
Dec 30, 2004
Hi [H]ers. My wife was looking in the user accounts in the control panel to change her password and she saw this:


The problem is, niether of us know what the hell that "ASP.NET Limited user account" is...can anyone help me out? Is it possibly someone trying to take control of our computer??? Please help and thanks in advance.
Ok, thanks man, whew, I was worried there for a minute. Thanks again! :)
You don't wanna use the root account in unix systems. For windows I don't think you could really hose down a system unless you really tried. I am a ASP.NET programmer.And that account is used so that web applications have permissions to run in IIS. Man I thought this was something big.
damicatz said:
First off, you should not be running your regular user accounts as administrator; as it is bad security practice..
As said, you don't want to use Administrator as your regular account. Using another account with admin rights is fine, unless you don't know what your doing.
I installed the .net framework too and found this account. But, I made a guess at what it was and didn't worry about it. I new it was something with microsoft.
damicatz said:
First off, you should not be running your regular user accounts as administrator; as it is bad security practice..

You cannot install programs or make major system changes as a limited user. Limited user accounts in winXP are designed for when you have someone (such as a child or my father) who you don't want to be able to do anything but use the programs that are already there. Any half competant user should have administrative rights, or they will run into all sorts of headaches.

The "Administrator" account is primarily a feature of XP home, and I believe (I'm at work so I can't check and be sure) on XP pro, you do not even have to have it.
It is in XP Pro it is just hidden by default.

Socket7 said:
You cannot install programs or make major system changes as a limited user. Limited user accounts in winXP are designed for when you have someone (such as a child or my father) who you don't want to be able to do anything but use the programs that are already there. Any half competant user should have administrative rights, or they will run into all sorts of headaches.

The "Administrator" account is primarily a feature of XP home, and I believe (I'm at work so I can't check and be sure) on XP pro, you do not even have to have it.
Socket7 said:
You cannot install programs or make major system changes as a limited user. Limited user accounts in winXP are designed for when you have someone (such as a child or my father) who you don't want to be able to do anything but use the programs that are already there. Any half competant user should have administrative rights, or they will run into all sorts of headaches.

The "Administrator" account is primarily a feature of XP home, and I believe (I'm at work so I can't check and be sure) on XP pro, you do not even have to have it.
I get why he says to use the limited account...have an administrative account handy for when you need to install stuff and make system-wide changes, but use the limited account and give yourself access to what you use throught the administrative account. But still, not a lot of people run their comps that way, as it would just be a pain...or simply extra work! Thanks for the responses!

A mod can delete this now, as it is misleading people!
Socket7 said:
You cannot install programs or make major system changes as a limited user. Limited user accounts in winXP are designed for when you have someone (such as a child or my father) who you don't want to be able to do anything but use the programs that are already there. Any half competant user should have administrative rights, or they will run into all sorts of headaches.

The "Administrator" account is primarily a feature of XP home, and I believe (I'm at work so I can't check and be sure) on XP pro, you do not even have to have it.

This is why when you need to install a program, you right click on the installer and do "run as," and run the installer as an admin account. This is the way I setup all my machines except my personal one, so that people don't f stuff up accidentally, and they have to intentionally install any app or plugin they want.