Love your socket 754?

3100+ aren't locked. I think the cheaper ones like 2600 and 2800 are multi locked and don't have the CnQ either. This might have changed on the newer sempys though.
darc said:
3100+ aren't locked. I think the cheaper ones like 2600 and 2800 are multi locked and don't have the CnQ either. This might have changed on the newer sempys though.
I think all Rev. D are Multi-Locked/QnC-Locked.
baron. your a jerk. you know i cant go higher then 400. my mobo stops there. just wait for it though. my 9600XT is on its way, and is ready too p00n your 7800gtxyz hardcore.
(cf)Eclipse said:
hm, you weren't expecting that, you have a newer id number. now i gotta pull 433 out of my ass.. which might be hard given that the 2.0x multi still doesn't work :(

In the words of the UT announcer: DENIED.

GG though, dude. Get an nF4 board and try to take on my 450HTT.
I feel like I deserve a reward so I am going to spend some money on my computer. I know I am going to pick up a couple of 512mb sticks of the Crucial single sided memory. However, I am debating on what to do for a processor. I can't decide between the 3400+ or the 3700+. The 3400+ is $50 cheaper than the 3700, but the 3700 comes with a free biostar motherboard which I can turn and around and sell with my Sempron. What do you think?
first off, id get sticks of the double sided 512mb crucial sticks. and then pick up a new DFI and 3000+ DTR and sell your sempron and ePox board. that DFI and 3000+ DTR will probably hit 2.6-2.8ghz depending the chip.

im gonna buy LOADS of those ramsinks, im thinking 10 to 15 packs, and then sell em!
are the 3700+ Clawhammer's known to OC at all? I have one but the crazy RAM timmings and such associated with A64 have me holding back.
CRXican said:
I have one but the crazy RAM timmings and such associated with A64 have me holding back.
huh? just drop the ram divider :p

3700+'s should oc pretty well though. i'd expect 2.6-2.8ghz, depending on your luck and cooling
eh, I think I am going to just go with the 3700+. I am thinking that I could use the Biostar and the Sempron as hand-me-downs for my office computer. Either way, I was just looking for a quick drop in upgrade. I know its not as cost effective, but I think it'll work out better for me. I guess I am not as [H]ard as you guys.


Yay. On the way:

Retail 3700+
Cheapo Biostar Mobo
1 gig of Crucial
NEC 3540A (desperately needed)
Rosewill Optical Mouse
(cf)Eclipse said:
huh? just drop the ram divider :p

3700+'s should oc pretty well though. i'd expect 2.6-2.8ghz, depending on your luck and cooling
it's in a Shuttle so cooling is really the main concern

I'll see if I can figure out the ram divider thingy, currently I'm upset that my ram is running at 2T
oooh, fun. :D

just out of curiosity, how are you oc'ed right now?
also, what's your entire rig?
Nuc_E said:
eh, I think I am going to just go with the 3700+. I am thinking that I could use the Biostar and the Sempron as hand-me-downs for my office computer. Either way, I was just looking for a quick drop in upgrade. I know its not as cost effective, but I think it'll work out better for me. I guess I am not as [H]ard as you guys.


Yay. On the way:

Retail 3700+
Cheapo Biostar Mobo
1 gig of Crucial
NEC 3540A (desperately needed)
Rosewill Optical Mouse

You'll be happy with it. I recently did a similar upgrade. I can O/C to 2.6 although I don't even bother since it's really not noticably faster. The motherboard might not be the fanciest thing out but its incredibly stable and how can you argue with the price?
Whoa...this thread has grown. I havn't been around much the last month. Been working insanely and we also moved. Anything exciting happen while I was out? :)
diablo111 said:
Whoa...this thread has grown. I havn't been around much the last month. Been working insanely and we also moved. Anything exciting happen while I was out? :)

Tons of good stuff. Baron went to 939, then recently played with a very nice Sempr0n, and now plans on getting a mobile claw I believe....I, on the other hand, bought a 3000+ Venice from Baron and have an SLI-DR on the way. :( I feel bad, but I must find the top end of my memory without spending crazy money on a dang, it does 2.7GHz on 1.53v. That's just hawt. I'm excited. :D
and along with the 3 other officials, i have started working on a website geared towards overclockers:

but it's nowhere near done yet. baron is (should be at least :p) working on a writeup with his experiences with the sempr0n. i'm trying to get some hardware to test cause i haven't much of a budget at this point
Okay, it's time to discuss the enemy! :cool:

After dicking around all day and getting ahold of a PCI videocard worth half a damn so at least my desktop diddn't lag (GF4 MX420....yeah, it sucks pretty hard, plan on replacing it ASAP), I've spent the past few hours switchin' over to our 939 brethren.

My first notion about socket 939 is HOLY DAMN the NF4 chipset gets hot as all things hot. I cranked the fan to max speed under SmartGuardian to help cool it down. Loading prime right now, it's at 47C load...and before I did that, I noticed it at 49C when windows loaded, and 48C when it idled...and the fan would drop a little bit of speed, but not much. The only reason I paid attention was SmartGuardian had it in red like HOLY CRAP, ITS HOT sector. Mind you, this venice is at 42C 1.5v 2.6GHz prime95 for like a half hour, and AS5 was applied like 6 hours ago. After some research, I guess this excessive heat is I kinda wish I had the Abit cooler, because a passive cooler on this chipset is damn impressive, imo. :p

My second notation is, even though you have dual-channel memory, it doesn't make up the difference for the 1MB of cache. Now, right now, I'm priming 2.6GHz at 1.5v and it's going strong, and I'm running a 9/10 divider on my TCCD so it's at 250something 2.5-3-3 2.9v. I can probably drop that to 2.8v, but it can handle it and I'll switch it later. Either way, at 2.6GHz, it FINALLY feels about where my 2.4GHz single-channel claw was, and that was with 2-2-2 DDR400...and im at DDR510 or something at 2.5-3-3, so the difference there is bleh at most. But as far as power, my SuperPI is at 34.578, without closing anything (I think I was even priming lol) and before at 2.4GHz I did 37.5 or something. So speed wise, this processor is definately faster, but it doesn't "feel" that way when loading programs and such with 512k. Also, I can not only run two sticks ALOT higher (memtest'd 295MHz error free, but timings sucked). But one strange thing is, it seems dual-channel memory is ALOT more sensitive to memory, shit was breaking for no reason at DDR550 2.5-3-3, which my memory did a full memtest86+ pass on error free. But in Windows? Forget about it...acted all strange. Plus, 280 throws errors in memtest, so I'm on a divider atm. Probably gonna try for 2.7GHz in a bit, but don't feel like taxing the peak of anything yet, and I wanna make sure I can get at least one setting that feels decent and is 100% stable.

So, is 939 worth jumping ship? In all honestly, it's really not. The only viable reasons for going 939 would be either getting an X2 or if you're a benchmarker or want an FX chip for exreme overclocking/gaming. But as far as feel, 1MB of L2 feels alot smoother on single channel than 512k does on dual-channel....even if this baby does benchmark well (the main reason I switched over) I'll probably get a 3700+ or higher for my 1MB of cache back, because I can feel the difference, or possibly an X2 3800+.

So, the quick summary?

Socket 939:

- The Venice core runs extremely cool (even a non-E6 chip)
- Dual channel memory + enhanced memory controller (on non-mobile chips)
- Has the X2 line which looks very impressive
- Much stronger LDT

- Chipset runs hot even with active cooling
- 512k still feels like 512k even with dual channel.
- Memory more sensitive to overclocks
- $$$/Performance is a bit lower

But I still like the change of scenery and hopefully some higher benches once I get a 7800GTX in here. Just my thoughts, thought I'd toss 'em out there. Special thanks to baron, for without his harrassment about me taking too long to setup my 939 and selling me this Venice, this could not be possible. :D

Edit: After writing this, the chipset is back up to 49C after priming during all of that, even with the fan fully cranked. God I hate this dang chipset and it's Pentium4-like heat.
tsuehpsyde said:
My second notation is, even though you have dual-channel memory, it doesn't make up the difference for the 1MB of cache. Now, right now, I'm priming 2.6GHz at 1.5v and it's going strong, and I'm running a 9/10 divider on my TCCD so it's at 250something 2.5-3-3 2.9v. I can probably drop that to 2.8v, but it can handle it and I'll switch it later. Either way, at 2.6GHz, it FINALLY feels about where my 2.4GHz single-channel claw was
quotedfor emphasis :D

good work tsue
Note that any record he (tsuehpsyde) sets or breaks with this chip is soley my responsibility since I sold him the 3000+.