occasional routing from 6 dual monitor set ups to an HDTV


Apr 15, 2008
so i am attempting to set up a system that allows six different computers to occasionally present on an 55' HDTV on the other side of the room. we currently have a 9 to 1 dvi switch set up near the tv so routing DVI cables from the computers would make the most sense. unfortunately all of the computers are dual or tri monitor set ups. my first thought was to use a DVI splitter in order to clone the signal on both the monitor and the HDTV. unfortunately the resolutions are not exactly compatible and that has been a huge headache. we currently have a older computer hooked up to the TV for presentation purposes but as time goes on it is harder and harder for it to keep up. not to mention the hassle of reinstalling everything on it.so i tried using screen sharing solutions such as Microsoft shared view, adobe connect now, bosco's screen share and others, but they have all resulted in an unacceptable amount lag and low frame rates. we are using a Gigabit LAN so i didn't think that bandwidth would be a such a problem. my only guess is that the screen share is going out to the Internet before coming back to the computers.

so i guess my question is does anyone know of any screen sharing software that can handle 30 fps over a local network?

the other option of course is to install a switch at every ones desk. unfortunately the only switch i have found so far that has multiple out puts (one for the monitor one for the tv) is a 4x2 HDMI switch. when all i really need is a 1x2. don't get my started on the cost of DVI ones.

well any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance,

Not sure what resolution the TV is running but evga has a USB device that has allows you to run up to 1440x900 or 1440x1050. Don't have to add switches or anything but might have some lag, never used it so cannot comment on the speed it can produce.
it is a 1080p HDTV but even so that looks like an interesting solution. unfortunately i read through some reviews and documentation on the uv+ and it seems the device has some issues when it comes to rendering 3d graphics or according to some sites even playing dvd quality movie. since most of the work here involves programing 3d games and simulations it probably wont work. i will look into it some more and thanks for bringing it to my attention.
