Search results

  1. S

    Is Alienware a piece of crap?

    Alienware is too expensive for my tastes. Their hardware is good, but it's overpriced if you ask me. If I was loaded and didn't want to build a system myself, I'd go with alienware, but a lot of what your paying for is the paint job. Alienware notebooks are rebranded Sager notebooks, with a new...
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    HELP with color lcd *PIC INCLUDED*

    The manual for that TFT would probably contain some useful information such as wiring diagrams and voltage specifications. I'm not trying to be rude, but you really have given us no information on what's wrong, so it's all I can tell you.
  3. S

    7 fans and still hot

    This hasn't been pointed out yet so here goes. 45C is well within the reccomended tempature range for an athlon processor. Your system is not running hot. If you want better airflow in your case, thats your business, and I would reccomend using larger (120mm) high RPM fans. Take a dremel...
  4. S

    Not quite a case mod. 802.11b at 500 meters.

    Well, a better antenna sends and receives signals better. ;) I'll put some pics up soon of it in action. (It's dark out and I don't have permission to use the camera)
  5. S

    Not quite a case mod. 802.11b at 500 meters.

    I have a new summer project that fell into my lap. Long range wireless networking. I was going to work when I saw this laying on the side of the road. I took it home and opened it up then removed it's guts. 3 LNB's, 2 wasp nests and a through cleaning later I was left with a nice...
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    How important are ambient temperatures in WC'ing? (ie., high amb.temps are how bad?)

    Just in case you didn't know already. Liquid cooling will not nessicarily run cooler then an air cooled system. The advantage to water is thermal mass. Because you have more stuff to heat up, you are less likely to generate more heat then your cooling system can get rid of. Water cooled...
  7. S

    More problems then you can shake a stick at

    Run memtest86. Bad memory would account for your problems.
  8. S

    Cutting Aluminum Case...Dremel, or should I...?

    Use a dremel. Go slow, and don't try and cut a perfect line the first time around, just cut close to where you want it, then finish up with a sanding wheel and hand sanding for a perfect result. Dremels have a specific speed at which they like to cut through a material. As long as you don't...
  9. S

    power save issue. monitor or PC?

    Maybe its the monitor. Plug it into a different system and see if it powers down properly there.
  10. S

    Brand New System Lagggs

    Check your BIOS settings. You might need to change your multiplier or FSB settings.
  11. S

    Help me please

    Looks like decent hardware, but never order from tiger direct. I've heard to many horror stories, and I don't like the way they do business. They actually take orders from you, then farm them out to various other small system builders. When they get the parts in, the badge them from Tiger Direct...
  12. S

    BSOD issue...

    That looks like part of the hardware abstraction layer. Clearly it's not the motherboard, or you wouldn't continue to have the same problem after changing motherboards. If you only get this error during games, I'd put my money on there being a problem with the video card. Possibly overheating...
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    You shouldn't have any problems cutting and shortening wires, do it the same way you would speakers. Just make sure that each set of wires is the same length, otherwise the electricity won't be in sync and it could cause crashes. ;) /joking about the last part.
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    I hate to ask this because it's almost insulting, but have you installed the drivers for your chipset, etc? Most machines will run without them, just slow as hell.
  15. S

    Non-Optical Mouse

    I'm fairily sure that the "laser" in laser mice are just red LED's. I've been meaning to test this theory by replacing one with a blue LED, but I need a mouse I don't care about breaking first. No laser you're going to be able to get a hold of is going to be powerful enough to cause...
  16. S

    Good cordless phone?

    Get something in the 900 mhz range so they won't trample on your wifi signal. I've never had a cordless phone break on me, (though they do need a new battery every couple years) Stop abusing your phones! You must not love them enough if you break so many of them. ;)
  17. S

    Strange pc trouble

    How were you spraying this canned air on the system? It should be done from a few inches away and in breif bursts. The can should also be upright. If you were spraying the liquid inside the can all over the card, it's possible you could have had issues related to thermal expansion, or something...
  18. S

    Adjusting CPU speed with GA-7N400Pro2?

    There are some jumpers on the 7N400 that need to be set by hand for proper speed detection. Normally you don't have to do anything, but it's somewhere to start. RTFM for info on how to set them. In addition. pressing ctrl+f1 (might be alt) in the main BIOS screen will unlock some handy settings...
  19. S

    force Pixel clock in Gentoo

    You are my hero. :D
  20. S

    force Pixel clock in Gentoo

    So I'm trying to make work properly on my dell 2001FP. After running X -configure and having it not work at all. I began my manual configuration. After setting specifying my HorizSync and VertRefresh to the Specs on Dells website. I still can only do 1024x768, and poorly too. After some...
  21. S

    What's the best dremel kit or anything to cut a case with

    My advice is not to get a battery powered one. Cordless tools are easier to handle, but when your battery dies you're going to be pissed. Dremel's are fantastic tools, but you have to learn the speed the tool likes to work at. If you try and cut faster then the tool wants to, you start breaking...
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    i just got my althon 64, and it' not even in the box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You feel bad? How do you think the wall feels? :D
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    Mobo Wont

    Connect a PC speaker and see if you get an error code? /owns a mobo with no speaker on it.
  24. S

    How do you test USB speed?

    Connect a USB 2.0 device to the port. If the port is running USB 1.1, windows will tell you that your device can perform faster when plugged into a USB 2.0 port. If you want to know actual throughput figures, you have to time the transfer of a file of a known size. Benchmarking programs can...
  25. S

    Doom 3... worst game ever?

    I do belive that Xtreme Paintbrawl is the worst game ever. I think PC Gamer gave it a 2 out of 100. :p I enjoyed doom 3. It got repetitive, but it was absolutely beautiful. If you didn't find the game scary you weren't playing it in the dark on good speakers, and you weren't playing on a...
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    You cannot install programs or make major system changes as a limited user. Limited user accounts in winXP are designed for when you have someone (such as a child or my father) who you don't want to be able to do anything but use the programs that are already there. Any half competant user...
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    USB serial port won't work on resume from hibernation.

    Sorry, It's winXP SP2. I have all the latest updates for it, but I will check the knowledge base right now and see if they have anything useful. EDIT: Just looked, and they do know about the issue in windows 2000. Unfortunately their "fix" for it, is to tell me not to hibernate the...
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    USB serial port won't work on resume from hibernation.

    I'm having some annoying USB issues in my car computer, and I hope that someone here can help me out with this. I use a keyspan 4 port Serial adaptor, conected to a self powered USB hub for my GPS. When I Cold boot the machine, everything works fine. The problem comes when the machine...
  29. S

    How many dead pixels are too much?

    For me, any dead pixels are unacceptable. 2 dead pixels in the center of a display is likely enough to get you an RMA. The number of dead or half lit pixels needed to get you an RMA varies from vendor to vendor though. /spent 700 dollars on his TFT, it BETTER be flawless, and it is. :cool:
  30. S

    Post your "Ghetto Mod" pics

    Cardboard and duct tape is a modders best friend. This little number has gotten me a +10C drop on all my case temps, and has allowed me to OC my GPU 10 mhz more. I gain 147 3d marks vs stock speeds. It should work even better in the winter. :D
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    Mute audio inputs by macro?

    Here is the situation. I hate listening to commercials. My system is set up to run my TV, VCR, and PS2 audio through my computer, and then out to my speakers. This works great for the most part, but I hate having to open up the audio mixer to mute my line-in input during TV commercials. I've...
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    Etching How-To

    For some reason I figured a sanding pen would be motorized. :confused: Perhaps it's because I did the first half with a dremel.
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    Etching How-To

    How about a fine sanding disk and a dremel at low speed? I can't afford new tools. This is the image, and yes it is from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
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    Etching How-To

    This is my first attempt at etching a case window. This is just the standard window my lanboy came with. I have some other plans when I have money to get a thicker sheet of material. I just used a dremel with an engraving bit (the little round ball like one). Looks real nice from afar, but close...