

Jun 22, 2005

This is my first time posting here and just wanted to say hello and get some friendly advice.

I formated my machine and updated everything and I am getting slugish performance not only with applications but also games aswell (hl2/bf2).

Here is what I am runing

480watt PSU
Amd Athlon64 3200+ Socket 939
Asus A8V Deluxe Runing bios 1014(most recent)
36gig WD Raptor drive (runing via raid driver)
1GIG PQI Turbo Memory (runing dual channel in slot 1 and 3)

Here is what I have enabled/disabled in my bios for agp.
Search for MDA Resources: Yes
VLINK 8X Supported: Enabled
AGP Fastwite: Disabled
Graphic Aperture size: 128mb
AGP 3.0 Calibration: Disabled
DBI Output for agp trans: Disabled

Now I have my sata drive on ch_1 and in bios it lists it as VIA VT6420 1st HDD and when I boot up it says VIA VT8237.

I went and made sure I had the latest via chipset drivers and most recent bios and direct X and NVIDIA drivers and I am still getting low performance.

I also tryd to even use my Promise SATA and still got low performance, my applications tend to lag when I open them and in games like css I get this spike kinda like it my connection but not.

Any help would be much appreciated
You have one Raptor drive running via RAID? I'm no expert on hard drives (everything that I learned I learned from here), but RAID works better if you have two or more drives configured. I suggest turning off the RAID and seeing what happens next (unless RAID is the only thing allowing you to use that drive...).
Depending on the design of the SATA BIOS, he may need to supply a RAID driver to Windows, in which case it is a RAID controller in Windows's perception, regardless of its functionality.

Also, does the ahrd drive itself appear to be a bottleneck - does the whole system 'lock up' when it's beign accessed? You may want to run WD's diagnostics on the disk to verify that it is mechanically sound.
Yea on the asus website I cant find a Via Sata driver...Only "VIA VT6420 (VT8237) SATA RAID Driver Package Version 2.20D WHQL"

They do have this tho for sata:
"Promise SATA378 Driver V1.00.0.26 for Windows 98SE/NT4.0/ME/2000/XP/2003"

When I boot up it says press "tab" to go into via raid bios. When I go into that it lists

ch_0 Master
ch_1 Master WD Raptor drive

but it wont let me select anything in the bios.

Could the memory have something to do with it? Im runing a gig in slots 1 and 3 for dual channel.
I hate to ask this because it's almost insulting, but have you installed the drivers for your chipset, etc? Most machines will run without them, just slow as hell.
Well I installed the VIA 4 in 1 driver package that came on my cd which I believe is the chipset drivers.