I want to buy a Mac but...

My dad bought a first revision 2ghz dual G5 in october of 2003, and that computer still blazes today.

My G4 desktop from 2002 was great. I ran Final Cut on that thing until last November and it ran as well as the day I bought it with no reformats or OS reinstalls. That thing was an absolute workhorse.
you could always do what i am doing.
get a mac pro case off ebay ($200-300) and alter it to put an lintel pc inside (parts for a good dual core system with more than enough power to run that 30 inch display for about $400-600) . i personally am thinking about tri-booting vista, linux, and a 3rd really shiny OS that ends in an X. but you could always axe out the first 2 keep it all a secret and then give her a mac pro for her birth day. true it would take a little work to get it all up in running, but considering that you already own 4+ computers you would probably view that as an exciting challenge to over come. perhaps not as "it just works" as a mac is supposed to be but hey with that extra 2,000 you can take her somewhere nice to make up for it.

just my 2 cents,
Sell the flat panel and buy an iMac or wait forever for the mythical consumer level headless Mac that will likely never appear in our lifetimes.
Id rather not wait that long ;)
We have decided to go with shaden79's option with Intel parts. Too bad for Apple but a good solution for us.
Seriously, just get a regular case and go to town. No point getting a huge Mac Pro case unless it comes preinstalled with two quad-core Harpertown Xeons in it.

Personally, you should ditch the monitor and get an iMac, but that's just me.