Should I Step Up????

What resolution are you gaming at?

My first inclination is to say no its not worth spending the money.

But if you have a 30" LCD it might be worth it.
I would say no, because I think $200 more is too much.

You really have to make a decision if you really need/want to step up.
you can find 280s for around 380-340 dollars these days if it were maybe a hundred dollars or so i would say yes but 200 is a little much me thinks
I'm in the same situation as you. My step up ends the 24th. I'm going to inch to the last day for a surprise release or something.

I'll be stepping up to a GTX260 216 from a GTX260 SC. I was thinking about going the 280........but 200 is a lot.

However I do game at 1920x1200.
I would say no. Like others have stated, if you are sporting a large screen then it might be a slightly better deal, but overall it still doesn't really seem worth it. Hell, in just a bit, for $200 you can get a GTX 260 and SLI. I would say give it some time and think it over, if you feel you need it in a month or more, then just look at GTX 260 prices and wait for one to drop far enough to please you for SLIing (if you willing to do that).
I was in the same situation. I'm going to have to agree with most here and say no.

You could step up to the GTX 216 for $50, do the ebay step up and use the 30% cashback and buy another card, or you could just stay with what you have, which isn't that bad of an option.
not worth it at all. for 200 you could get a seconded GTX260 (if you have an SLI mobo) and do far better
I have both cards and wish I would have just bought the gtx 260 for both of my pc's. No way would I spend $200 more to step up to the gtx 280. You can step up to my evga gtx 280 I bought from newegg almost 3 months ago for $100 plus your card.
not worth it at all. for 200 you could get a seconded GTX260 (if you have an SLI mobo) and do far better

^^^ this would be the better choice. when does your step up expire? i think there's a refresh around the corner, right?
The problem is you are going from an OCed (and probably binned) card to a vanilla 280 which, if they are binned as it seems, could be a bad overclocker thus limiting the impact of this upgrade.
At 1920x1200 the 280GTX is my favorite card and the I own but I hate how evga limits your stepup options.