Smoked 5700 ultra


Limp Gawd
Aug 27, 2004
Computer was running fine yesterday... Installed the new Nvidia drivers and played a little counter-strike. Shut the thing down and came back to it 24 hours later. Turned it on and got no signal to the monitor. Checked the cables and plugs, retried. This time I smelled smoke. Cut the power, took off the NV Silencer 2 to look for damage to the card. Nothing was out of the ordinary, so I tried again. Something in that computer case started smoking. I'm pretty sure it was my video card because of the awful smell. It is way smokier than my computer. Plus the smoke was getting blown in an odd direction, sort-of towards me and down (I sit with my Lanboy2's case window next to me) as if the video card fan was picking it up.
Tried to contact EVGA and they suck. Waited on hold with their stupid customer support line until I was sick of the crappy paino. Posted a message to them today, haven't gotten a reply back yet (duh, I did it only an hour ago). Tried an old TNT2, didn't work, but I'm not sure if my Abit IC7-G is compatible... haven't researched what AGP it is and if it is compatible with my motherboard plus the card could have been static shocked from living in my room. Confused and hopeless, got any suggestions?
Check the board with old PCI vid card, that'll tell ya if the mobo is fried or not. Personally, I am leaning towards your problem being the mobo, not the card.

Good luck, and keep us posted
Crappy man!

You know whats scary? Im running an IC7-G w/ an eVGA 5700 Ultra also...Woooahh..
I'm betting it is the generic 350 watt power supply I'm using while my Seasonic is undergoing RMA. I bet it jolted my card pretty good. I hadn't sent in my seasonic yet, so I re-installed it.
Here is the response from EVGA themselves:
Daniel, Sometimes if the card was not properly seated into its AGP slot, the pins may short and cause the problem you are having. Unfortunately it sounds like it may have also taken out your motherboard as well. Customer Service

lol i don't see how a videocard just unseats itself from a driver install....looks like i better bolt my card down haha
tsuehpsyde said:
lol i don't see how a videocard just unseats itself from a driver install....looks like i better bolt my card down haha

Yeah, theyre being stupid, but I sent in my RMA request and hopefully they'll fix it up for me.
As for my motherboard... I think I have to contact Abit about that.
My leadtek 5700 ultra fan works like a charm...wouldnt replace it for a gold fan :p
I found the problem, hooray!
Too bad it is my motherboard...
A little power regulator next to the AGP slot popped and fizzled. I spotted it when I inspected my motherboard with a flashlight. I'm guessing that gave a good jolt to the card so I'm RMAing that. I will RMA my motherboard and get that all fixed up.
DAMN, I just rebuilt that damn thing and now this!