Does you GF blank the screen for a moment on opening of advanced properites?


Limp Gawd
Jun 13, 2004
I have a GF4 ti4200, and when I open the "Advanced properties" of the card, to get to the part with the little slide panel on the left, the screen blanks out momentarily. Is this normal behaviour? This is similar to the blankout I get when I have the card set to overclock and "apply settings at startup"
Mine does just that, but only since I upgraded to my 6800. I have a feeling this due to having no monitor driver installed. The reason for this is I dont bring my monitor to lan parties so I would have to constantly remove them (lugging a 21" sony trinitron is not fun).
I have no GF to do such a thing =/ my girlfriend left me!!! Damn it.

I wonder what it would be like to have a girlfriend with the name ti4200...hahaha. People would think she is a robot.
Yep, seems to be a standard feature. :p Hasn't caused any problems for anyone afaik..
Deam said:
I wonder what it would be like to have a girlfriend with the name ti4200...hahaha. People would think she is a robot.

Not if you told them that was her breast size. :eek:
Prior to CoolBits, no, none of my GForce's have ever done that. After CoolBits, every one, every time. I think it has to do with the overrides in the registry. However, it's never caused a problem.

The blinking often happens if your videocard and monitor are having VESA DDC negotiation problems (if there is 5-10sec pause to go along with the blink) - usually it happens while windows is booting and when opening videocard properties.
Deam said:
I wonder what it would be like to have a girlfriend with the name ti4200...hahaha. People would think she is a robot.

I'd probably name my child geforce, for free lifetime upgrades. :D
Yes, yes it has!

Anyways, back to the isn't for 5 or 10 seconds, it's just for a few seconds.
The problem I have is that I am using cursor Xp, and when it does that, it resets the cursor to default.
Just wanted to update. Upon updating to the 66.81 drivers, I no longer have this blanking problem.