are there any amazing cases on the horizon


Apr 15, 2008
hey i am about to get a lian li v1010 for a nahlem build i will be building when they come out in November. before i pull the trigger i was wondering if anyone knows of any amazing cases that will be coming out soon? i mean i have been waiting for almost 4 months for the cpu i might as well wait a bit if there is something new coming from the case world.

so yeah, simply put is there anything that is coming out soon or that i might just have overlooked?

thanks in advance,
I'm not sure if this should be nominated for vaguest post ever, but it comes close.
If you mean by amazing case, the most expensive case then..
X2000, X500, Temjin series, Armorsuit, MountainMods.
From the rumors you might want to get the cheapest case you can so you can afford the motherboards for Core i7. :D
ok yes this just may be the vaguest post ever and i apologize for that aspect. to flesh things out a bit. basically over the last few days i have been hunting for the right case for my next build which seems like it will be taking place in November. i had just decided on the v1010 which i found shipped for 200 after rebates. when i ran across the leaks of the p183 and p193. i am relatively new to the community and i was wondering if there were any other cases i may have over looked in my search, or perhaps some other leaks of cases that may come out some time in the near future.

thanks in advance,
I have a really hard time seeing what anyone likes in that Skeleton. It looks cheap and plastic, and won't do anything to keep acoustics down. Sure, it's 'open' like a test bed, but if I wanted my rig sitting around unprotected I might as well forgo the case entirely...
Each to their own I suppose, I think its pretty inspiring for future case design and doesnt half look bad either.
Perhaps? it does look cheap in real life but its a bit steep to say that without knowing.
I would like to see one.
From the pictures I have seen so far, its easy on the eye and quite novel.
CoolerMaster ATC-840 should give Lian Li a race for it's money. Out mid/late November.

The skeleton is just begging to be tricked out. My vote goes to it, with water cooling on everything running to a radiator under that massive fan. Throw in some sexy paint, subtle lighting, neat wiring and something extra innovative/original. I dunno perhaps a fileserver mini itx board hiding somehwere with a couple 1TB drives to really make you king of the lan. Yes hiding the other baord isn't eaxtly easy on such a case but thats where the creativity comes in.

Then you have the best box for lan parties :) Not that i have thought about this. No not at all :-P

All your sweet new components shown off in something truely original. Oh and for the haters the skeleton is not about being functional it is about showing off whats inside. Its case windows taken to the extreme. Its a test bed made to look cool, if such a thing is possible i guess it is entirely up to the individual.
The only thing that comes to mind with the Skeleton is the amount of dust that will pile up everywhere. Dust bowl waiting to happen. You can argue to compress air it every now and then, but where the practicality in that? Use as a testbed? *shrugs*
IMO nothing is coming out thats peaking my interest. Yes the antec skeleton is cool, but thats pretty much about it :( Then again, I'm super picky about cases and types.
The only thing that comes to mind with the Skeleton is the amount of dust that will pile up everywhere. Dust bowl waiting to happen. You can argue to compress air it every now and then, but where the practicality in that? Use as a testbed? *shrugs*

Well i guess the question now is does the OP want something practicle or a show pony?
I cant really think of anything that needs improving when it comes to functional pc cases. There are plenty of options there. I think you know my answer for latest show pony :-P