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  1. D

    Stuck on 754!! What to do?

    or buy some stuff, use ebay for the 754 stuff...still get decent cash for it.
  2. D

    X2, how I love you so!

    Do it man...:) loving mine... :eek:
  3. D

    Socket AM2 Club!

    I am in now! 4200+ on Biostar TForce... I have a question...right now i have the 2x512 in my board. Will I still run at 1T and full speed if i drop into the board another 2x512?
  4. D

    Stuck on 754!! What to do?

    I was the same...sig not updated yet :) I went with 4200+ Am2 with a Biostar board and some OCZ ram. I also took the opputunity for a new fortron power supply too. Im overclocked a wee bit too and I am really happy with the upgrade. I am not gaming nearly as much as i did before, so the...
  5. D

    Need suggestion for X2 upgrade

    What about getting a Biostar board with the 6100 onboard...just a thought. Its roughly the same as the asrock board...then get a 7600 GT sooner rather than later...
  6. D

    Love your socket 754?

    I got mine two days ago via I just around to swapping out the Newcastle. Running no probelms at 10X250... Go 754!
  7. D

    Oem Athlon 64 3000+ & ECS Nforce3-A combo 129+ S\H (no rebates)

    yay...venice...go socket 754
  8. D

    Oem Athlon 64 3000+ & ECS Nforce3-A combo 129+ S\H (no rebates)

    the dfi i have works great. I fiddled around with the 2600+ and had it running 8x300 no probelms...just drop the HTT to 3x instead.
  9. D

    Oem Athlon 64 3000+ & ECS Nforce3-A combo 129+ S\H (no rebates)

    Ah...ya, I just want to swap out my newcastle cpu with this one. Yay...time to play around with something new. Do the 754 venice's have the ~230 limit for mem too?
  10. D

    Oem Athlon 64 3000+ & ECS Nforce3-A combo 129+ S\H (no rebates)

    ANother simple question...I wanna put this in my DFI board. Will i need a bios flash for this cpu type?
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    FS: My whole Gaming Collection (I have everything; XBOX, PS2, PC, Gamecube)

    Bump for the greatest game of all time for Genesis... NHL94! Man, that game was the life of parties back in the day.
  12. D

    Fs: Ati X800xl

  13. D

    Game says my proc has 1.1gh when it doesnt?!?!?!

    I had this same thing happen with a friend of mine. He is complaining about his XP and how it doesn't keep up anymore... I went over to his place and found that he had been running his 2500+ at the 11*100 for over a year :) Needless to say, i set it properly for him and voila...instant...
  14. D

    A64 3000+ To Sempron 64 3400+ Worth It?

    What about just upgrading to a 6600 GT. Its quite a bit faster then a x700...ATI after all is coming out with a x800 GT. Have you thought about overclocking? A newcastle should get you up to 2.3 from 2.0 without any probs
  15. D

    Love your socket 754?

    3100+ aren't locked. I think the cheaper ones like 2600 and 2800 are multi locked and don't have the CnQ either. This might have changed on the newer sempys though.
  16. D

    Love your socket 754?

    Must get 1 more... :D
  17. D

    Love your socket 754?

    Im messing around with a 2600+ sempron right now. This little CPU OCs like a mofo. I need to get me another DFI board and update the wifey rig with this CPU. 8x275 so far and running Prime for a couple hours now. Is there some trick to increasing the volts on a sempy? I thought I did...
  18. D

    [H]OT! X800XTPE AGP $206.10

    Nice job guys...! I wish I got in on this one... :cool:
  19. D

    Overclock or Upgrade?

    67 makes the locks kick in.
  20. D

    Overclock or Upgrade?

    I swapped out my K8N-E for the DFI board and I am currently running at 2.4 ghz on stock voltage. My cpu is CBAUC 04 20 just an fyi. I am not sure how much difference there is in the 3400+ Newcastle compared to the 3700+ Claw...same clockspeed, but the claw has the 1 meg cache. Have you...
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    [H]OT! X800XTPE AGP $206.10

    Am I missing something? I click the link and I see X800 Pro AGP, not the XT PE
  22. D

    Love your socket 754?

    What kind of overclock do folks usually get out of their NC 3400+? I am currently at a 3000+ with a pretty good OC and was debating swapping cpus just for fun...
  23. D

    3000+ or 3200+ Venice core?

    Get the 3200, 10 multi is nice to have..
  24. D

    Get Off Heatsink! Oh, there goes the pins.

    That's funny...I have done that a couple times with my 754 cpu. The bastard CPU stuck to the heatsink really tightly. I found that I have to wiggle the heatsink just slightly and it came off pretty easily the last time, but...
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    Is your graphics card AGP or PCI Express in your main PC?

    AGP...dumped my 6600 GT after it died and got the x800xl
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    Love your socket 754?

    I am still using the 3/31 bios...I haven't kept up to see if anything was added or fixed, etc.
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    Love your socket 754?

    Which bios do you guys use on your DFI board?
  28. D

    Windows Vista Beta 1 on MSDN I will have to check it out later on...
  29. D

    Doom Movie Teaser Available From IGN

    Eh, it looks good to me. I am actually kinda surprised by the trailers. I liked the fact that their guns have a light on them... ;) If its got beasts guns and darkness...i'll watch
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    Love your socket 754?

    Thank you, thank you...i friggen hate the 4 pin location on DFI board. I got an xconnect power supply and try fitting the connector on there with the "ultra" boot around the cord. :p Needless to say I used a pair of pliers and got that plastic casing off in a flash and managed to guide the...
  31. D

    Good Program That tells you how hot everything is?

    Quite a bit actually...its worth the coin. There are a bunch of new benchmark utils built in, a bunch of different temperature displays, etc. From their site.... For home office users and PC enthusiasts, EVEREST Ultimate Edition 2005 offers a long list of new features that build on...
  32. D

    Love your socket 754?

    Im in...been a 754 lover since 07 2004 and still going... :cool: Man, I have used a lot of "work" time reading thru this thread.
  33. D

    Good Program That tells you how hot everything is?

    Everest Home or Ultimate edition.