oy.. linux drivers.. im lost...


[H]F Junkie
Jun 16, 2004
ok guys i need some help... im duelving into linux for fun, and ive finially got most of my stuff set up, after messing with wep keys and hte like (boy that was fun) and now im stuck on the graphics driver. i have downloaded hte nvidia .run file and gone into level 3 whatever and installed it, and it tells me to configure the card with sax2 now. ok great, i go into sax2 and "6800 gt" isnt on the list, nor is anything in the 6 series, i really need to know what to do, i cant figure it out from nvidia's readme or install guide.. thanks guys.
im running SuSE 9.2 with a 6800 GT

To be honest, I really dont have the complete steps for Suse. I use Debian and it was as simple as "apt-get install nvidia-glx" and config and blammo, works.

For Suse, there's special instructions on the Nvidia website where you download drivers:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-6111.html has the special SuSE NVIDIA Installer HOWTO

I seem to recal that when I used an older version of Mandrake (8.x) I think, I forced myself to learn the compile source, insmod and configure X by hand. I dont know if thats part of what you have tried or not, but when I did it with mandrake, I was a bit overwhelmed, but the Nvidia process was complete, and fairly straightforward if you had a _very_ basic understanding of how to manually force a driver into your kernel.

Ohh, reading your post, did you mean you inserted it into the runlevel 3 (multi-user mode) ? you need to get this working in runlevel 5 mode for a gui.

Give the Nivida site one more try and re-read the Suse part. I'm sorry I cant offer more suggestions, but the generic documentation from Nvidia helped me out when I was getting started.
I did the same thing a few years ago.

I stopped right about where you are and spent the next few weeks trying to get those stupid linux partitions off of my drive.

"Compiling drivers?" Forget it.

PS. I would help you but I never figured it out myself.

PSS. Its not worth it.
that drivers are in yast and it will auto install if you find them//
KingPariah777 said:
I did the same thing a few years ago.

I stopped right about where you are and spent the next few weeks trying to get those stupid linux partitions off of my drive.

"Compiling drivers?" Forget it.

PS. I would help you but I never figured it out myself.

PSS. Its not worth it.

yeah... thats where i was when i tried red hat on my laptop. it wanted me to compile opl-sax drivers (yamaha sound) into the kernal and i was like oh fuck that... gave up on it for a while...

then today i decded to give it another shot so i grabbed a deathstar that hadnt died yet that wasnt in use.. installed it, and started messing around. got my wlan all up and running but now im looking at compling kernels again... i dont know why people do this, hoenstly.. in my expiernece, linux SUCKS.

screw it. im glad i didnt install it on my main partition.
lithium726 said:
care to explain how to make it find them

lithium726 said:
in my expiernece, linux SUCKS.

screw it. im glad i didnt install it on my main partition.

not with that mindset!

j/k/ open yast { must be in root )

go to online update.
look 4 updates

look for nvidia driver packets ( left side )
DR_K13 said:
not with that mindset!

j/k/ open yast { must be in root )

go to online update.
look 4 updates

look for nvidia driver packets ( left side )
Whoa, hold on, lets not get too detailed here!
DR_K13 said:
not with that mindset!

j/k/ open yast { must be in root )

go to online update.
look 4 updates

look for nvidia driver packets ( left side )
well.. seeing as how SuSE is seing my card as a VESA device with no particular card chipset (ie, no nvidia drivers insalled..even tho i did install them...) there is no online update option. otherwise, most certinaly i wouldve done that.
The YAST documentation is presented on the Nvidia site.

If you havent gotten to the YAST part I would re-read SuSE NVIDIA Installer HOWTO

Nvidia was very complete when I was a noob with mandrake, so I'm sure their Suse steps would be comparable.
lopoetve said:
edit xf86config-4 (in /etc/X11), and replace the word "vesa" with the word "nvidia" wherever you see it. reset to normal startup and reboot. Should work.

so just replacing the word VESA with nvidia will make it recognize a 6800 series, even tho in SAX2 it does not list any member of the 6800 series in the nvidia section? :confused:

thanks for the links, ill check those out tonight when im on the computer with linux on it.
I have discovered, that, most people who think that linux sucks, are merely misinformed, or have had a bad experience. RedHat and Mandrake are not the best variants,a nd, really, neither is SuSE. If you want to learn Linux, the either go with FreeBSD or Gentoo... the latter being my personal favorite.

For those that don't think Linux is worth their time, follow this path:


lithium726 said:
so just replacing the word VESA with nvidia will make it recognize a 6800 series, even tho in SAX2 it does not list any member of the 6800 series in the nvidia section? :confused:

thanks for the links, ill check those out tonight when im on the computer with linux on it.

No, it calls the nvidia driver instead of the vesa driver. No need to do anything else. None of the configurators will ahve the recent cards listed, since they're all a lot newer than the program. Just replace the driver call and all should be ok.

Read the howtoo I posted!

TheFallofNhyte said:
I have discovered, that, most people who think that linux sucks, are merely misinformed, or have had a bad experience. RedHat and Mandrake are not the best variants,a nd, really, neither is SuSE. If you want to learn Linux, the either go with FreeBSD or Gentoo... the latter being my personal favorite.

For those that don't think Linux is worth their time, follow this path:



This really has nothing to do with the topic nor does it present a solution to the problem.

And, to writ, FreeBSD is NOT linux, it's BSD, and Gentoo is not quite as good as Slackware for a 'pure' linux experience, especially given that everything is exactly as the docs for the program would dictate, and not changed by the distro compiler at all. Gentoo is great once you know what you're doing.
Now that that side topic is done, let's get this guy up with drivers!
TheFallofNhyte said:
I have discovered, that, most people who think that linux sucks, are merely misinformed, or have had a bad experience. RedHat and Mandrake are not the best variants,a nd, really, neither is SuSE. If you want to learn Linux, the either go with FreeBSD or Gentoo... the latter being my personal favorite.

For those that don't think Linux is worth their time, follow this path:


lopoetve said:
This really has nothing to do with the topic nor does it present a solution to the problem.
QFT. TheFallofNhyte, we all beleive that you know linux. Lets not advertise that fact for the sake of being off-topic. Cool little linux slogans like...

For those that don't think Linux is worth their time, follow this path:

get old really quick, and don't help anyone.
alright guys thanks for all the help, im gonna try this vesa->nvidia thing a little later tonight, anything i should watch for? will it say what im running in sax2, or not? and will the thing that says "graphical accelleration" be "on" instaed of "not avaliable"?

oh, and TheFallofNhyte, you got pwned :p
<bows in apology to all>

Recognizes ownage, admits to typing first and thinking later.

It has been a bad day at work, and I humbly apologize.

<graciously exits>
TheFallofNhyte said:
<bows in apology to all>

Recognizes ownage, admits to typing first and thinking later.

It has been a bad day at work, and I humbly apologize.

<graciously exits>

/me graciously thanks you for being polite, nice, and friendly about it. :) Thank you. Have a better evening, and a better day tomorrow.
lopoetve said:
/me graciously thanks you for being polite, nice, and friendly about it. :) Thank you. Have a better evening, and a better day tomorrow.

id have to second that, i rarely ever see that on these forums, its very refreshing :)
ugh.. ok.. now im in linux and i have the config file open and im trying to write nvidia in the places were vesa are, but its not letting me change the file at all... any ideas?

nevermind, i feel like an idiot, it was opening it in konqueror..lol.. ill post back with an update when i finish this
ok i edited the file to nvidia everything and this is what i get now...

still no 3d acceleration
lithium726 said:
ok i edited the file to nvidia everything and this is what i get now...

still no 3d acceleration
Congrats, you have put forth more effort than I was willing to expend.

You would think with all the linux nerds out there, somebody would be able to give you clear, concise instructions on how to do this.


it really WASN'T that easy and there is a reason everyone uses windows...hmmm....
KingPariah777 said:
Congrats, you have put forth more effort than I was willing to expend.

You would think with all the linux nerds out there, somebody would be able to give you clear, concise instructions on how to do this.


it really WASN'T that easy and there is a reason everyone uses windows...hmmm....

yeah.. i think there is a reason linux is free, and windows costs 130 dollars... thats just how much better windows is...

when i was younger, i thought taht was a hella lot of money for software.. but i spent 45 dollars on far cry, which i play alot, but i have to use the OS to play that... and its what i use every day.. so why not spend 130 on something that works better than anything else out there?
CleanSlate said:
how well does that 480w tt run that system (to the original poster)?


its very stable, quiet, and was about 50 bucks. i know most are thrown by the 18a on the 12v, but its been running flawlessly with my system.]

edit: and its got one hell of a lot of leads :p
lithium726 said:
its very stable, quiet, and was about 50 bucks. i know most are thrown by the 18a on the 12v, but its been running flawlessly with my system.]

edit: and its got one hell of a lot of leads :p

I know I own won, see sig, I just wanted to know if it would run something like what u got... :eek: I got an overkill psu lol

lithium726 said:
yeah.. i think there is a reason linux is free, and windows costs 130 dollars... thats just how much better windows is...

when i was younger, i thought taht was a hella lot of money for software.. but i spent 45 dollars on far cry, which i play alot, but i have to use the OS to play that... and its what i use every day.. so why not spend 130 on something that works better than anything else out there?
Yup. Bll Gates is that rich for a reason...its because your grandma can check her email on the computer, and your 5 year old brother can install his own video games, and your mom can store digital photos and your dad can balance his checkbook.

The only thing that comes close to Windows ease of use is Apple's OS's, and those aren't nearly free either.

Open source is like communism. Its a great concept, but doesn't work in real life without a little bit of capitalism to kick it in the butt. Thats why you have "Linux Distributors" like RedHat.
KingPariah777 said:
Open source is like communism. Its a great concept, but doesn't work in real life without a little bit of capitalism to kick it in the butt.
oh that is so sigged.
lithium726 said:
ok i edited the file to nvidia everything and this is what i get now...

still no 3d acceleration

Did you get an Nvidia flash screen at boot? If so, you have 3d acceleration. The control panels won't show it.
KingPariah777 said:
Congrats, you have put forth more effort than I was willing to expend.

You would think with all the linux nerds out there, somebody would be able to give you clear, concise instructions on how to do this.


it really WASN'T that easy and there is a reason everyone uses windows...hmmm....

Or maybe because troubleshooting any problem takes some time? How about you either offer some help, or get out of the thread since you're doing nothing but trolling the topic.

lithium726 said:
yeah.. i think there is a reason linux is free, and windows costs 130 dollars... thats just how much better windows is...

when i was younger, i thought taht was a hella lot of money for software.. but i spent 45 dollars on far cry, which i play alot, but i have to use the OS to play that... and its what i use every day.. so why not spend 130 on something that works better than anything else out there?

LOL. Most top linux distributions with a company behind them can cost a lot more than 130. And what $130 version of windows can:
run a web server
run a dhcp server
compile c++, fortran, java, pascal, cobol, c, basic, and perl
run a file server
run an mp3 server
run on just about anything you could think of, from a 486 to a DEC Alpha
let you recompile and reconfigure the kernel for speed, optomized to your own system
run a SQL server
run a MySQL server
comes with office preinstalled

all out of the box? Answer: none.

Windows is better. For people that don't want to put in the time and effort to learn or find out about something new and recognize that while it runs games and email great, it might not be the be-all of OS's, and that it misses a LOT that is important to a lot of people. I don't promote linux for an everyday system, but it can do so, and a lot more. You just have to be willing to learn something new.

You two have proven adequately exactly how much effort you are willing to put out, so how about you go somewhere else and let people who do know what they are doing troubleshoot the problem and get this guy fixed up. You're not helping, and you're cluttering up the thread for those of us who ARE trying to help.

They show a utility called switch2nvidia (and nvidia-settings). Try to run it. Did the drivers claim to instal correctly (did they compile a kernel module and install it)?

If you already have an XF86Config file working with a different driver
(such as the 'nv' or 'vesa' driver), then all you need to do is find
the relevant Device section and replace the line:

Driver "nv"
(or Driver "vesa")


Driver "nvidia"

In the Module section, make sure you have:

Load "glx"

You should also remove the following lines:

Load "dri"
Load "GLcore"
lopoetve said:

They show a utility called switch2nvidia (and nvidia-settings). Try to run it. Did the drivers claim to instal correctly (did they compile a kernel module and install it)?

as far as i know, yes. the nvidia readme told me to boot into userlever 3, and run the .run package from there, and i did. it ran, and told me the drivers were installed and i needed to configure them in the sax2 panel.

If you already have an XF86Config file working with a different driver
(such as the 'nv' or 'vesa' driver), then all you need to do is find
the relevant Device section and replace the line:

Driver "nv"
(or Driver "vesa")


Driver "nvidia"

In the Module section, make sure you have:

Load "glx"

You should also remove the following lines:

Load "dri"
Load "GLcore"
alright, ill go back in and try all that stuff tomarrow, its midnight and im tierd :) thanks for all the help though, this is something ive wanted to try for a while and ive never been able to figure it out.. i <3 teh [H] cause of help like this.

LOL. Most top linux distributions with a company behind them can cost a lot more than 130. And what $130 version of windows can:
run a web server
run a dhcp server
compile c++, fortran, java, pascal, cobol, c, basic, and perl
run a file server
run an mp3 server
run on just about anything you could think of, from a 486 to a DEC Alpha
let you recompile and reconfigure the kernel for speed, optomized to your own system
run a SQL server
run a MySQL server
comes with office preinstalled
thats very true, but right now my scope of vision is getting hte damn drivers installed :p
it seems that is most certainly easier with windows, sorry for my shortsightedness right now :)

Did you get an Nvidia flash screen at boot? If so, you have 3d acceleration. The control panels won't show it.
upon more consideration, i might be getting the nvidia spash and not knowing it bcause my lcd does not like reso changes much, and takes a tad longer than normal. it is entirly possible that it is coming up and going too quick for me to catch it. when does the splash show itself, and for how long does it show itself?

thanks again!
lopoetve said:
You're not helping, and you're cluttering up the thread for those of us who ARE trying to help.
lopoetve said:
Or maybe because troubleshooting any problem takes some time? How about you either offer some help, or get out of the thread since you're doing nothing but trolling the topic.
Ok. Good point.

Good luck, adios.
lithium726 said:
as far as i know, yes. the nvidia readme told me to boot into userlever 3, and run the .run package from there, and i did. it ran, and told me the drivers were installed and i needed to configure them in the sax2 panel.

alright, ill go back in and try all that stuff tomarrow, its midnight and im tierd thanks for all the help though, this is something ive wanted to try for a while and ive never been able to figure it out.. i <3 teh [H] cause of help like this.

thats very true, but right now my scope of vision is getting hte damn drivers installed :p
it seems that is most certainly easier with windows, sorry for my shortsightedness right now :)

upon more consideration, i might be getting the nvidia spash and not knowing it bcause my lcd does not like reso changes much, and takes a tad longer than normal. it is entirly possible that it is coming up and going too quick for me to catch it. when does the splash show itself, and for how long does it show itself?

thanks again!

Ok, good luck and keep us updated

There is a good chance that you're missing the Nvidia flash screen. It does come fast, and it is easy to miss.
To check: run glxgears (just open a terminal and type glxgears). After a few seconds, it should give you a fps reading. Post that

You may have gotten everything working (double check the load dri, glx, etc) and just not know it ;) Your FPS rating should be >1000.

Good luck, and don't give up!

KingPariah777 said:
Ok. Good point.

Good luck, adios.

Thank you :)
ok so i just ran glxgears after i checked my config file again, and this is what i got

83036 frames in 5.0 seconds = 16607.200fps
88043 frames in 5.0 seconds = 17608.600fps
85502 frames in 5.0 seconds = 17100.400fps

im guessing this means theyre installed?
Daaammn (17,000+fps?)! Uh, yeah - I think it's working!

Just perusing thru... Note, if you update your kernel you'll have to reload the driver (I did anyway) Cheers