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    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 5

    i new graphics card would be lovely :)
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    Running 2 Monitors + an HDTV

    so i guess that no one has any ideas.
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    Running 2 Monitors + an HDTV

    i was wondering if you could run 2 monitors plus a 1080P HDTV off of one GTX 280. both monitors via the two DVI ports and then the HDTV via Component from the TV port. i have heard mixed things and the manufacturers web site was no help so i was wondering if anyone. here had heard anything...
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    occasional routing from 6 dual monitor set ups to an HDTV

    it is a 1080p HDTV but even so that looks like an interesting solution. unfortunately i read through some reviews and documentation on the uv+ and it seems the device has some issues when it comes to rendering 3d graphics or according to some sites even playing dvd quality movie. since most of...
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    occasional routing from 6 dual monitor set ups to an HDTV

    so i am attempting to set up a system that allows six different computers to occasionally present on an 55' HDTV on the other side of the room. we currently have a 9 to 1 dvi switch set up near the tv so routing DVI cables from the computers would make the most sense. unfortunately all of the...
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    Swan m10 vs. Swan d1080mkII vs. others

    i am attempting to decide on a new set of speakers for my dorm room for the rest of the school year and my very small apartment i will be sharing with three roommates next year. from reading these threads and browsing a few others it seems that the Swan M10 and the Swan D1080mkII both...
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    Best 30 inch lcd

    so i currently have a 24 inch lcd but i find my self wanting just a little higher resolution. i would also have this monitor double as a tv if possible. cable hook up/ antenna not required but i would love to hook up a 360 or a wii to it if possible. i am looking for the high resolution of...
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    End of 775....?

    yeah 775 is basicaly dead though they will be releasing a replacement low end socket for i 7 processors though i forget what it is exactly...
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    Q6600, i7 920, or wait for AMD Deneb?

    well all i can say is that i love my 920 :)
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    Another Intel Core i7 920 thread

    sorry i dont know why i had thermaltake in my head my bad...
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    Quick question: Corsair vs Patriot

    i went with corsair my self but i guess to each there own. i would definately go with ebay deal if i were you... once again thats what i did :)
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    Core i7 920 @ 4 GHZ

    i like the background. what is it?
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    Another Intel Core i7 920 thread

    it would seem that the best air cooler rigth now is the thermaltake TRUE. though the Noctua NH-U12P SE1366 looks to be quite nice as well and is supposed to be really quite. thats what i ordered so i can give you my impressions in a couple of days. basically if you want ultimate performance go...
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    jumped on the core i7! any good ddr3 deals?

    first add an i7 920 to your watched items you go to live search .com search some thing like ps3, xbox 360, cheap wii or some other key word that you think would be on ebay. then in the top with the adverts you should see something where it says live cash back 25%. after you click the link...
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    jumped on the core i7! any good ddr3 deals?

    i never knew that it went away i just used it today as well as an additional 10% coupon from ebay
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    jumped on the core i7! any good ddr3 deals?

    i just used ebay cash back to get an i7-920 and p6t deluxe for about 200 and 230 after rebates. i had planned on waiting for prices to drop a little but these ebay sales, well technically cash back rebates, are simply amazing. i just got 35% and 25% off too items that aren't even supposed to be...
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    DDR3 1333 or 1600 for core i7

    ok i am putting together a core i7 build and i was wondering if i should go with 1333 or 1600 ram. price difference is around 50 dollars and simply put i am wondering if it is worth it? thanks in advance, shaden79
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    why are the only cases i like over $200 ??? HELP !

    if you get it off ebay right now you might be able to knock it down another notch
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    Kyle smells i7 in the air...

    ... i hate my p4....
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    what is the best raid solution

    how does raid 5 work? how can one drive can handle the data from the other 2?
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    what is the best raid solution

    ok so i am planning on making a new nahalem build when it comes out in November and i was wondering what the best storage slash raid solution would be. my current pc consists of a wd 640 and a 3 3+ year old 120's. 2 of the 120's are in a raid 1 config but they now don't really hold anything...
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    Should I Step Up????

    you can find 280s for around 380-340 dollars these days if it were maybe a hundred dollars or so i would say yes but 200 is a little much me thinks
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    Kyle smells i7 in the air...

    i see that a lot of the launch boards have all these features like the eclipse's lcd screen and other fancy gadgets. are there any x58 mother boards that are simple rock solid and some what affordable? also as i am looking at picking up the tj10 ESA edition are any of them esa compliant...
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    Continuation of Best Quiet Case Question

    if you are really worried about noise you could always replace the stock fans with some by noctua. i mean a 20 dollars a piece they aren't cheap. but as far as utter silence goes i don't know if they can be beat.
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    $50 ATX mid tower case with great airflow?

    you could the the nzxt tempest of ebay right now and get 30% cash nack thus making it 70 dollars
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    increase CFM through a single fan port

    3 times the airflow but sounds like a jet engine..... 3 times air flow.... jet engine..... personally i couldnt live with the noise. Shaden
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    Keep V1010 or move to TJ10.

    i was looking into getting the v1010. so before you upgrade could you tell me what you think of your current case. as for the tj09 and tj10 are both pretty cases, but they seem to still be mostly mid tower cases. if you are planning to water cool you might want to go for a full tower case so...
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    are there any amazing cases on the horizon

    ok yes this just may be the vaguest post ever and i apologize for that aspect. to flesh things out a bit. basically over the last few days i have been hunting for the right case for my next build which seems like it will be taking place in November. i had just decided on the v1010 which i found...
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    are there any amazing cases on the horizon

    hey i am about to get a lian li v1010 for a nahlem build i will be building when they come out in November. before i pull the trigger i was wondering if anyone knows of any amazing cases that will be coming out soon? i mean i have been waiting for almost 4 months for the cpu i might as well wait...
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    *Possible* Core i7 Release Date - Monday, November 17, 2008

    i have been waiting to upgrade my p4 for the last few months in anticipation of this thing.... how appropriate that it will be released on my birthday... :) i just wish it were sooner because my p4 is beginning to get a little painful, but god will the performance difference be noticeable...
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    Which Lian-Li Case

    i have decided to get a Lian-Li case, but the question is which one? this two siblings are up on top : v 1010 v 1000z the main difference between the 1000z and 1010 is that the z includes quick swap drives which i am quiet fond of . on the other hand has it has a swiss cheese front...
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    I want to buy a Mac but...

    you could always do what i am doing. get a mac pro case off ebay ($200-300) and alter it to put an lintel pc inside (parts for a good dual core system with more than enough power to run that 30 inch display for about $400-600) . i personally am thinking about tri-booting vista, linux, and a...
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    Core i7 same size as 775?

    hey i am looking to do mac pro case mod for my next pc case. it will involve some slicing and dicing and i was wondering if anybody knew whether or not the new x58 mother boards will be the same dimensions as current atx boards. Thanks in advance, Shaden79
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    Mac Pro case

    could someone point me in the direction of finished new mac pro to pc conversion i have never really done any modding before but the idea of running a windows machine out of a mac pro has really picked my interest. i have done some Google searches but i only ever came across older generation...
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    Mac Pro case

    how difficult would it be to fit normal pc components into a mac pro chassis? Thanks in advance, Shaden79
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    Nzxt Tempest. how much noise?

    i was looking at the NZXT Tempest or the Antec p182 as possible new cases. i was leaning towards the NZXT Tempest but i hear that it can be somewhat loud and for me right now silence is golden. my main questions are: basically will i be able to hear that it is on from few feet away? if so, how...
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    A Case like the new Omen

    anyone know of a case similar to the new voodoo omen? sleek, good looking and extremely quiet (none of that unnecessary "bling"). i have fallen in love with that case ever since voodoo unveiled it a little while back but i don't really have the resources to put down 10 thousand dollars on a...
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    Pounce or wait for Nehalem?

    lets see... office apps, web (3 or 4 windows of 6-12 tabs), Videos, gaming, vpn to a work computer and a little photoshop. Shaden79
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    Best quiet case

    what is the best case available when it comes to good airflow and utter silence. preferably under 200 dollars and a slick clean look i.e. no side windows. i am just tired of the jet engine that currently sits below my desk thanks in advance, Shaden79