Q6600, i7 920, or wait for AMD Deneb?


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2008
I can't decide on which processor to upgrade to next :confused:

This is for a different build btw(ignore sig parts) Currently running on a FX-62, asrock alivenf6p-vsta(complete crap), 2gb crucial ballistix ddr2-800 and 9800gx2.

I was considering i7 920 since I knew I would end up getting a new moBo anyway, but then I have to buy new ram :(. Q6600 is cheaper(would pair it with a gigabyte ud3r and oc to 3ghz), and allows me to re-use my ram.

Then theres the upcoming AMD Deneb AM2 compatible cpu's, which will probably be the cheapest solution as I won't have to buy a new motherboard.

What do you guys think?
I'd wait. Who knows what AMD might do? Hopefully good this time. Besides the longer you wait ,the more prices fall.
Definitely wait for Deneb. No sense in trashing your RAM if the new AMD proc is decent.
Definitely wait for Deneb. No sense in trashing your RAM if the new AMD proc is decent.

I'm waiting for Deneb. Not so that I can buy it, but I want the Q9550 to drop so I can upgrade my Intel-based rig. I agree that you can't play the waiting game forever, but it's always nice to wait when you're on the cusp of a big release. If AMD plain kicks trash for the money like they did with the 4000 series, you get a big win by buying it. If it just merely competes or slightly wins the bang/buck contest over the Intel crop, you'll at least see a slight drop in prices from the Intel crowd, also a win for you.
I think it depends on what you really want and what your constraints are. If money is an issue, wait for the Deneb. If you don't want to wait and money is still an issue, then go with the Q6600. The thing with computers is that there will always be something better coming out if you just "wait a little longer".
Im waiting for deneb. and I already have a q6600. 4ghz air overclocks, true quad,integrated mem controller, low wattage, ddr2 supportable, <$125 mobo's. deneb will be a great chip
I just ordered a Phenom but Deneb would probably be a upgrade along the road.
I would wait until deneb because if it's good you win. If it's merely competitive then you get a price cut.

@ Boostage: True quad? That doesn't matter at all.
Some would say IMC doesnt matter at all either seeing that the core 2 line didnt have it and still walked over the X2's that had it. being a true quad for me is more about a peace of mind. rather than the minuscule gains. same way people pay a little more for a 940 over the 920 when fundamentally its really the same.
Peace of mind?
Well, IMC has actual tangible benefits over a FSB design but a true quad vs two duals doesn't really matter at all.
Peace of mind?
Well, IMC has actual tangible benefits over a FSB design but a true quad vs two duals doesn't really matter at all.

I tend to agree. If they can figure out how to integrate two duals into one chip and make it thermally and electrically sound, yay. Whether it's a "true" quad or not doesn't really matter when it's a winner for price, performance, and heat output.
I'd wait.

If Deneb is good you'll get price cuts so you can make things easier on you bank account no matter which one you go with.