Mobo Wont

The Chosen One

Feb 4, 2001
Hey guys, i recently put together a comp for my aunt for her new business (specs below), and it had been working fine for the last month or so, but just recently they reported that they went to turn it on one morning, and the Hard Drive light came on, but nothing else happened, so they posted it back to me, and ive been looking at it, and it seems that its turning all the fans on (CPU, Case, PSU) etc all fine, but thats the only noise you can hear. It doesnt get any further than that. Ive tried taking out the RAM, unplugging everything, and it doenst make any difference.

Ive had dead out of the box stuff before, but this is weird that it was working fine for a month, then all of a sudden dies. Now im a bit dubious cos i didnt personally oversee its operation and was in teh hands of novices, and even worse, the lady who does their accounts had it at her place (for god knows what reason) and even when it got posted back to me, it had no shipping foam and the case was dented (and its an Antec one so you know how hard they are to dent) so im a little suspicious....

but anyway, regardless of how the problem came about, i feel guilty that it isnt working, and ive got to get ti fixed.

Would it just be a motherboard situation? or could it be CPU?

It seems odd that all teh fans still work if its mobo, as ive had dead mobos before, and generally the fans dont switch them on, and nothing, but this is all seems okay...except nothing happens.

Ive never had a dead CPU before (im a bit of a pussy OC'er ehhe) could it be that?

If anyones got any advice on how i can fix this, or what i need to replace, a prompt reply would be fantastc as ive got 2.5hrs before my wholesaler closes, and it takes them about an hour to fill an order....

Thanks in advance guys.

Oh...the specs...

Abit AV-20 Mobo
Sempron 2200+
512mb 400mhz DDR
40gb WD 7200rpm HDD w/8mb Cache (PATA)
Sony CD-RW
onboard video
Some Floppy drive that i didnt install, but they did (and claim to have worked fine after installing, my uncle says he saw it working at the accounts womans place the night before it broke, so i suppose its true)

Thats about all thats relevant.
okay, just to update...

I tried an alternate power supply, nothing
tried a different CPU..still nothing

So im thinking it must be mobo now, but its still odd that the power is getting thru to the fans...has anyone experienced this before? and is it possible that its not completely dead and theres something i might do to fix it?
I had a person bring a Dell to me once, everything powered up, but from powering on, it would show post, but then screen would go black, and you could hear everything else working, fans ,hard drive ect..F8 would not do me any good because the screen went blank after post. I booted from XP cd and did a repair, and everything was working fine. Can't tell if your situation is the same, but thought i would mention it.
nah it doesnt even get to post, thats whats so weird.

Almost every motherboard fault ive ever had has either gotten to POST, and failed it somehow (beeps etc) or hasnt turned on at all...i dont really understand this situation.
I think im in the exact same boat as you.

Power to all the fans and everything, just no POST and no output to the monitor at all. :confused:
Connect a PC speaker and see if you get an error code?

/owns a mobo with no speaker on it.
man that's so odd...i just started having the same exact problem this morning. everything turns on but my monitor stays in standby mode. :(
cant concentrate at work...keep thinking about my computer!
man that's so odd...i just started having the same exact problem this morning. everything turns on but my monitor stays in standby mode.
cant concentrate at work...keep thinking about my computer!

I cant even sleep!

I knew i was going to have problems on my first build, but i was hoping it would at least let me see the screen!
my videocard was dead....burned it out i suppose. i replaced it with a x700pro and now im good again.
RIP xfx 6600gt.