2 HD's 1 Not being recognized


Bad Trader
Feb 24, 2003
hey folks,

My mothers comp had 2 hard drives, we transferred all the have to save info onto the slave HD... i reformatted her master hd.. installed windows xp... the computer did not recognize the slave...
I unplugged and replugged all the wiring to the hd, then BIOS and DEVICE MANAGER recognized it... (this slave his alot of stuff my father(R.I.P) made programming and her personals).. The harddrive although doesn't get recognized on my computer and we can't access it.. I can't afford to reformat this slave drive :( can you guys help me?
Try it in another computer, set as a master on it's own channel. I usually unplug my CD drives to try this. If not, check out some free drive utilities to find out if the data can still be read on the drive, and maybe recovered.

And good god man! Read the rules concerning sig length! Ten Lines Max!!!
djnes said:
Try it in another computer, set as a master on it's own channel. I usually unplug my CD drives to try this. If not, check out some free drive utilities to find out if the data can still be read on the drive, and maybe recovered.

And good god man! Read the rules concerning sig length! Ten Lines Max!!!

i dont understand tho, how could i use a slave as master it doesn't have windows related files to boot up?
I didn't say to boot it up. That's why I explained that I disconnect my CD Drives when I do this. Make it the master on the secondary channel of another computer....and then try it out.
djnes said:
I didn't say to boot it up. That's why I explained that I disconnect my CD Drives when I do this. Make it the master on the secondary channel of another computer....and then try it out.
Hey I tried doing that, it's still not recognizing the 2nd harddrive, is there anything else I can possibly do:(
Check your jumper settings on the HDD, ensure that the new primary (one with XP) is set as master, and the other set as slave. Ensure that the cable positions are correct (primary first, then slave second on the cable chain).

Make sure that the primary drive is higher on the power chain, and the slave is next, if you run them on the same branch line from the PSU.

Clear CMOS back to default.

Run the Setup routine in BIOS, maunually configuring the drives if not done automatically by BIOS.


Should fix your problems.

On a side note, I have had this problem on many Dell machines, and this fixes it every time. Plus, for a while, my 2K box did the same thing (it didn't like the fact I was swapping a 20GB slave for a 40GB slave on a regular basis... don't ask :) ), and this procedure solved the problem.
TheFallofNhyte said:
Check your jumper settings on the HDD, ensure that the new primary (one with XP) is set as master, and the other set as slave. Ensure that the cable positions are correct (primary first, then slave second on the cable chain).

Make sure that the primary drive is higher on the power chain, and the slave is next, if you run them on the same branch line from the PSU.

Clear CMOS back to default.

Run the Setup routine in BIOS, maunually configuring the drives if not done automatically by BIOS.


Should fix your problems.

On a side note, I have had this problem on many Dell machines, and this fixes it every time. Plus, for a while, my 2K box did the same thing (it didn't like the fact I was swapping a 20GB slave for a 40GB slave on a regular basis... don't ask :) ), and this procedure solved the problem.
yeah everythings correct on the comp man, i dont have a dell anyway though... i dont know whats goin on with the pc
thiago said:
yeah everythings correct on the comp man, i dont have a dell anyway though... i dont know whats goin on with the pc
any suggestions =( please guys im trying as hard as i can to do what u say but its not working is there anything else i can possibly reside too
should i take this comp to a pc store or something
Does the driv eshow up in the comp management MMC? Does it just not show up in My computer? The disk is probably foreign and you have to import it to show up.
Is BIOS seeing the drive in the second machine? Don't worry about the OS if BIOS isn't seeing it.

If the jumpers/cables are good on both machines and both machines don't see it, the drive is likely dead. Good luck.

EDIT: Oh yeah, your sig is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long, 10 line limit.
Phoenix86 said:
Is BIOS seeing the drive in the second machine? Don't worry about the OS if BIOS isn't seeing it.

If the jumpers/cables are good on both machines and both machines don't see it, the drive is likely dead. Good luck.

EDIT: Oh yeah, your sig is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long, 10 line limit.

bios reads both hard drives... also new info someone help:-p
windows is now showing the drive is 80gb and 30gb is free.. that shows my data is on there.. its just not reading what can i do now? the drive is actually showing up i need some more help guys come thru please
I recently found the programs of VirtualLab 4 Client.. VirtualLab Data recovery... these programs recover data the only problem is you need to pay to recover data.. for example recovering 1gb of data is 100$ something dollars.. i don't know how this service works and why it is such but I cant spend over thousands of dollars recovering 30gb of data...

Is anyone familiar with any other data recovering programs or any other suggestions anything will help please get back to me
Try booting knoppix & seeing if you can read the data - it might just be WBD. If it is, reformat the 80GB drive again, leaving a FAT32 partition large enough to copy the data you want to save.
By any chance is it a Maxtor?

I have a 250GB Maxtor as a slave and I just recently formatted my 80GB master drive and windows didnt recognzie the slave. But then I remember the drive coming with software called MaxBlast 3 (which you can download off their website) and ran it during boot. I don't remember exactly what I did but it made windows recognize the 250GB drive.

Also, did you check to see if there was any RAID drivers you needed to install after you formatted?

If not, I dont know what to tell you. :(
sugii said:
By any chance is it a Maxtor?

I have a 250GB Maxtor as a slave and I just recently formatted my 80GB master drive and windows didnt recognzie the slave. But then I remember the drive coming with software called MaxBlast 3 (which you can download off their website) and ran it during boot. I don't remember exactly what I did but it made windows recognize the 250GB drive.

Also, did you check to see if there was any RAID drivers you needed to install after you formatted?

If not, I dont know what to tell you. :(
yes its maxtor.. theres no raid drivers and yes indeed it is a maxtor :(