Love your socket 754?

Swhweeeet. Someone translate those model numbers. There isn't any mention of which process these are made from, but for those prices, I'm guessing they're finding a way to sell early, slow .65's until the new fabs can make lots of fast ones.
X2 Turion should be quite interesting.

I just got offline with Newegg and ordered the new 3200+ Venice. Their price dropped to $149 so I decided to pop for it. It may go lower - time will tell - but at least its cheaper than the intro price of $164. I can't wait to get it and put it through its paces. :D
its gotta be talk of a secret socket. and they put em in the same boat as the regular Turion on the AMD site.
don't make me slap you. same for you tsue. you both know about S1, as we've discussed it several times ;)
Volkswagen said:
good luck with the 3200+ Venice :)
Thanks - I've been Jonesing for this little cpu for quite awhile now. I'm hoping the 3400+ E3 core Venice won't be far behind.
I have the 3400+ Newcastle and i primed it coupe times @ 2600mhz but I didnt see any difference in real world performance besides a temp increase :rolleyes: I was thinking about the 3200+ Venice and even if it does 2700mhz I dont think I will see a big difference in performace.....I'll just wait for AM2 or Conroe and see how that goes and prob upgrade sometime next year since my rig will be 3 years old :cool:
Volkswagen said:
I have the 3400+ Newcastle and i primed it coupe times @ 2600mhz but I didnt see any difference in real world performance besides a temp increase :rolleyes: I was thinking about the 3200+ Venice and even if it does 2700mhz I dont think I will see a big difference in performace.....I'll just wait for AM2 or Conroe and see how that goes and prob upgrade sometime next year since my rig will be 3 years old :cool:
Yeah - probably a good idea. I'm just goofy I guess for staying with s754 but it does everything I need to do so I just stick with it. My work system is a s754 3700+ Clawhammer which does ok - but my 3000+ Venice at home runs just as fast.
I really notice a speed increase when I go to 289x9 on the 3000+ Venice. I use the DDR333 ram divider and it speeds up the ram as opposed to the 260x10 at DDR333. It is noticeably quicker booting up and loading apps.
Conroe/AM2 is without doubt the way to go. Dual core is here to stay and it won't be long until K8L quad cores hit the market (maybe about another year). I'm gonna be left behind but for what I use my computers for it won't matter a whole lot to me. I just think its fun to tweak and pass on the reviews.
BitchBreaker said:
ewwwww...CG for teh suck! Did any body here ever buy 1 of the 4000+ chip's id like to see some info on them..

See sig! ;)

Built as of 05/17/06 on a budget of $700 USD / Already had PVR & HD

EVEREST Home Edition :

CPU Properties:
CPU Type - Mobile , 2600 MHz (13 x 200)
CPU Alias - San Diego S754
CPU Stepping - SH-E5
Instruction Set - x86, x86-64, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
Min / Max CPU Multiplier - 4x / 13x
L1 Code Cache - 64 KB (Parity)
L1 Data Cache - 64 KB (ECC)
L2 Cache - 1 MB (On-Die, ECC, Full-Speed)
Pkirk618 said:
nice looong sig.


Nice short sig! 100% feedback eh? You must be proud! :eek:

Anyhow, back to being constructive and helpfull *cough*...

No, haven't OC'ed the CPU yet. Having played around with the 4000+ Newark for almost 48 hours now, it feels every bit as responsive and fast as the 3700+ San Diego S939 it just replaced in my former setup. I'm quite happy with my purchase and love the fact that my new SFF comp is like night and day when it comes to being silent comparred to S939 Crossfire system it just replaced and I don't feel like I've lost any performance in the process either!
Volkswagen said:

LMK how that 3200+ Venice does ;)
You can be assured of that. I just got it in today at around 2:00 this afternoon. Its sitting right here on my desk at work just chomping at the bit to get into my Abit NV8 mobo at home. This is gonne be fun...
Light, at least see how high of a screenshot you can get on stock vcore. ;) Just for some sort of reference on that bad boy.

I was going to wait to see who won but I'll go ahead and post prelim results.
The new 3200+ Venice is installed and running. I used AS Ceramique thermal paste - as always - and here are some very preliminary numbers. I have maxed the system so far to:
245x11=2.695 with ram out of the picture on the DDR200 divider. Vcore was set to 1.66v and Hypertransport bus was set to 3X.
Temps were 37 idle and anywhere from 54C-56C under full load. I ran Prime95 only for the 1st set of torture tests (about 15 min.) and it passed. It would not pass at 1.62v or 1.64v.

The 3000+ Venice ran cooler at the same voltage by about 2C but maybe it will cool down some when the Creamique has time to settle in. Iwas really hoping for 260x11 but it does not appear that I will get anywhere near there. I need to check it out under the 10x and 9x multi's but I'm still experiencing the strange cold boot (or should I say non-cold boot) problem I was experiencing before. Above a certain cpu frequency (in the case of the 3200+ Venice, 245x11) it won't boot up after powering down completely. I tried all my tricks and it still seems to me to be a ram timing issue. I set it for DDR333 2.5-3-3-8 2T and it still would not cold boot. Its strange. With the 3000+ the threshold was 260x10. At any rate I can always adjust the cpu frequency after booting up at a lower frequency/multi, but its just a bit of a hassle.
I'll post some pics once I have everything all settled in. Right now I'm running at 240x11=2.64 @1.62v, ram at DDR333 2.5-3-3-8 with command rate set to auto (most likely 2T but I'll have to check). It won't cold boot at DDR400 but will warm boot there so I'll have to reset and run Superpi 1M and see what I get.
Needless to say I'm a little disappointed, but I still have the 10x and 9x multi's to try out. Hopefully I'll find the "sweet spot" real soon. :D
Nice short sig! 100% feedback eh? You must be proud! :eek:

Anyhow, back to being constructive and helpfull *cough*...

dude, your sig was too long--maybe I should have just spelled it out to you. :eek:

but u now already know that don't you? jeesh.
Hell Yeah!! 754 for life!! (or until I can afford to move to AM2)

I got an EPoX EP-8NPA SLI running a 3200+ Newcastle. It works fine for me!! and I appear to barely be CPU limited with my 7800GT SLI setup.

So yeah, add me to the club list please!
Welcome aboard!
I just ran a new test on my skt 754 3200+ Venice last night.
System settings:
300x9 @ 1.68v
HTT bus speed 2x
HTT voltage: +12%
nForce 4 chipset voltage: 1.65v
Vdimm: 3.2v + 30mv
Timings: 3-3-3-8 2T
C'N'Q off
Idle temp: 37C
Load temp under Prime 95: 56C (low 53.5, high 57 - low temp seen multiple times; high temp seen only once. Most times it was 55.5-56C.
After testing I played almost 2 hours of Hlaf-Life Deathmatch with no problems whatsoever so now I'll be starting to test long term stability with Prime95. I'll also get some screenshots of Superpi (36 sec), Sisandra and 3DMark03 just for kicks.
I got mine two days ago via I just around to swapping out the Newcastle. Running no probelms at 10X250...

Go 754!
BigMacAttack said:
Welcome aboard!
I just ran a new test on my skt 754 3200+ Venice last night.
System settings:
300x9 @ 1.68v
HTT bus speed 2x
HTT voltage: +12%
nForce 4 chipset voltage: 1.65v
Vdimm: 3.2v + 30mv
Timings: 3-3-3-8 2T
C'N'Q off
Idle temp: 37C
Load temp under Prime 95: 56C (low 53.5, high 57 - low temp seen multiple times; high temp seen only once. Most times it was 55.5-56C.
After testing I played almost 2 hours of Hlaf-Life Deathmatch with no problems whatsoever so now I'll be starting to test long term stability with Prime95. I'll also get some screenshots of Superpi (36 sec), Sisandra and 3DMark03 just for kicks.

temps and volts are kind of high for venice. When I had my venice I ran it at the same v and clocks though, but I had it on water so i loaded at around 42c. AFAIK anything over 55c is dangerous for amd's 90nm
It doesn't seem to affect it too badly, I guess long-yerm exposure will tell. Right now I'm at 246x11 @ 1.66v; ram at 2.5-3-3-8 2T @ 3.10v + 30mv; HTT 3x. nForce4 chipset at 1.65v HTT bus at +12% voltage. I'm running 2t ATM just to check on stability and so far it is rock solid. Temps only get in the mid-upper 50's during Prime95 runs. Superpi is a bit slow at 37 secs but that's ok as long as it is game stable, which it has been so far.
I got my 3000+ to 290x10 stable kina easily, maybe its just a different chip with different clock structure, but I got things pretty stable at about 1.55v . I could push it to around 1.7v but then it would be risky. After 293, there were only mediocre gains with high volt ramping.
Emission said:
I got my 3000+ to 290x10 stable kina easily, maybe its just a different chip with different clock structure, but I got things pretty stable at about 1.55v . I could push it to around 1.7v but then it would be risky. After 293, there were only mediocre gains with high volt ramping.
It kills me that just about everyone else get their chips up to astronomic oc's on such low voltage when every chip I get has to be jolted so hard. I wish I could get mine up there, for sure. That's a great oc Emission, my 3000 tooped out at about 2.65-2.7 on 1.68-1.7v here in my Abit NV8 and it got to 2.6 on my Asus K8N4-E Deluxe. Which mobo and ram are you running?

Oh - and BTW - congrats darc! It will go higher if you want to push it a little. Keep playing with it.

Well, good news. I adjusted the divider to DDR466 and it now runs a lot better. I had to go to 3-3-3-8 2T for stability but it ran Superpi 1M in 34 seconds. It is a lot faster loading web pages and programs too. I tried 1T at the above settings but it would hang on POST so its back to 2T. I have the system at 246x11 2.706 ghz ATM and it is fast and smooth - and "only" 1.66v, too. ;)
I finaly finished rebuilding and tweaking my rig :D the new specs are as follows:

Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle s754 @ 2.5GHz
1GB PC3200 Crucal RAM @ DDR 500
EPoX brand nForce 4 SLI motherboard
GeForce 7600GT (256mb) @ 615MHz Core / 1.66GHz Mem

Thank god this new motherboard has PCI lock, I could only overclock my old one so far before my hard disks crapped out. The Processor is at 0.05v over stock voltage, not bad for a newcastle at 2.5GHz. The ram has me worried, allthough I did get this stick to run at DDR500, it took 3.2v...and I'm not sure how safe that is when the only cooling the ram has is the draft from my Big Typhoon looming over the lone 1GB stick...

As for my 3D Mark score, its taken a nice jump over my old AGP 6600GT. With the 7600GT running at 615MHz core and 1.66GHz on its ram, I score 6517 Points in 3DMark 05!

The Parts Came!A Nexus Fanbus (with cold cathodes), EPoX EP-8NPA SLI, 7600GT, Wire Sleeving, and a 20 to 24 pin adapter for my PSU :p

Ripping into the boxes (the mess got even bigger after I tore apart the old workings). If you look close enough, you can see my old 6600GT (that can do 600/1200) with a Zalman cooler on it. That same Zalman is now on my 7600GT and still giving me an insane overclock. hehe.

Old motherboard, an ASRock K8-Upgrade. The poor thing never got to run with its socket 939 doughterboard (/me sheds a tear), but what use is an X2 when your stuck with AGP?

EPoX board Installed, no comment on the lackluster wire management (I fixed it later and sleeved everything BTW):

Finished (Flash on) Wow, the flash makes the front look like crap...dang fingerprints:

Finished (Flash Off)
Awe damnit. I got a semp at 325x8. It's my sisters PC, so I never bugged around with it to much, but I bet I could get that HTT a bit higher. Maybe I will fart around with it tomorrow.
Viper87227 said:
Awe damnit. I got a semp at 325x8. It's my sisters PC, so I never bugged around with it to much, but I bet I could get that HTT a bit higher. Maybe I will fart around with it tomorrow.

All you need is 331 to get into the top10. ;)

tsuehpsyde said:
All you need is 331 to get into the top10. ;)

I am sure I could get that no problem, just need to find some time. Sister doesnt like me fucking with her PC... so I have to do it whilst shes out.
Viper87227 said:
Awe damnit. I got a semp at 325x8. It's my sisters PC, so I never bugged around with it to much, but I bet I could get that HTT a bit higher. Maybe I will fart around with it tomorrow.

what board do you have that sempron on? i had trouble with my 250gb at those high htt speeds as the chipset loved to get way too hot. i fixed that up with a new chipset sink though.
grahamf said:
what board do you have that sempron on? i had trouble with my 250gb at those high htt speeds as the chipset loved to get way too hot. i fixed that up with a new chipset sink though.

biostar tforce
BigMacAttack said:
Very nice 05 mark!
Thanks! I picked the 7600GT because it was fairly cheap and could get me through untill I could afford something better, but after useing it I dont think I'll need anything better for a while now. Oblivion runs flawlessly, and I can turn up the settings in just about all my other games to the max :eek: . Quake 4 and Doom 3 are great, NFS:Most Wanted is flawless, and anything older gets 16x AA and 16X AA just because I can :p

Thank god I bought a 19 inch monitor (1280x1024) instead of a 20.1 inch (1600x1200), I dont need duel 7900's to keep oblivion above 10fps :p
The newer gen video cards have loads of power. As you can see from my sig I still have an ATI X800Pro PCI-e card. Its a VIVO card so I can flash it if I want and take it to X800XT/PE speeds, but if I do I'll need a better cooling solution. I don't play anything besides HL and HL2 so it does great for me ATM. I just ran my personal best 3DMark03 score today - 12,554. I'll have to load 05 and see what it does now. Mostly its just in the 3500 range in 05 if I remember correctly. Return to Proxycon used to put a hurt on the cpu but I'd be interested to see how it does now with the oc and mem settings I'm running.