Love your socket 754?

iddqd said:
There's a way to speed-bleed your loop. Takes about 2 hours, and you get rid of almost all the air in the process.
i just made sure no air went into the pump, total filling time, no bubbles = 15-20min :D
yea i do, i didnt get the idea of it at first, i just left it with the tubing above everything, now i know i hafta put the T its self at the topof the loop.
Havn't been around for awhile...been moving. Thought I'd drop in and and make sure the thread is still alive. Great to see it ever growing :D
its still kicking around. as of late, the things that have happened are:

I turned 16
(cf) has whined about watercooling his 6800.
Ive comtemplated a PNY new 6200 vs a Leadtek refurb 6200.
Ive been sick
Im switching to 7/16 tubing, making bends easier
Ive been stairing my dead 6600gt down
People want to buy it for the caps, which im probably gonna end up doing
And ive been antsy.
And skating alot.

this threads still alive.
Finally managed to get my s754 system running.

A64 3700 (clawhammer)
Soltek SL-K8AN2E-GR
1GB (2x512) Geil PCsomething memory (it's from my old system, I don't remember what it is)
ATi Radeon X800XL
Antec Truepower2 430W
2x120gb hdd's

Haven't had time to do any real testing/benching/gaming with it yet, but it seems to be pretty spiffy so far.

edit: And in light of the previous post, I feel obligated to point out that today is my 21st bday. Happy beer day to me!
(cf) has whined about watercooling his 6800.
more like i'm bitching about the lack of maze4's in the wild :p

also, who wants to contribute to the "buy eclipse a 4000+ newark" fund?! :D
New news on this front. I'm currently at 270fsb, 221ram (5:6), over 2400mhz and moving up nicely. If I can hit 280 I'll be content.
(cf)Eclipse said:
more like i'm bitching about the lack of maze4's in the wild :p

also, who wants to contribute to the "buy eclipse a 4000+ newark" fund?! :D

Lack of maze4's in the wild can be contributed to the fact that its the best waterblock of all time for GPU's, until Consumer9000 puts out his Storm like jet impengiment blocks. those are the ones to wait for. And (cf), you dont need a 4000+ newark, i need one. :D
I am getting this in a few days from OCforums for $275 shipped:

A64 3000 "True Mobile"
1gb Corsair
Zalman heatsink

I have no idea what the cpu is though. Here is what the seller told me. The previous owner confirmed these specs:

unlocked multi
clawhammer C0
1mb cache

It does 2.7ghz on 1.5v Prime stable. The seller said he didn't want to push any higher becuase he doesn't overclock. The original owner told me it did 2.8ghz on 1.53v PI stable.

Here is a screenshot he took for me.

I asked him for a screenshot of 2.7ghz. He'll get it tonight when he gets home from work.

Can somebody give me more info on this cpu. I have no idea what it could be. Am I getting the deal of a lifetime again?
Count me in by august, finally,
Aopen Nforce 3 250 GB mobo
1GB pc 3200 ram
6800 LE
Can somebody give me more info on this cpu. I have no idea what it could be. Am I getting the deal of a lifetime again?

That looks like a good price for those parts. a 3000+ clawhammer at 2.7-2.8ghz will be great for gaming etc.

have fun with your new rig and see how far you can push that cpu
And (cf), you dont need a 4000+ newark, we all need one. :D


P.S. what would you all say is the best air cooling solution for a clawhammer 3400+? I was thinking either a zalman or xp120?
EricNS said:

P.S. what would you all say is the best air cooling solution for a clawhammer 3400+? I was thinking either a zalman or xp120?
heh :p

i'd go for an xp-90 myself, but the xp-120 would be a bit better ;)
the 6200 is to arrive thursday, the 7/16id tubing is to arrive this week, and 2x120mm Delta fans are to arrive this week. big stuff people. big stuff
Im in...been a 754 lover since 07 2004 and still going... :cool:

Man, I have used a lot of "work" time reading thru this thread.
weve all spent plenty of work time readin this thread, may it be homework time, or work work time. and your in the club. just put "member of the s754 club." in your sig
Well, I've been busy as all Hell and havn't had time to mind my own thread. :p Yes, I know, bad me, but it happens.

If you want your name on the index as a member, please PM me and I'll add you in....I refuse to go thru all of these pages and find everyone and add them. :p Also, recently my MSI motherboard died (I think it was from a storm....I think that's the same reason my 6800U died, but that's another story, bought a $200 UPS so I don't have to worry about that anymore) so I had to get it the time, newegg diddn't have any MSI K8N Neo Plat's at all, and no refurbs for DFI (they have refurbs now, go figure) so I went ahead and got my retail DFI NF3 250GB.






Havn't had much time to play with it, plus I can't afford anything to blow up right now, so it's all been pretty much stock. Memory boots at 2-3-2-5 on default automatic timings, so I had to set 2-2-2 in the BIOS...but she's been rock stable, and I can't wait to try it out. My main complaint is the location of the 4-pin...WORST LOCATION EVER if you have to install an XP-120. :rolleyes:
Thank you, thank you...i friggen hate the 4 pin location on DFI board. I got an xconnect power supply and try fitting the connector on there with the "ultra" boot around the cord. :p

Needless to say I used a pair of pliers and got that plastic casing off in a flash and managed to guide the wire around my AC heatsink without an issue.
wonder whats better, the DFI or the Chaintech? I've had my board up to 312 HTT before, any board that can do that gets a gold star in my book. Whats the highest OC anybodys gotten on the DFI?

"UV on, Tweak Fun!" :cool:
Selecter said:
wonder whats better, the DFI or the Chaintech? I've had my board up to 312 HTT before, any board that can do that gets a gold star in my book. Whats the highest OC anybodys gotten on the DFI?

"UV on, Tweak Fun!" :cool:

I have seen higher than 400
Selecter said:
wonder whats better, the DFI or the Chaintech? I've had my board up to 312 HTT before, any board that can do that gets a gold star in my book. Whats the highest OC anybodys gotten on the DFI?

"UV on, Tweak Fun!" :cool:

chaintech = 60 great cheap ocing. legit bios. its a legit mobo

DFI = 100+ AWESOME all out ocing mobo. best bios ever, its the best s754 board ever.

its really not comperable. the chaintech bios goes up to 400, which is really good, ive hit 300 htt on my board, and i dont think it wants to go any higher. unless ofcourse i drop the multi.
I am still using the 3/31 bios...I haven't kept up to see if anything was added or fixed, etc.
Whatever it shipped gaming community and work have kept me too busy to even get to play with it yet. :p
Just updated my BIOS on this board, and let me tell ya, I diddn't realise it would be such an experience. I felt retarded after I realised I've had like 6 days to play with this board and aside from setting 2-2-2-5 1T for my memory, I hadn't done anything....

So, I drop the multi to 6x, LDT to 3x (tried 2.5x as well), memory dropped 1/2, and left stock voltages all around like I did my last time....after scratching and screaming and crying, I got this far.

300MHz HTT seems a little....shitty, imo. Now I figured it must be the BIOS, maybe it's got a really old one (I diddn't see it listed in the board's BIOS anywhere like the MSI does) so I downloaded the bootdisk maker, and after finding a usable floppy, rebooted and flashed the BIOS. I set my #3 and #4 SATA's as a raid, and trying to boot it gave me a disk read error...okay, wtf? So I go in and try "load fail-safe defaults" as I was told to do, then again, set the RAID now finds Windows, but upon booting (on the DFI it gives me the bar that loads across the bottom....something else I diddn't have on the MSI) the bar went across and it just stopped....gave it a good 2 minutes, and no harddrive spinning, nothing. Reboot, try it under last known good configuration....still nothing. I try changing a few things here and there like re-enabling SATA 1 and 2, re-enabling the AC97 audio stuff, etc, I load the "Optimized Defaults" and re-enable the RAID....and finally, it boots? :confused:

I havn't went for round #2 yet as it's now late and a quick test turned into a bit of an adventure...the board has room for being better (like I can jump from 200HTT to like 225HTT and it doesn't even hiccup...well, it did once but I could never pull that on my MSI) and has some really nice features, but I'm just hoping the RAID was a fluke, and the HTT goes higher on stock voltage than my MSI did, as I couldn't adjust voltage on that and pulled a 330HTT....but I'll re-update the situation once I get a chance to test it again.

Strange little board...