How many dead pixels are too much?


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2005
I'm new to LCD monitors, and I just took the plunge with getting the 2005FPW with the new sale that Dell had going on. I had heard that the monitor was known for having lots of dead pixels and back lighting issues. Just recieved mine yesterday, and checked for dead pixels - I have five. Three red and two blue. I do have a bit of backlight leaking as well, but I've fixed that by pushing firmly against the screen with a microfiber cloth. Did wonders for the leaking.

I've seen people return monitors over as little as two pixels - Usually I only see people with around two or three dead pixels. Some seem to mind, some don't. But I have five - is that unusual?

I'm on the fence on this one....50/50. I kinda want to return it....but I wish I didn't have to go through the hastle of mailing it back and then waiting for a replacement, and then only to find out that the other one will probably have the same issue, possibly worse.

Another issue is this - Dell monitors do not have a "transferable" warranty, and I purchased this unopened from a 3rd party. I made a post over at Dell reguarding the issue, and a forum member said that as long as I had the info of the origional purchaser, tech would allow me to ship it back? I'm not sure how accurate this is.
I'd return it on 1 dead pixel. but then again i expect a product to be flawless when i pay a lot for it. 5 dead pixels would drive me nuts. Where are the dead pixels located? If they are near the center or anywhere that you'd notice them a lot, you should return it.

Always keep in mind, you may get it replaced with another one that has even more dead pixels.. kind of a gamble.
Nalif said:
I'm new to LCD monitors, and I just took the plunge with getting the 2005FPW with the new sale that Dell had going on. I had heard that the monitor was known for having lots of dead pixels and back lighting issues. Just recieved mine yesterday, and checked for dead pixels - I have five. Three red and two blue. I do have a bit of backlight leaking as well, but I've fixed that by pushing firmly against the screen with a microfiber cloth. Did wonders for the leaking.

I've seen people return monitors over as little as two pixels - Usually I only see people with around two or three dead pixels. Some seem to mind, some don't. But I have five - is that unusual?

I'm on the fence on this one....50/50. I kinda want to return it....but I wish I didn't have to go through the hastle of mailing it back and then waiting for a replacement, and then only to find out that the other one will probably have the same issue, possibly worse.

Another issue is this - Dell monitors do not have a "transferable" warranty, and I purchased this unopened from a 3rd party. I made a post over at Dell reguarding the issue, and a forum member said that as long as I had the info of the origional purchaser, tech would allow me to ship it back? I'm not sure how accurate this is.

Can you elaborate on how you fixed the leakage. Did u just squeeze the casing?? I have a 2405 and it has a bit of back light leakage.
BONDS said:
Can you elaborate on how you fixed the leakage. Did u just squeeze the casing?? I have a 2405 and it has a bit of back light leakage.

I'm not sure if this works with a 2405 - I was just browsing the web looking for info on the 2005FPW and found a post where quite a few people were complaining about backlight leakage. A person suggested viewing the completely black screen saver to see where the leakage was, and then taking a micro fiber cloth and pressing firmly where the leakage was. Then you drag the cloth towards the center while still pressing firmly down - this seems to "even" the lighting out. He said it had something to do with a design flaw or something with the monitors.

Anyways - Anyone have any info on the warranties for monitors bought from 3rd parties? I just read that Dell will actually send the replacement monitor before recieving the defect, so I'm seriously considering sending this one back.

The dead pixels are scattered the heigth of the monitor, but are just about dead on center horizontal wize. There's one maybe an inch from the top, another slightly below dead center, another an inch below that, and then two inches to the right of that one there's another. I'm viewing at arms length away from the monitor, and they're noticeable - but they're not glaring.
I would exchange for 5 dead pixels.

1-2 dead pixels, off to the side of the screen and not in the center, is nothing to worry about IMO. Finding a panel with no dead pixels is not easy so if you want to be anal about it get ready for the exchange carousel.
For me 1 dead pixel is too many....I want my crap to be flawless if I spent $$$ on it....
For me, any dead pixels are unacceptable. 2 dead pixels in the center of a display is likely enough to get you an RMA. The number of dead or half lit pixels needed to get you an RMA varies from vendor to vendor though.

/spent 700 dollars on his TFT, it BETTER be flawless, and it is. :cool:
LOL, how many exchanges did you have to do in order to get a flawless panel? 3 or more?

I spent $1100 and I still don't expect it to be flawless. I've had two 2405FPW's and both had at least two problem pixels. Should I have exchanged a third, maybe even a fourth time? Hell no, at some point you either deal with it or you give up.
I have a Dell 15" LCD, arrived in perfect (as in flawless) condition. The panel was manufactured in July 2003. It still has no dead/stuck pixels. IMO it should work flawlessly, and I'll return a defective one 'till I get a flawless LCD. Thank God I haven't had a bad LCD (yet). :)
Sorry, I've had at least six displays and every last one of them came new and out of the box with at least one bad pixel be it a dead pixel or a stuck pixel. If you get one new out of the box that is perfect then you aren't looking closely enough or you are just extremely lucky. It's one or the other.

And I've seen tons of LCDs here at work, we get them all the time, and it's common to have at least one dead pixel out of the box.
Don't need to be sorry. I have looked closely enough and tried many programs to test it. It's flawless. Too bad you have so many broken LCD's. Maybe you should try out CRT's if they bother you too much. :)
1c3d0g said:
Don't need to be sorry. I have looked closely enough and tried many programs to test it. It's flawless. Too bad you have so many broken LCD's. Maybe you should try out CRT's if they bother you too much. :)
There's no sense in beating a dead horse here so I'll just state it one last time and be done with it. I don't think you have looked closely enough even with the help of the program.

My second 2405FPW - I didn't notice the two stuck green on black pixels until two weeks after I had it. Only then, it was by chance. I happened to be looking really closely in that area of the screen (as in inches away from it) with just the right background that they showed up.

Given that most retailers have a dead pixel policy, and also taken into consideration with my personal experience, I feel quite confident that dead pixels in small amounts are commonplace. Perfect displays are not the norm.

Now, that said, you *might* have a perfect display. But if you do I still think you are lucky, especially if you didn't have to exchange in order to get it.

I'll never go back to CRTs either, even with a few broken pixels. It doesn't bother me that much. What bugs me is people telling me that my luck is simply that bad when luck has nothing to do with it. I see tons of displays here at work, have had six myself, and seen a friend buy a 2001FP that also came w/a couple dead pixels. That isn't luck and it isn't a statistical outlier. It's the norm.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program. :D
Well, that's too bad for you. You should be more optimistic. In the mean time I'll keep enjoying my flawless LCD. Ah, life is great. :D
My second 2005FP replacement came with absolutely zero dead or stuck pixels, and stayed that way for the first week. I tested it, and tested it, and tested it, there were none. On the second week, there were two stuck pixels (one green and one blue if I remember correctly) and every day after that, for about 4 days, there was at least 2 more stuck pixels forming. It was unbelievable. Meanwhile, my first display, the one I ended up keeping still has zero stuck/dead pixels. Unfortunately, the leaking is worse on my first display, but I can live with that, I can’t live with any stuck or dead pixels.
Ehh. Looks like I'm screwed. I purchased this monitor from someone else unopened, and it turns out he was caught purchasing a lot of these monitors and selling them on ebay. So they pulled all of his warranties, and my monitor can't be serviced now. He basically said that if I was really unhappy with the monitor to resale it on Ebay and make most of my money back. I love my life.
Nalif said:
Ehh. Looks like I'm screwed. I purchased this monitor from someone else unopened, and it turns out he was caught purchasing a lot of these monitors and selling them on ebay.

Ouch! :eek: You got fucked!
I don't get it. He buys Dell monitors that have problems and sells them to other people.

No matter what the monitors had problems and they're Dell monitors. Dell should replace them whether they like it or not. It's not like the guy bought them perfect and messed up the monitor to sell it. That's just stupid. He should've RMA'd them himself and sold them. That's what I would've done.

Good luck to you.
mohammedtaha said:
I don't get it. He buys Dell monitors that have problems and sells them to other people.

No matter what the monitors had problems and they're Dell monitors. Dell should replace them whether they like it or not. It's not like the guy bought them perfect and messed up the monitor to sell it. That's just stupid. He should've RMA'd them himself and sold them. That's what I would've done.

Good luck to you.

No, with the recent sale, ( where the 2005FPWs were selling for 385.00 ) he bought up a bunch of them for resale. Since I missed the deal, I bought one new off of him.