*Possible* Core i7 Release Date - Monday, November 17, 2008


Limp Gawd
Jan 10, 2005
I may have figured out the official Bloomfield release date according to the following information:

SF3D says the NDA will be lifted November 13. He has many pictures of the Foxconn motherboard.

And here's the new GIGABYTE X58 rev 0.2 board that hicookie posted:

This seems to be on the same track as what the Aussie's say:


X58 motherboards already for sale

Goes exactly in line with what Fudo told me as well:

Nehalem release date - 99.99% accurate:

If the QX9650 launched on a Monday, November 12, 2007, then it looks like we may have our release date guys!

Monday, November 17, 2008
$400 for the motherboard? Well there goes my planned upgrade to the Core i7.
$400 for the motherboard? Well there goes my planned upgrade to the Core i7.

Same here. I guess I'll wait two months or so after it's released for them to tone it down. I'm sure many people will feel the same as us.
that is almost as much as a PS3!

wheres my $200 motherboards and processors?
guys relax, those are the x58 boards, there are going to be cheaper boards asus p6t? I think it was, the X58 are the top end boards, like the 975x, x38, x48 :p
guys relax, those are the x58 boards, there are going to be cheaper boards asus p6t? I think it was, the X58 are the top end boards, like the 975x, x38, x48 :p

"Starting with the Intel board, which is the cheapest of the three, it'll set you back £234.99 (€303/$413) which is a lot of cash to pay for a motherboard that doesn't even look like it's set to be one of the half decent boards out there."

blurb from fudzilla


I think im going to bide my time with this generation see how it works out...
"Starting with the Intel board, which is the cheapest of the three, it'll set you back £234.99 (€303/$413) which is a lot of cash to pay for a motherboard that doesn't even look like it's set to be one of the half decent boards out there."

blurb from fudzilla


I think im going to bide my time with this generation see how it works out...

did you bother reading the title of that article?

First X58 motherboard prices are out
again X58 is top of the line if you follow intels naming schemes, there will probalby be a P55/65 w/e they decide to call it when they release it.
did you bother reading the title of that article?

again X58 is top of the line if you follow intels naming schemes, there will probalby be a P55/65 w/e they decide to call it when they release it.

I wanted the X58 too. If it were around 285 like stated. I would snag it. My budget was around 1.75k for a new computer. Totally new parts, and for the CPU and MB the budget was 700, so 300 for mb and 400 for cpu. But if it was 400< i would definately not buy Core i7 till at least next summer.
I wanted the X58 too. If it were around 285 like stated. I would snag it. My budget was around 1.75k for a new computer. Totally new parts, and for the CPU and MB the budget was 700, so 300 for mb and 400 for cpu. But if it was 400< i would definately not buy Core i7 till at least next summer.

I want a new computer now but, I figured it would be smarter for me to wait til summer 09 for prices to drop and see actually reviews of core I7.
I went through the feeding frenzy for chips and boards that was the Core2Duo launch... never again. I'm quite happy with my recent X48 system purchase, but I can justify replacing it in a year.
i have been waiting to upgrade my p4 for the last few months in anticipation of this thing.... how appropriate that it will be released on my birthday... :)

i just wish it were sooner because my p4 is beginning to get a little painful, but god will the performance difference be noticeable when i do finally manage to get a i7 :)
$400 for the motherboard? Well there goes my planned upgrade to the Core i7.

Wait 6 months for prices to drop and you're set. :) I've never bought computer parts that were just released because I know the price is going to drop anyway. Not to mention the motherboards that support this new chip may have some bumps in the road anyway, not worth the headache. I say this because I learned the hard way a long time ago, lol.
"Starting with the Intel board, which is the cheapest of the three, it'll set you back £234.99 (€303/$413) which is a lot of cash to pay for a motherboard that doesn't even look like it's set to be one of the half decent boards out there."

blurb from fudzilla


I think im going to bide my time with this generation see how it works out...

He just went off of currency conversions. The US always gets much cheaper hardware, often times things are the same amount here and in Europe (say...200) despite the pound and euro being worth much more than the dollar.
But Damn an extreme edition for 1200+ this thing better be good or I'mma throw a fit!!
Triple Channel 1600 bus speed will cost alot I bet andy ideas how much? I figured CPU would cost 1200+.