Doom Movie Teaser Available From IGN

oqvist said:
Are you telling me that Wrestling isn´t real :eek:

But The Rock I never saw him in Falling Down thought it was Michael Douglas that was in that movie? Damn good in it too btw :)

My bad, I meant "Standing Tall"
LOL but falling down was good too heh
Steel Chicken said:
My bad, I meant "Standing Tall"
LOL but falling down was good too heh

The movie you're thinking about is actually called "Walking Tall."
This movie will be like every other movie that "The ROCK" has been the main character in. It will be watch able but nothing new or spectacular
Eh, it looks good to me. I am actually kinda surprised by the trailers. I liked the fact that their guns have a light on them... ;)

If its got beasts guns and darkness...i'll watch
Genocidal[v2] said:
I said the same thing right before I purchased Alone in the Dark for $20... :(

my condolences

i feel really bad for anyone who has to watch that
logan1 said:
This movie will be like every other movie that "The ROCK" has been the main character in. It will be watch able but nothing new or spectacular

Good thing he isn't the main character, huh?
The18thLetter said:
What the hell happened to the much-praised "FPS view" part??

You missed it, it was there.

Looks like it could be a pretty cool movie overall.
I'm excited about it, no matter how it's done, I'm a die hard Doom fan, and even if it isn't 100% true to the story, it still expands the universe. The ROck is worthy of this too, better actor than I had thought after seeing his movies.
[true]First_Strike said:
When I played Doom 1 there were pics of Hitler and Swaztikas on the wall, why?

Are you sure that was Doom and not Wolfenstein 3D?
Going to suck, no doom spirit, nothing like how it should be, 1 lone guy vs a bunch of demons. Not a team of Marines going in. Stolen ideas from Resident Evil obviously, no gates to hell looked opened to me. BFG is called Bio Force Gun not BIG FUCKING GUN like it should be. This alone makes the plot be totally nothing like DOOM. They do take a lot things from DOOM3 but I am not paying a night admission to it, prob manitee.

To those saying the rock can't act. I believe he does a good job and still has to work poeple off has a "bad ass" from WWE. So he has to take roles like he has to slowly move into a serious acting business.
I thought this had a chance if it didn't have Rock or Vin Diesel in it. It appears the Rock is in it :( It still looks like a wannabe Aliens.
They need to make a new aliens movie. But they need to have space marines and explosions and big big guns. :D
Prim3 said:
Going to suck, no doom spirit, nothing like how it should be, 1 lone guy vs a bunch of demons. Not a team of Marines going in. Stolen ideas from Resident Evil obviously, no gates to hell looked opened to me. BFG is called Bio Force Gun not BIG FUCKING GUN like it should be. This alone makes the plot be totally nothing like DOOM. They do take a lot things from DOOM3 but I am not paying a night admission to it, prob manitee..

They show a few Marines dying and overall it looks like they only pull footage from the first half hour of the movie- I reason that everyone but the Rock dies later (ever heard of any of the actors who play the generic marines? :p) and then he has to kill all the demons or whatnot everyone turned into. Hopefully.
Is it just me, or does it look like a cheesy grade-b movie? I mean, everything looks so....blah. I guess the marines are using the ducttape mod on their guns. :p
I'd think that people would appreciate any changes made to the plot in the end.

Really, what plot was there to begin with? You can't watch a movie of that. They're welcome to use whatever changes they need to make it an enjoyable popcorn flick in my opinion.

I will of course be pissed if there's some retarded damsel in distress gimmick.

Y'know, action can only go so far. Do you guys think this could have been done better with all CG? Or even all animated?...or Appleseed's CG anime style?

Akira did a good job of making something freakishly scary with animation. Anime and CG don't really have upper limits on creating over-the-top action. Take for example, General Grievous in Clone Wars. And the resulting equivalent in Episode III when human actors get mixed in.
Evil Juggalo said:
OMG.. someone please shoot the rock.. nobody cares what hes cooking, he is a horrible actor, along with triple H (Blade Trinity).. fxckin wrestling egotistical dumbasses need to stop ruining movies..

This movie has nothing to do with DOOM.. the minions of doom were from HELL.. not a stupid lab.. just looks like a resident evil rip and another dissapointing movie..

-Evil Juggalo

Don't blame the wrestlers...blame the casting directors who hired their asses.

I'm semi-interested in the movie now that it seems to have some similarity to the games.
Are you people crazy? What move TEASER tells the WHOLE POLT? :rolleyes: Seriously, you people ask for to much. What person would want to go see a movie (lets say someone that hasnt played the Doom series) that watches a teaser that tells what the whole movie is about? I'm sorry but thats just dumb. Its a teaser people... teasers have to show quick action, 1 liners, enough to get people to be like hmmmm thats interesting I might wanna go watch it. You can't show a 3 minuate conversation in a 30 second clip.

Also if you actually watch the whole 12 minuate interview they have at IGN, they say repeatedly how the movie stays true to the game. Even the actors are fans and have played the Doom series.

Instead of making stupid predictions, why dont you just wait and go see it... and if it sucks, BIG DEAL??
Smith said:
The Day After Tomorrow.

Except for how the earth basically reset itself after tearing itself apart. It just showed all the disasters, not the dad rescuing his son and how his son managed to stay alive by burning books. :rolleyes:
Baker said:
Are you people crazy? What move TEASER tells the WHOLE POLT?
Yea and The Island seemed to tell everything in its trailer too. Made me not want to see it.
Baker said:
Except for how the earth basically reset itself after tearing itself apart. It just showed all the disasters, not the dad rescuing his son and how his son managed to stay alive by burning books. :rolleyes:
Yea it did. "Stay there I'm coming to get you!" "OH NO!" "THIS CAN'T HAPPEN AHHHH!"
That looks awesome, im definitely seeing it. I havent played the game, so i dont know how well it matches up however ;)
Prim3 said:
Going to suck, no doom spirit, nothing like how it should be, 1 lone guy vs a bunch of demons. Not a team of Marines going in. Stolen ideas from Resident Evil obviously, no gates to hell looked opened to me. BFG is called Bio Force Gun not BIG FUCKING GUN like it should be. This alone makes the plot be totally nothing like DOOM. They do take a lot things from DOOM3 but I am not paying a night admission to it, prob manitee.

To those saying the rock can't act. I believe he does a good job and still has to work poeple off has a "bad ass" from WWE. So he has to take roles like he has to slowly move into a serious acting business.

Huh?? you are joking right?

Fuck Doom (yes THE FIRST DOOM) had fallen MARINES ALL over the maps. On the floor. Hung from the ceiling. ripped in half and, impaled etc. I know that they didn't just appear there. ;) Most of you guys have ZERO recollection of Doom.

And Bio Force gun. You are aware that in this day and age. We have the name/acronym that the engineers gave the gun and then we have the name that the weapon EARNED in battle/combat.

AKA the colt 45... PEACEMAKER (how ironic but so true ;) )
B-1b bomber AKA the lancer
B-52 aka BUFFS
KC-135 aka Shamu (yes the whale shamu)

and the LIST goes on and on. This is no different.

btw the story line seems to confirm that the gateway to hell IS open. And i mean it should as Id had input from the get go on this movie.
I would merely keep my opinions on if it's going to suck or not, until I see it. Keep an open mind, you may like it. Having bad expectation going into the theater, will only make it a poor movie.You haven't seen it yet, you don't know it's going to suck. End of story.
drewb99 said:
They show a few Marines dying and overall it looks like they only pull footage from the first half hour of the movie- I reason that everyone but the Rock dies later (ever heard of any of the actors who play the generic marines? :p) and then he has to kill all the demons or whatnot everyone turned into. Hopefully.

last i recalled.

The rock is the Sarge right? What happened in Doom3 with the Sarge ;) you are right he don't die.... until YOU kill him ;)
Bobby said:
Yea and The Island seemed to tell everything in its trailer too. Made me not want to see it.

YEAP it did. I was dragged to it anyway and even watching the movie I'm know the big shocker is that they are being harvested. I...don'

sooo stupid anyway even if I didn't know
The movie MAY redeem itself if the rock is the first person to die.... to the person that said that a wrestlers job is to ACT.. they forget there are different kinds of acting.. they do theater acting, and that is WAAY different than acting in a movie..
and i swear to god if i dont see a double barrel shotgun in that movie, someone is gonna die.. they fxcked up doom 3 by not including it.. also curious to see if the movie is just as god awfully repetitive as Doom3.. picking up the PDA's, and killing Imp after imp after imp after imp and occasionally a zombmarine.. ugh, im still gonna go see the movie, but i have a feeling im gonna whine about it like a bxcth with a skinned knee...
-Evil Juggalo
Evil Juggalo said:
to the person that said that a wrestlers job is to ACT.. they forget there are different kinds of acting.. they do theater acting, and that is WAAY different than acting in a movie..

QFT, except that wrestlers do the type of acting where they "pretend" to be psycho aggressive meatheads on the juice... big stretch for them i'm sure :rolleyes: