Computing’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories

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[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
PC Plus magazine has taken on the task of debunking some of computing’s greatest conspiracy theories. SETI, the bible and the government all made the list.

A conspiracy theory’s recipe is disarmingly simple: all you need is an occurrence, the suggestion of a dark cabal, a wilful disregard for evidence and a creative mind. Critically, however, once released the tale takes on a life of its own and begins galloping around the globe.
The best part about conspiracy theories is that all it takes to completely discredit one is to call it a conspiracy theory.
It says that the airbases and such as pixeleted.

Google Earth "Groom Lake" (area 51)
well, i'm not a tinfoil hatter, but i do like to read up on those theories because some of them are amusing. with basic understanding of the subject one can easily debunk these myths. like brute forcing a 128 bit or higher encryption. it's ridiculous unless you find a flaw in the implementation or you go and use social engineering to get the key.

however, you can never be too cautious. sure, it would be a pain to track people with rfid chips, but i think the article dismisses the importance to look out for your own privacy as if it the idea was laughable that you could be tracked. it might not be possible right now, but the technology is developing and sure as hell there are people/organizations that want this technology to be reality.
i just had my semi-regular discussion about our moon landing. its no joke that at least 1 in 10 people believe we never landed on the moon.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth:

One of the earliest engineering analysis ( MIT engineering analysis ):

Dick Cheney gave stand-down orders:

History of covert CIA actions from ex-CIA operatives:

Inside the CIA: On Company Business

ET's, Free Energy, The Disclosure Project:
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Lol, I love when the crackheads post this shit. Always good for a laugh.


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth:

One of the earliest engineering analysis ( MIT engineering analysis ):

Dick Cheney gave stand-down orders:

History of covert CIA actions from ex-CIA operatives:

Inside the CIA: On Company Business

ET's, Free Energy, The Disclosure Project:
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Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth:

One of the earliest engineering analysis ( MIT engineering analysis ):

Dick Cheney gave stand-down orders:

History of covert CIA actions from ex-CIA operatives:

Inside the CIA: On Company Business

ET's, Free Energy, The Disclosure Project:


911 was without doubt an inside job, anyone that thinks it was not is either ignorant, or worse, dumb as fuck.

Lol, I love when the crackheads post this shit. Always good for a laugh.

Proof shown above. This guy is full of BS in 8 out of 10 of his posts. Always making little sense but naming calling galore.


There has been so many obvious factors as to the staging of this, but yet, the dumb fuck people always want to down play or dismiss anything they can't mentally grasp.
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Some of those it seems they just made up. I'm not familiar with most of those, maybe I'm too normal.
actually its not all that hard to track every living human being on the planet. with chip implants and the gps network and a receiving network or not. some cleaverly designed information buffers and 2 supercomputers/clusters with just cpus... and you could do it..
i mean think about how fast your cpu is running at its a quad core/dual core... and on its own.
I wouldnt call myself a conspiracy theorist, but strange things happen. As a believer in science I can say we have proof of things today that in as little as 15 years ago people would have called science-fiction. It gets harder and harder everyday to disregard fanciful ideas. In a couple years you're going to be wearing T-shirts which change color and display logos at the click of a sleeve thanks to OLED technology which is slowly replacing LCD as it gets easier to produce.

I don't think the article was very indepth but at least it was bi-partisan. The google earth thing was a big duuuuuh.
You 911 nut jobs still are out there and keeping the flames alive huh?
US government set up Facebook spy network

The Theory: DARPA (the US government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) used funding to help set up Facebook so that it could use it to collect information on citizens.

DARPA’s former Information Awareness Office stated that its aim was to collect as much information as possible on everyone. Funding was cut following protests by civil rights activists, but it has been suggested that Facebook now fulfils these aims at no cost to the American taxpayer.

PC Plus analysis: There can be no better conspiracy theory than one in which the US government is the alleged antagonist, because one thing’s for sure: these guys don’t kiss and tell. On the face of it, the theory seems plausible, but we’d have to question the point of it – dissident US citizens surely wouldn’t be so stupid as to use the social-networking site as a hub for terrorist activity, and we doubt that the White House is interested in pictures documenting just how trashed college students got during Spring Break. Surely the CIA has developed better ways of collecting information on the people that it’s interested in by now.

I don't know, YouTube and Facebook has been the hub of a lot of recent crime reports lately. Remember the 160mph Audi teen driver? Sure they're not terrorists, but I'm just saying people ARE stupid enough to post their criminal activities online.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth:

One of the earliest engineering analysis ( MIT engineering analysis ):

Dick Cheney gave stand-down orders:

History of covert CIA actions from ex-CIA operatives:

Inside the CIA: On Company Business

ET's, Free Energy, The Disclosure Project:


911 was without doubt an inside job, anyone that thinks it was not is either ignorant, or worse, dumb as fuck.

Proof shown above. This guy is full of BS in 8 out of 10 of his posts. Always making little sense but naming calling galore.


There has been so many obvious factors as to the staging of this, but yet, the dumb fuck people always want to down play or dismiss anything they can't mentally grasp.

rofl thanks for the laugh guys.
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rofl thanks for the laugh guys.

Night, Night... G back to sleep. Bye


I take it you haven't researched a damn thing about it though. There is now way you would call us crazy. I think you're crazy to think it happened only because some bearded flip-flop wearing camel driving guys drove planes into buildings, that were designed to allow planes to drive into them while only causing little damage.The building turned into dust as it fell on T.V.

Are you deaf, dumb, blind?

But seriously, just watch the fucking movie below. If you don't have some doubt after then go wait for Santa Claus to come down your chimney.
You mean the buildings designed to withstand an impact from a plane smaller then the ones that flew into them?

The Boeing 707 had a maximum takeoff mass for 300,000lbs. The Boeing 747 has a maximum takeoff weight of 970,000lbs. That is more then 3 times the impact the building was designed to take.

Furthermore, the impact didn't destroy the building. The weight of the plane on the floors combined with the heat softening the steel lead to a progressive structural collapse where each floor gave way as the viscoelastic dampeners that supported the floor were overloaded from the weight of the above floors crashing down on them.

I love how you accuse others of being ignorant while you spew random crap from some half-wit's rants without bothering to do any research.
Night, Night... G back to sleep. Bye


I take it you haven't researched a damn thing about it though. There is now way you would call us crazy. I think you're crazy to think it happened only because some bearded flip-flop wearing camel driving guys drove planes into buildings, that were designed to allow planes to drive into them while only causing little damage.The building turned into dust as it fell on T.V.

Are you deaf, dumb, blind?

But seriously, just watch the fucking movie below. If you don't have some doubt after then go wait for Santa Claus to come down your chimney.

Well I am deaf, but I'll let that slide.

I saw a lot of conspiracy shows on various television channels and read a bunch on internet sites. They're all amusing to say the least. I suppose you're also going to agree that the $20 bill is another proof of the government involvement in 9/11.

I'm trying to be nice here, but you're making me laugh.
You mean the buildings designed to withstand an impact from a plane smaller then the ones that flew into them?

The Boeing 707 had a maximum takeoff mass for 300,000lbs. The Boeing 747 has a maximum takeoff weight of 970,000lbs. That is more then 3 times the impact the building was designed to take.

Furthermore, the impact didn't destroy the building. The weight of the plane on the floors combined with the heat softening the steel lead to a progressive structural collapse where each floor gave way as the viscoelastic dampeners that supported the floor were overloaded from the weight of the above floors crashing down on them.

I love how you accuse others of being ignorant while you spew random crap from some half-wit's rants without bothering to do any research.

Not to mention that the plane took off from a nearby airport with a full tank of fuel which didn't help the situation much.
Can you guys take your 911 conspiracy theories elswhere?

Calling people names on the internet becuase they have a different opinion is not going to change anything, and neither is trying to convince somone with facts, so take it to a board that cares.
Either that or bring it back to computers.