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  1. T

    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    Added edit for SnipingWaste, and nighttime bumpage! I'll post new stuff tomorrow... today got a little too busy!
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    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    Morining bump, and stuff to be added today!
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    WTB: Cheap processor

    I have a 900 Celeron laying around somewhere... if you are interested, I can find it for ya. LMK
  4. T

    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    Nighttime Bump, and SnipingWaste, YGPM!
  5. T

    What is with all the noobs wanting established traders to ship first?!?

    My turn to bang the gong, hime the bell, w/e. Ship first? Never. Don't care if you are God Himself. Won't happen. And I'll tell you why. I run a computer business here in the Wasteland of Cenral Illinois. A couple of years ago, I made a sale. A very big sale. About 25K worth of...
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    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    morning bump. make me an offer, folks!
  7. T

    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    evening bump
  8. T

    wtb: mac (please note MUST include MacOS)

    I have a PowerMac 7300/200 sitting in my office. Has either 8.0 or 8.5 on it, and I have the keyboard, mouse, and modem with it. Along with a monitor and LaserWriter 2 printer. I'll fire it up tonight, and let you know what the size the HDD and RAM are. What are you looking to spend?
  9. T

    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    Yeah, I know. I'll need the luck. My hope was that someone, somewhere, just might want them for whatever purpose. My original plan was to take them, solder them all together, and hang them on the wall as an art piece. But, real life has a way of getting in the way :).
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    WTB/T: Low Digit SteamID Steam Account

    So, are you banned on that account?
  11. T

    FS: Vintage procs/ RAM

    Hey everyone, Due to my necessity of paying my cable bill, and a general need to get rid of a bunch of crap to appease my wife, I am selling a bunch of stuff. Note: This thread will be updated as I find more stuff to sell. Non free email to comply with rules. Nhytefall AT insightbb DOT...
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    WTB/T: Low Digit SteamID Steam Account

    This thread caught my eye as I was preparing to start a FS/FT thread... made no sense to me at all. I also have a three digit Steam ID, somewhere in the 300s, lets just say. But then again, I just play the game, and let my skills speak for themselves. My question is, why do you really...
  13. T

    FS: Misc Hardware, Games, Controllers, etc...

    How much to ship that mobo to 61701?
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    I have had it with this 6800!!!

    Man, I feel you pain. BB general existence and the problems I have had with stuf from them is PRECISELY the reason I won't even buy a CD from them...
  15. T

    Smoked 5700 ultra

    Check the board with old PCI vid card, that'll tell ya if the mobo is fried or not. Personally, I am leaning towards your problem being the mobo, not the card. Good luck, and keep us posted
  16. T

    Got some stuff for sale

    BUMP for selling me the fans and leaving feedback so quickly! Great trader!
  17. T

    MSI Neo2 Plat question

    Thanks, I'll let him know. He'll probably order it this week then. Thanks again
  18. T

    MSI Neo2 Plat question

    A guy I work with is looking at the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum mobo. Sloid board, and he is leaning toward this board. However, he wants to know if a 3000+ 939 proc will run on this board. Ya'll got any suggestions?
  19. T

    Got some stuff for sale

    - 80mm Panaflo fan FBA08A12L ($5) - 80mm Clear fan (Yate Loon D80BH-12) ($3) I am interested in both of these... pm me. oh, yeah... BUMP!
  20. T

    Windows XP is faster than I thought

    It is a valid point that XP is more optimized to the "entertainment" side of things, rather than the "business" side of things. However, the two kernels are SOOOO similar, that with the addition of Dx and decent 2K drivers, gaming is very much a valid option. Hell, I run 2K on my main rig...
  21. T

    This is a balls to the wall system... but not asinine

    I couldn't agree with you more. I have been in this field now for the better part of 10 years. In that time, I have held more titles than I care to count. I have long hair, My skin has a reddish tinge to it ;), and, to the average Joe, I stand out like a sore thumb. But, when I go to an...
  22. T

    This is a balls to the wall system... but not asinine

    I can sympathize with you... and give you advice from someone who has been there/ done that. I could bore you with stats... but its pointless. The only truth you may see in life is that if you want the money, the stablity, and the security... you have to play the game. Period. So...
  23. T

    sn95g5 + amd 64 3000+ temps?

    There is a program, called rhtdrbl, or something like that, which will allow you to test your true load/idle temps for the proc. From what I understand, its test routines are WAY more intensive and accurate than exiting quickly from a game. I would search the forums (prob. in cooling) to...
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    need help finding a black sidepanel

    Gotta agree with him! Get a silver, strip it, paint it black... I see a red door and I want to paint it black... sorry.:)
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    How much to charge, monthly, for being a part-time sys & network admin for small biz?

    Forgot one... and its my SOP in the field... $75/Hour if you have to call me to fix it when they tried to fix it, failed, and didn't tell you :)
  26. T

    WGT624 NetGear wireless router...

    Check the operating frequency of the router and the wireless phones. Now, I know that 2.5Ghz on a router is different than 2.4Ghz on a phone, BUT harmonic resonance does cause problems sometimes. I have seen wierder things. Good Luck.
  27. T

    2 HD's 1 Not being recognized

    Check your jumper settings on the HDD, ensure that the new primary (one with XP) is set as master, and the other set as slave. Ensure that the cable positions are correct (primary first, then slave second on the cable chain). Make sure that the primary drive is higher on the power chain, and...
  28. T

    Windows XP is faster than I thought

    2K is dead? Why, because it is 4 years old, now? In the immortal words of some movie... "Show me the benchmarks!"
  29. T

    Computer euthanasia...

    EDIT to last post... NM... you need amps, not volts... Hmmmm... Car battery? Pos lead to pos side of plug, Neg side to neg side of plug. The polarity difference should do the trick.
  30. T

    Computer euthanasia...

    Nice and easy solution here... Flip the switch on the rear of the PSU from 115v to 230v. Turn on. Done and Done. The voltage irregularity should allow a full 15 amps through the circuit to the power supply, the the PSU to the board,a nd toast toasty.
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    oy.. linux drivers.. im lost...

    <bows in apology to all> Recognizes ownage, admits to typing first and thinking later. It has been a bad day at work, and I humbly apologize. <graciously exits>
  32. T

    Was hoping to buy this...

    XP Home? No. XP PRo? No. Win2000 SP4? Hell yeah. No kiddie wizards, no gimmicks, and a track record of stability.
  33. T

    Any opinions on this case?

    Doesn't look like a bad case. Front intake airflow looks very blocked and restricted. However, I'd add a couple of 80mm in the rear, junk the PSU, and go from there. Are you planning to watercool? I would caution against it in that case, body is steel, and it looks a little cramped for...
  34. T

    oy.. linux drivers.. im lost...

    I have discovered, that, most people who think that linux sucks, are merely misinformed, or have had a bad experience. RedHat and Mandrake are not the best variants,a nd, really, neither is SuSE. If you want to learn Linux, the either go with FreeBSD or Gentoo... the latter being my personal...
  35. T

    Does you GF blank the screen for a moment on opening of advanced properites?

    Prior to CoolBits, no, none of my GForce's have ever done that. After CoolBits, every one, every time. I think it has to do with the overrides in the registry. However, it's never caused a problem. ~TheFallofNhyte
  36. T

    WANT 939 SALE!! EVERYTHING MUST GO!! DFI Infinity A, Tbred-B JIUHB, 2x256 Mushkin BH5

    YGPM! Bumpage coming back at ya! Somebody buy this stuff! ~TheFallofNhyte
  37. T

    This well may be a stupid question, about what are vivo features?

    No, you are correct. What it allows is for you the card to act as both a video source (transmit) and video capture card. Essentially what you said
  38. T

    Ti4400 for $65... good deal?

    Well, I just had a chance to see the card. retail box, everything is there, all cables, etc. Fan grills are a little dusty, but they and the heatsink need to come off, 'cause that crap tape will be replaced with AS5. Other than that, card is immaculate. It's going home with me. Yeah...