HELP with color lcd *PIC INCLUDED*


Feb 29, 2004
Ok so I think maybe im hooking the molex up wrong somehow.... or maybe its something else... heres the pics.... ANYONE have any ideas please tell



Fuse box

The white and red are not attached.... maybe the red is the power button?
Sooo... what's the problem? Is it not getting power? The pictures don't really explain anything.
Ok Im thinking either the little red wire needs to be re-sodered on the control panel to use the power button....... or I mis-hooked the molex..... any advice on hooking molex? Also its 12 guage wire.. does that matter.. is that too much for a molex?
Well I really don't know anything about that lcd so I can't tell you exactly how to do it, but if it needs 12VDC then just hook it up to 12VDC. I don't know anything about it so I can't tell you how to do it right or if you've done it wrong. If you don't provide a bit more information then we really won't be able to tell you which wire goes where or what power it needs or anything. Also, that looks a bit small for 12 guage. :confused:
I have a AC/DC adapter
class 2 ......
Input 120v
output 12v

Can I wire it up to that?
Xandas said:
I have a AC/DC adapter
class 2 ......
Input 120v
output 12v

Can I wire it up to that?
Does the LCD need 12VDC?
The manual for that TFT would probably contain some useful information such as wiring diagrams and voltage specifications.

I'm not trying to be rude, but you really have given us no information on what's wrong, so it's all I can tell you.
What is your question? Is it that you need advice on taking pictures that are in-focus?
if it designed for cars, i think one of those wires is a remote wire. When I installed car audio equipment a long time ago, radios and amp had a 12v, ground and remote wire......the remote wire turned it on. Not sure if it the same now but it looks that way.