Good Program That tells you how hot everything is?


Aug 15, 2004
Hey I plan to do some overclocking pretty soon with the comp in my sig and was wondering what programs I should use to monitor temps. I will probably overclock the CPU and the GPU pretty conseritivly but I still wana know my temps since I dont have the best of cooling.
yup...motherboard monitor works for me, believe its no longer supported tho.. :(
aZn_plyR said:
benefits of ultimate edition?

Quite a bit actually...its worth the coin. There are a bunch of new benchmark utils built in, a bunch of different temperature displays, etc.

From their site....
For home office users and PC enthusiasts, EVEREST Ultimate Edition 2005 offers a long list of new features that build on EVEREST’s well-deserved reputation as the most comprehensive diagnostic tool on the market. For example, new system tray icons provide enhanced hardware monitoring by showing temperatures and voltages of systems. Benchmarking is enhanced with new modules that support multi-processor, multi-core and Intel Hyper-Threading systems. The number of report pages produced by EVEREST Ultimate Edition 2005 increases by over 1/3 from its predecessor.
I use MBM5. It works with DFI NF4 boards if you download a data file on It can even show your GPU temp along with everything else if you download another plug-in.