A64 3000+ To Sempron 64 3400+ Worth It?


Feb 19, 2005
I currently have an Athlon 64 3000+ NewCastle core. I am considering ordering the sempron 64 3400+ Palermo core. for appx $145. Would I get any performance boost or should I stay with what I have? btw, this will be going into a new s754 micro atx I am planning, and no, I do not overclock my cpu. As always, you guys are awesome, thx for any input :)

Update (45 Sec. Later...) I'll consider other options
not worth it.

3000+ newcastle = 2.0ghz, 512kb cache
3400+ palermo = 2.0ghz, 256kb cache

despite what the PR number would have you believe, it's actually a downgrade. just remeber that sempron's scale goes up against celeron mhz, and the a64 is with the P4 :D
I figured that would be what I'd get... So going for micro atx, what are some other cheap upgrades I can go for?
i mean that i figured the 3400+ wasnt worth it. And now i want to know if there is anything else i can pump up (see sig)
If you are considering a new video card, go PCIe, especially since you are getting a new motherboard anyways.
well, then i would have to get a new cpu... im working with appx $200. The micro atx case case I want is $95 after shipping. The mobo I want is appx $55 after shipping. that leaves abt $60, but If someone pitches a good idea, less vague than "video card!" I'll up my budget to fit it in ;)
the x700pro is a fine card, its good stuff, (cf) is just a bully. and i wouldnt get a asrock mobo, they arent good stuff usually. id look for another M-atx board for s754. they are few and far between, but maybe the Abit KV80? that would be better then any asrock thing.
What about just upgrading to a 6600 GT. Its quite a bit faster then a x700...ATI after all is coming out with a x800 GT.

Have you thought about overclocking? A newcastle should get you up to 2.3 from 2.0 without any probs
an x700 to a 6600gt isnt that big of a speed improvement, its not worth the cash IMO. and id say you could either buy some different ram, or something. you really should oc your cpu. it would be hella worth it.
you really should oc your cpu. it would be hella worth it.
agreed. there isn't much you can do with the money you have other than save it up for something better when you have more :D
the x700pro is a fine card, its good stuff, (cf) is just a bully. and i wouldnt get a asrock mobo, they arent good stuff usually. id look for another M-atx board for s754. they are few and far between, but maybe the Abit KV80? that would be better then any asrock thing.

Noted, thank you :)
you really should oc your cpu. it would be hella worth it.
Well, as it is in my super lanboy, i have heat issues with my proc.... i got a Tt copper heatsink and high speed fan and my computer idles at appx 60c :(