This well may be a stupid question, about what are vivo features?


Oct 8, 2004
I have an x800 pro vivo flashed to xt PE. I was wondering what is the vivo feature, what does it do, and also do I need particular software to use these featues. :confused:
VIVO stands for Video IN - Video OUT so you can output to a TV or input from a video soource and capture video.

I think this is right but I am sure someone will correct me if Im wrong
No, you are correct. What it allows is for you the card to act as both a video source (transmit) and video capture card. Essentially what you said
What software is needed to use these features. I tried installing the stuff under "VIVO Family" on the ATI site, but when installing it asked me for an ATI CD. I pop in mine from my x800 and it says it is the wrong disc image. Is there any other software that I can use to utilize these features? Also does having the Rage theater chip on the card improve the signal/ picture quality when it is going from my computer to my TV?