Get Off Heatsink! Oh, there goes the pins.


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2004
well heres the story..

I was trying to get a heatsink off my S747, and bam, te processor comes with it. Shit, I think as I look down, 2 pins are bent in on themselves. After trying to bend them back, both break. I think "Ok, Ima try something really ghetto" I try putting staples in the sockets. Long story short, they get shaved off when I re-attach the heatsink (ouch), and CPU still doesnt work.

Now my options. In the morn, I can get a soldering iron, hopefully attach some makeshift pins to meet the ones stuck in the board. A question here, can I detach the white socket to get the staples out? Anyway, basically Im scewed here, and dont really want to send it back to AMD, not that they would probably accept it anyway. I could upgrade, but seeing as my gfx card is a 9700.. It would be expensive.

Thoughts? Advice? Im so sad... :\
You must be a hell of a solderer to even dream of getting those pins back on right. Good luck anyways.
s747? :confused: Yeah, you should be able to take the white plastic socket off, I did with a 370 board before.
RabidRodents said:
well heres the story..

I was trying to get a heatsink off my S747, and bam, te processor comes with it. Shit, I think as I look down, 2 pins are bent in on themselves. After trying to bend them back, both break. I think "Ok, Ima try something really ghetto" I try putting staples in the sockets. Long story short, they get shaved off when I re-attach the heatsink (ouch), and CPU still doesnt work.

Now my options. In the morn, I can get a soldering iron, hopefully attach some makeshift pins to meet the ones stuck in the board. A question here, can I detach the white socket to get the staples out? Anyway, basically Im scewed here, and dont really want to send it back to AMD, not that they would probably accept it anyway. I could upgrade, but seeing as my gfx card is a 9700.. It would be expensive.

Thoughts? Advice? Im so sad... :\

You tried putting staples into the socket.. :eek:
Isnt there some guy on the board that fixes broken pins. etc.. Ill try to find the post..
But good luck.. :(
The site you're referring to is , but they're down (or gone) at the moment. I have enough for new parts, but damn, I feel like I broke the stupid barrier. The staple mod was fun until it, well, didnt work. I'll try getting the staples out, and then sending the proc into that website if it isnt gone. Otherwise, great excuse to upgrade...
I installed XP~90C tonight on my X2 4400+. the HSF wouldn't budge at first, so I gently applied more pressure on both sides. It came off, with the CPU. I almost wet myself since I thought my $600 CPU was gone, but fortunately there was no damage at all. The HSF was REALLY stuck to the CPU, air tight. The only way to get it off was to scratch off the thermal compound at the edges to let some air inside, then it came off easily. First time this happened to me, hope it's last.
Alot of Dell P4 motherboards have that problem. To get the HSF off you must first twist the HSF both directions like opening the lid of a jar. This will break the seal in a safe way. Once the seal breaks then you are good to go. Oh and Staples != Gold Wiring.
... staple mod? jeez the processor's pin is made of gold which give out good electrical conduction. However, y would u use staple with different kind of metal which isn't very conductive like the gold? Well solderin is the only option lol, but i would recommend u to buy new cpu or RMA ur cpu.

next time twist twist twist twist a little bit then pull it out and no problem at all. :)
MiXdNuTs said:
Alot of Dell P4 motherboards have that problem.
I have done that once on my friend's puter, but still workin since i didn't break off any pin yet lol. :p
If it doesnt work DO NOT RMA IT!

It is people that RMA stuff that it was their own fault that drive prices up. If it was your fault - then suck it up and buy a new processor. You can use your 9700 with a s939 chip (read my sig)

Please, dont make chips more expensive for us!
MiXdNuTs said:
Alot of Dell P4 motherboards have that problem. To get the HSF off you must first twist the HSF both directions like opening the lid of a jar. This will break the seal in a safe way. Once the seal breaks then you are good to go. Oh and Staples != Gold Wiring.

I found that out at work last year. I was pulling a Xeon to put into another Dell workstation for SMP and this happened. One pin came off in the process. All I did was drop the broken pin down into the correct hole and put the Xeon back down on top of it and it worked fine since neither can go anywhere.
I didn't read every message here. But, I read that it's useful to TWIST the heatsink before raising it.
In your case, would that have made a difference?
I seem to remember having pulled out the CPU with the HSF on a machine once, but I think I'd remember it a hell of a lot better had it caused any damage. Sounds like you were just supremely unlucky.

As for the RMA issue, one could argue that it's not entirely his fault, and that the manufacturer is somewhat to blame for creating a system in which the HSF can pull out the CPU right out of the socket. I have no reason to believe that he did anything but a textbook HSF installation and attempted removal-- so who's to blame for the bad luck? User circumstances or design flaw?
Did that once to a SocketA Athlon... pins were made of sterner stuff back then though.
John G. said:
I seem to remember having pulled out the CPU with the HSF on a machine once, but I think I'd remember it a hell of a lot better had it caused any damage. Sounds like you were just supremely unlucky.

As for the RMA issue, one could argue that it's not entirely his fault, and that the manufacturer is somewhat to blame for creating a system in which the HSF can pull out the CPU right out of the socket. I have no reason to believe that he did anything but a textbook HSF installation and attempted removal-- so who's to blame for the bad luck? User circumstances or design flaw?

I would have been pretty pissed at AMD if mine was indeed damaged though, since I was very careful when removing the HSF and there was no way to tell the CPU was stuck, I just thought the HSF was probably stuck to the bracket somewhere. But after this thread, I'll make sure to do the twist thing from now on.
I took a pin off my 939 venice. It was a completely clean break, the pin was just left in the socket when I took the CPU out, probably a defect. My plan is to use silver epoxy to re-do the pin, it shouldn't be too hard, and a hell of a lot easier than solder.
mikelz85 said:
I took a pin off my 939 venice. It was a completely clean break, the pin was just left in the socket when I took the CPU out, probably a defect. My plan is to use silver epoxy to re-do the pin, it shouldn't be too hard, and a hell of a lot easier than solder.

Makes me confident for when I order my 3000 venice in 2 weeks :eek:
A few things.. I was NOT able to get the white socket out *look below*, how did you? Im using a K8N. The motherboardrepair website is back up, and my processor will be zooming over to utah soon. Now.. The pictures.

My willing Victim:

The Tools:

The Broken Pins *Hard to see, 6th from the left, and second from the right.*

Uhh.. How do I get that white socket off again??

The POS 333mhz cpu im using running 10.2. Thats like a P1 running XP.

And thats it for the pictures. Im off to try and use a vaccume cleaner to suck the staples out, then package my processor for shipment.
Uhhh we need better pics. Take a pic of the processor from straight above.
really nice copper speaker wire, low resistance...

just put it in the socket, put the cpu on top... should work, i know a few people who did it, worked for them... as for soldeirng them back on, youd need a TINY ass soldering iron lol, dont risk it, and RMAing it is OK IMO in this case... pins shouldnt come off at all..
That's funny...I have done that a couple times with my 754 cpu. The bastard CPU stuck to the heatsink really tightly. I found that I have to wiggle the heatsink just slightly and it came off pretty easily the last time, but...
How does the socket mechanism itself function anyways? Is there rubber inside each hole to squeeze down the pins tightly, or metal?
sakurakana1003 said:
How does the socket mechanism itself function anyways? Is there rubber inside each hole to squeeze down the pins tightly, or metal?
I was wondering this myself. I was able to vacume out the peices, and to avoid the hassle, Im'a just send it. I guess this goes to show you never work on delicate cpu stuff around midnight.
RabidRodents said:
I was wondering this myself. I was able to vacume out the peices, and to avoid the hassle, Im'a just send it. I guess this goes to show you never work on delicate cpu stuff around midnight.

Nah just get one of those huge emergency flashlight and tape it over your head. :p
the socket mechanism has a top part that moves with holes for the pins, underneath the top part, there are metal bits shaped like this: |_| and the pins are bigger than them, just enough so that they are pressed into place keeping it secure, the top part shimmys the pins INOT the other metal bits when the lever is moved :D
0mega said:
the socket mechanism has a top part that moves with holes for the pins, underneath the top part, there are metal bits shaped like this: |_| and the pins are bigger than them, just enough so that they are pressed into place keeping it secure, the top part shimmys the pins INOT the other metal bits when the lever is moved :D

Thanks for the info, although it doesn't make 100% sense I have a rough image of how it works in my mind. I recently build an LGA 775 P4 for a friend of mine, and I gotta say I like their socket design a lot, prevents a lot of potential damages to the processor since there are no pins. Although I haven't discovered anything abnormal to indicate that my CPU sustained any damage, the thought of knowing that my 3 day old CPU had been brutally pulled out of the socket still makes me quite uncomfortable. :(
lol...I did the same thing a few times... my hyper 6 is a badboy.... the cpu jsut won't budge off.. so I pulled on the hyper 6... the cpu came with it.... out of like 5 times... only one time the pins bent.... I bent them back right away with my dirty finger nails..... :p
aZn_plyR said:
lol...I did the same thing a few times... my hyper 6 is a badboy.... the cpu jsut won't budge off.. so I pulled on the hyper 6... the cpu came with it.... out of like 5 times... only one time the pins bent.... I bent them back right away with my dirty finger nails..... :p

Now that's what I would call a tough m*********er. :D