why are the only cases i like over $200 ??? HELP !


Feb 25, 2007
I just want a nice big case with a big side window... with no fans obstructing the view.

And able to easily put in a radiator for liquid cooling with no modding.

The only cases ive found that i like so far with the above are the CM Cosmos S, TJ09/10, and the Danger Den acrylic cases.

Can anyone give me some other recommendations ? id really love to find a cheaper case as i don't think i can bring myself to spend over 200 bux on a case :(
Unfortunately, there aren't many decent full tower cases for less than the Stacker.
i might buy a refurbished case from the coolermaster store... they got some pretty good deals there on stackers and cosmos cases
A900 will not easily fit watercooling equipment, and its not 'large'. Great air cooling case though.
I was frustrated by the same thing. I bit the bullet and bought a Lian-Li PC-A20B in the end and I'm glad I did.

Was it really worth $360? Probably not. Am I happy I'm done worrying about what case to buy and am I satisfied with what I got? Yeah, pretty much.

It's the nicest case I've had and everything just works. Plenty of space and top notch quality - I love that everything is thumb screws.

I'd recommend a Lian-Li if you can swing it. I see you want a side window, mine doesn't have that as I wanted the most plain monolithic box I could find (with a lockable door) but there are plenty of Lian-Li's that do have windows and other cool stuff for modding, etc.
You can fit a 2x120mm radiator in the front of the antec 900, too bad it takes up 7 drive bays. External optical ftw. I may do this with my 900, but still deciding if its worth it. You got good taste too, my previous build used a LL A77B, it rocked.
The only cases ive found that i like so far with the above are the CM Cosmos S, TJ09/10, and the Danger Den acrylic cases.
You meant TJ07. I don't see you fitting a 240 rad anywhere in a TJ10 (maybe except at the top, but that takes up a lot of space).

Lian Li's V series can easily fit a radiator... but I think you'd need some modification.

Spend the money. Be [H]. Don't look back.