Quick question: Corsair vs Patriot

I just bought some Cheap Viper DDR2 800 because it was neon green and I thought it would look cool compared to more generic looking sets. In this case, I vote corsair because red and blue would look ugly.
I've only used Patriot, never corsair. It took me 4 2x1 kit's to get 4GB of working memory. But I think I was receiving opened memory from this company. The packaging was damaged on the 2 that were bad. Patriot RMA department is very curtious and it was a quick turn around.

I would just go with whatever is cheaper and has the best warranty. Patriot is lifetime as far as I know.
I could not get either of your links to load, but I am a BIG believer in Corsair Dominator.
My last two single CPU builds have used CD RAM and I have never had an issue and they excel in OC'ing.
I just ordered my new I7 system which includes 12GB's of CD RAM. I have never used Patriot so I cannot comment on their products.
I've got the patriot for my system. I'm hoping with the bigger sinks I won't need a suplemental cooler to keep them from overheating when I WC the CPU. I have 2x1GB of patriot DDR1-500(?) in my old system. No complaints other than that it had negligable additional OC headroom. In patriots defense it was IIRC the fastest ram they sold at the time (excluding any insanely priced dimms) so it was probably using cherrypicked chips from the getgo.
I asked a similar question between Patriot and G.Skill. Many here seemed to prefer G.Skill, I spoke to a few freinds though and they swear by Patriot. In the end, it probably doesn't really matter. I have a few sticks of Corsair in my wife's computer now, but before that, I had nothing but problems with the Corsair I used. Corsair is obvioulsy a solid and reputable company, I just got some bad kits. I'm sure that the same goes for Patriot.

To be completely honest, I think the only RAM I've never had issues with is Geil, Mushkin, and Kingston. I will never buy Crucial again. lol
Bah they are both good. Corsair just has a stronger history with many.
It doesn't matter. RAM is RAM. This is not 1995. If your board doesn't work with a given set, blame the board manufacturer, it's their poor design causing the problem, not the DIMMs. (this is assuming they don't have a stupid-high starting voltage, which is all that really differentiates kits anymore)
I'd go with the Corsair. It's CL8 and they also have a life time warranty. I'm also going for that exact kit myself. The actual MSRP is $300 for the TR3X6G1600C8D, so they're kinda selling them for over price right now. NCIX has it listed for ~$290 but they're OOS. You can get it on eBay from ZZF (zzfshopper) for a lot cheaper using 25% cash back, which is what I did a couple days ago.
Corsair > Patriot

I had some dead Patriot RAM they wouldn't RMA. I've never had that problem with Corsair or OCZ which are my two "go to" brands.
It doesn't matter. RAM is RAM. This is not 1995. If your board doesn't work with a given set, blame the board manufacturer, it's their poor design causing the problem, not the DIMMs. (this is assuming they don't have a stupid-high starting voltage, which is all that really differentiates kits anymore)

+1 to this...
It doesn't matter. RAM is RAM. This is not 1995. If your board doesn't work with a given set, blame the board manufacturer, it's their poor design causing the problem, not the DIMMs. (this is assuming they don't have a stupid-high starting voltage, which is all that really differentiates kits anymore)

I couldn't disagree more. Among major brands what you've said is true to some extent but there are still terrible modules being made out there. There is also a difference in support from each of the manufacturers. I saved money by going with Patriot RAM once. However that RAM fried and Patriot wouldn't take it without a receipt. (I'm bad about keeping those.) Yet OCZ and Corsair have both done RMA's for me no questions asked, with a much easier process and they did so without having to have an original purchase invoice from me.

That's customer service. That is often the one and only difference between two identical products but it can be an important one to some of us.
i agree, i stick with OCZ if only for their top notch customer service. i had a dead stick out of the package and they had a replacement set of ram in my hands in less than 48 hours. can't beat that!
i agree, i stick with OCZ if only for their top notch customer service. i had a dead stick out of the package and they had a replacement set of ram in my hands in less than 48 hours. can't beat that!

They are indeed awesome.
Personally, I like Mushkin's customer service the best (out of all the places I've contacted).
Personally, I like Mushkin's customer service the best (out of all the places I've contacted).

I've had nothing but compatibility problems with their memory. I don't bother with their products anymore.
i went with corsair my self but i guess to each there own. i would definately go with ebay deal if i were you... once again thats what i did :)
I went with the Patriot from mwave/ebay with cashback. It's $203 for it. I haven't tested it beyond the rated speeds yet, but It's doing 1600 just fine with a 920 @ 4ghz.

I figured that I'd rather have some extra cash to put towards another kit down the road. An 8gb symlinked ram drive is going to be great. I wasn't keen on the blue heatspreaders but they go well with the P6T as there's a blue LED below the ram slots.