Love your socket 754?

my s754 lives. Got my SN85G4V3 up and running nicely

SN85G4V3 | 3700+ Clawhammer | 1GB Kingston HyperX | eVGA 6800GT | WD 250GB | Plextor PX712A
BigDaddy85 said:
eclispe, welcome back from long vacation. :p

I haven't seen u around for a while.
yup.. i kinda dissapeared before i left though. making a website isn't easy *cries* :p :p
the design seems to be about done.. here's a rough idea of what it'll be like

now i just gotta convert it to php, make a good way to post reviews and little new pieces.. that's gonna be the hard part :(
then after that, move from tsue's webspace to it's own domain :cool:
heh.. yeah, i put that in there for kicks, as i figured not many people would see it, and sorta make a slight parody of [H] ;)

i should also mention the three guys who will be helping me out with stuff: baron, ccu and tsue.
i've had a long break from the computing world.. but now that i'm back, i do plan on getting the website itself all finished up... hopefully before i leave to go back to school, but that may be pushing it
its mini atx, it uses pci-e and its via. it probably can oc. its probably the best non-shuttle mini atx board out.

of course it's micro atx and uses pci-e =P why did ya think I was interested in it? :p I need to know if it oc's though. And chaintech's links aren't working for the manual dl :rolleyes:
the mobo can OC. it depends on how high chaintech wants it to oc. its probably pci-e/pci locked to around htt 270, then itll go south, like all via's.
(cf)Eclipse said:
because it's a via board, i have a natural disposition against it.. but since it seems you're in the market for m-atx, you're lacking in choices.

you might have to do some digging on the ati xpress200, as i don't remember it being wildly popular after it's launch, but this is something to consider:

That won't overclock worth a damn. 220HTT AT BEST.
(cf)Eclipse said:
because it's a via board, i have a natural disposition against it.. but since it seems you're in the market for m-atx, you're lacking in choices.

you might have to do some digging on the ati xpress200, as i don't remember it being wildly popular after it's launch, but this is something to consider:

sadly, the msi ati boards are horrific for ocing
:( So you think I should go for the chaintech? Gonna pair it with a sempron 64, refurb x800 and a aspire qpack or aria
Okay, I stole Baron's HTT post as he never updated mine, so I took authoritive action. :p C'mon, some of you guys can fill that list no problem, even with lame HTT's like 250 or something. ;) Let's get that Top10 worth lookin' at!
tsuehpsyde said:
Okay, I stole Baron's HTT post as he never updated mine, so I took authoritive action. :p C'mon, some of you guys can fill that list no problem, even with lame HTT's like 250 or something. ;) Let's get that Top10 worth lookin' at!
just in case people don't realize.. it's in the first post now ;)

perhaps i should get my neo flying with the newark, jsut for kicks :p
tsuehpsyde said:
Yeaht that's why I put it in the first post, so it catches the peoples eye. ;)

You know, of all the times we talk on aim, don't you think you could have just TOLD me to update the HTT score list?

Meh, it's now your responsibility. Less work for me.
hey guys, I saw that the dtr 3000 is only $120. You think the dtr will work with the chaintech board? thanks, lmk fast please
tsuehpsyde said:
I'm still waiting on the Newark 4000+ which should be out in a month or two, so Eclipse can get one and test it out. :D But it's doubtful they'll make a 4000+ retail on 754.

Any other news on this front. I thought I saw something about this actually being released and what if any modifications are neccessary to use these mobile chips in desktop motherboard?
Wanna stay 754 as long as I can.
some boards support mobiles, some don't. your k8n neo-fsr should, as my k8n neo platinum definitly does.
also, you'll need to tweak your heatsink a bit to make up for the lack of heatspreader... the contact is pretty poor otherwise
Im messing around with a 2600+ sempron right now. This little CPU OCs like a mofo. I need to get me another DFI board and update the wifey rig with this CPU.

8x275 so far and running Prime for a couple hours now.

Is there some trick to increasing the volts on a sempy? I thought I did it, but it didn't take...wierd
He sent me the CPU-Z so I added him, sliding him into 6th. ;) Cmon, we need 3 more scores to fill her up!

And I'm posting an "interesting" post...keep an eye under the video card section soon....
We have a tie, ladies and the event of a tie, those who have the HTT first keep their spot, so you have to do at least 1MHz faster to remove them from their spot.