exactly my issue. My vanilla 260 is rock solid and cool at 725/1450/1250. My step-up runs out in 8 days and I'd be looking at $5 shipping for the step-up. I'm SO worried I might get a bum 216 that won't OC to where I'm at now.... I'd be hella pissed.

And honestly for $150, the step-up to a 280 is NOT worth it either... It think I've just gotta eat this one and let the step-up run out.....

I'm in the same exact boat. I have 2 vanilla EVGA GTX260s that OC all day at 724/1484/1258 at 75% fan in Crysis. I have 5 days left on my step up. I have surfed the EVGA forum a lot lately trying to decide. I have seen four different threads where people have had problems or been less than satisfied with OCing their new 216 core cards. I realize that not all cards will perform the same, so as the saying goes, " A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. I'm sticking with what I have, it's not worth the approx $60 to step up. I couldn't be happier with the two cards I have, so It's not worth the risk IMHO. One other note is that I have yet to see any of these cards show up in EVGA's "Top Rigs" in the GTX260 section.