Socket AM2 Club!

Wiretap, that M2N32's heatpipe won't work too well upside down. Keep an eye on the temps.
saturnine2 said:
Wiretap, that M2N32's heatpipe won't work too well upside down. Keep an eye on the temps.
Myth. The heat travels "in" the heatpipes via conduction. (solids) Conduction doesn't care about gravity or orientation. It will travel just as well downward as it does upward or sideways. I put the optional fan on where the heat exchanger fins are. Temps are fine.
ThatsAgood1jay said:
wiretap. i hope your gonna mod a window into that pcv1000. That setup is too bitching to not be seen.
It has a window... lol. Sorry, those pix really didn't show it. Here's a video and another pic.

If you need a password for the video, the password is "turbo" (without the quotes of course).

w1retap said:
Myth. The heat travels "in" the heatpipes via conduction. (solids) Conduction doesn't care about gravity or orientation. It will travel just as well downward as it does upward or sideways. I put the optional fan on where the heat exchanger fins are. Temps are fine.
Ahh, didn't know that. It said in the manual not to have it upside down, but glad to hear it works. Very nice setup btw ;)
ThatsAgood1jay said:
did you do teh window mod yourself? or was it a custom case?
Window came with the case. Lian Li V1000B Plus with side window.
I don't have my receipt handy but I can provide it if necessary.

Notice the model? ^_____^


Mine is a prerelease chip here is the pic, I also have a semperon am2 chip :)



5000+ X2
2800+ Semperon
I am in now! 4200+ on Biostar TForce...

I have a question...right now i have the 2x512 in my board. Will I still run at 1T and full speed if i drop into the board another 2x512?
Very early screenies.... and not just becasue it's so late... uh early...
I'm going to be so tired 4 work... :(

I need some G.Skills or some TG's. But mem too pricey...
Please add a 3500+ also to my profile, I recently aquired one for my HTPC :)
i just go an am2 3200+ sempron for the wife with a gig of 533 and my old rs485m-m motherboard.

this stuff is cheap like borscht!
Proud new member, check my sig. i can provide a screencap cuz even I still can't believe i got those ram timings with cheap $70 1gb sticks of G.Skill
To the 2 guys above this post: Screen Cap or Picture of the boxes before I can approve you. And I added the AM2 Opterons to the processor list.
ThatsAgood1jay said:
im already a member. i just wanted to infrom the club of opterpwns on am2.
Yeah I know, typo on my part. But thanks for the heads up. I updated the list and updated all the processors to their page on newegg.
Leon2ky said:
Yeah I know, typo on my part. But thanks for the heads up. I updated the list and updated all the processors to their page on newegg.

Yay, I get to be part of the club! I'm so proud of my lil' 4400+, it rocks so hard at 2.4Ghz. Such a little OC but it means a lot to me!
Well I got my X2 3800+ in today. So put me down for one of those as well. Here's a screenie of the preliminary OC. The 7800GTX is in 2d mode, I have it running at 525 on the GPU core for 3d.

I was plainning on getting an Asus M2N-E with a X2 3800+ because it's cheaper than Conroe, but the Asus M2N-E is supposed to be a terrible board. So now I don't know what to do...
Max Power said:
I was plainning on getting an Asus M2N-E with a X2 3800+ because it's cheaper than Conroe, but the Asus M2N-E is supposed to be a terrible board. So now I don't know what to do...
Terrible board? Says whom?
Leon2ky said:
Updated, you need to update your CPU-Z :).

Eh... I don't use it enough to really care about updating it lol. The only time it's open is when I get new parts.
I'm having the hardest time deciding on a motherboard and ram but any criticism is nice! If this is not the appropriate place to post please let me know.
Asus M2N-SLI DELUXE nForce 570 SLI
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000
Thermaltake Kandalf VD4000BWS
eVGA Geforce 7950GT 512MB
G.SKILL 2GB DDR2 800 PC2 6400
Raptor WD740ADFD 74GB Hard Drive
Hard Drive 250 Gig Seagate
Dual Layer DVD Burner
Hyper Type-R 580w Power
Here is the link on the case. This will be my first attempt at Water Cooling.
I suggest something other than g.skill for a asus bored. if it where a DFI G.skill would work. but ASUS has a fondness for corsair or ocz I would highly reccomend something from corsair or ocz.
As far as motherboard's go I'm willing to spend 300 to get one that is still stable but still Over Clocking good. I'm leery of the CrossHair and originally had it planned but I don't see any of the guys on here using it and I'm guessing that is for a reason. I've read some bad reviews and some good ones on it. As for the case I'm expecting some people will not agree with buying a case with water cooling already in it but to me it looks very good and seems like it would be sufficient for my needs. Basically looks and functionality are my main concern and with the radiator tucked in a discrete place and a sexy case like that I just can’t say no. I however may change out the parts in time but it will definitely be enough to get me started. Here is the review that makes me nervous and I googled with the same results. "Called customer support at ASUS got the usual runaround finally talked to a tech, and much to my surprise he couldn't help me but he did tell me that they are having a problem with the bios chips on these new boards. So he transferred me to a voice mail so i can order a new bios chip and a new beta version chip, i was also informed that i will have to pay for these chips! WAIT i have to pay for their screw up. Would not recommend this board to anybody Googled the board and found plenty of problems from other users. Piece of crap!!!!!!!"
shmitty said:
As far as motherboard's go I'm willing to spend 300 to get one that is still stable but still Over Clocking good. I'm leery of the CrossHair and originally had it planned but I don't see any of the guys on here using it and I'm guessing that is for a reason. I've read some bad reviews and some good ones on it. As for the case I'm expecting some people will not agree with buying a case with water cooling already in it but to me it looks very good and seems like it would be sufficient for my needs. Basically looks and functionality are my main concern and with the radiator tucked in a discrete place and a sexy case like that I just can’t say no. I however may change out the parts in time but it will definitely be enough to get me started.

I have a Crosshair, and no regrets. As long as you aren't using a 4600+, there shouldn't be a problem.
I'm trying to get the best bang for the buck out of my system and want to know what you guys think on these processor's, would it be better to get an X2 5000+ (2.60GHz,1MB, 1GHz Bus, Socket AM2) or to get X2 4600+ (2.4GHz, 1MB, 2GHz FSB, Socket AM2). I do plan to Oc and as you can see from above it will be water cooled. Thank you.
Went over to a AM2 system, and have to say kinda disappointed in the results so far. :(
Went from a Opty 170 @ 2.7 to this X2 3800 2.8, got to say I was expecting a little more out of this system :( I was hoping for 3.0 but now im gonig to have to decide, 2.7 @ 1.45, or 2.8 @ 1.52 Vcore. I would love to know where cpuz and speedfan are getting hte vcore compared to aibooster along with the m2ns annoying little reset bug :(

AM2 X2 3800
Asus M2N-sli
2x1GB Corsiar XMS DDR2 800
OCZ 600watt PSU

I added the AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ to the list of available processors.
count me in with a x2 3800

im not getting any higher o'cing because of my crappy ass samsung value ram that fails even being underclocked....

it works fine at [email protected] but wont go even 5 mhz up before failing to boot
i have to underclock it, but i wont go past 570 when overclocking with the divisor set ddr400 (with the cpu set at 9x)

thats why im waiting until i get better ram to see how far can i take it