BSOD issue...


Jun 16, 2004
OK i have a problem. Ive had this problem on 2 motherboards (a8v rev 2 brand new, and MSI neo 2. I have tried 2 PSU's 520 w Vantec stealth and 480 w Antec neo power. I have tried reinstalling windows many times over. Have tried with just SP1 and also SP2.

problem is this.

I can launch Unreal Tournament and can play for anywhere from 5 mins to 2 hours, but usually within those #'s i will get a blue screen of death. the message will say something along the lines of

driver irq not less or equal

and at the bottom has this file


anyone know what could cause this?
Damn, I did a search on google and the ONLY thing that turned up was a guy who has the RvS tag "hal0kx2k.sys".

Maybe it is a form of virus or something?

Possibly a memory issue?
Yea i saw that, it was his gamer tag....

I tried scanning my PC for it but couldnt find it either, so i might have partially wrote it down wrong. BSOD only lasts a second or so, so i tried to write it as fast as possible. If no one can figure it out ill try again tomarrow and make sure i write it right, or use my dig camera to take a pic of it.
Right click on my computer > properties
Go to the advanced tab and under Startup and Recovery click settings and uncheck automatically restart. Then the BSOD will stay on the screen.
Make sure you get the STOP: 0x000000xx code.

You could also preemptively start by running memtest86, and checking your temps to make sure nothing is overheating.

[EDIT] I noticed you're overclocked. Remove your overclock and it will probably fix the problem.
My sig says im overclocked but thats from like 6 months ago, right now im completely stock.
Are you sure that's the correct file name?

This BSOD has many causes: bad driver, bad mobo, bad memory, bad PSU, bad HDD. Big list... You said it's been on two mobos? Odd...

How are you voltages?
Run Memtest86 for several hours/overnight.
Are you loading the exact same drivers between mobos (not just mobo drivers, others as well) or did you download new copies for everything when you reloaded?

edit: also, it's "irqL_not_less_or_equal" you left off the "L" on IRQ which is why you're not getting results searching.
That looks like part of the hardware abstraction layer. Clearly it's not the motherboard, or you wouldn't continue to have the same problem after changing motherboards. If you only get this error during games, I'd put my money on there being a problem with the video card. Possibly overheating. Is your video card fan working properly?

Also, if you damaged your system by overclocking it, returning the system to stock will not repair that damage. I can't be sure thats what happened, but it's something to think about.
OK i finnally got some extra info!



It shows up as a Sound Blaster Audigy file....

So my sound card's drivers are causing the problem.... Any idea's what to do to fix it?