Search results

  1. C

    sparky3009's official fs/t thread

    yhpm bump!
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    Altec Lansing ADA885 4.1 THX-certified, $39 @ Directron!

    Well, I pulled the trigger and pick a set up. The last pair of speakers I bought for myself was around 2001. So, seeing that these where close to top of the line back in 2001, I think it a good deal for 52.00 shipped for me. Thanks! :)
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    WTS CoD2 and AoE3

    I will take COD2 for 20 shipped, paypal work?
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    need info quick about 7900gtx

    Well, I found this off a cache site off google NVIDIA 7600 * 7900 27TH March ALBATRON PC7900GT GPU - 256MB DDR-III RAM +...
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    games being brought to movies "uwe bol"

    You know, I just found this of Wikipedia, and I don't know if closing the loophole will stop Uwe Boll... January of 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to eliminate the tax shelter. [5] It is not known if this will have...
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    [H] Box / Child's Play Donation Giveaway

    Just tossed in $10 bucks. I know it isnt much, but I will give more via childsplay when i can... Ahh hell, here is another $10 for the children :)
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    Truth About Youth Violence and Violent Video Games

    That a good article there, has alot of nice facts and make plain sense. I don't understand how people think video games lead to bad behavior. It just plain silly. They tried to ban music, movies, T.V., and even comic books, because it was "Bad" for the children. "Oh won't anyone think of the...
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    FS: AMD XP1700+, 2x256 Crucial PC2100, New 80 Gig Maxtor

    Interested in the both the ram and hard drive. YGPM
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    FS: Half life 2 (HL2) $15 ship

    I will take Half Life 2 for 15 shipped. YGPM.
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    F/S alot of stuff...

    Well I did some looking around, and they did have Moblie XP +1400 like this one.. That spec sheet you linked also has it listed there. That CPU is most likely one of those AMD mobile CPUs. Oh and Bump! :)
  11. C

    FS: Hardware &Stuff - With Pics!

    I would like to buy the ram, YGPM
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    FS: Call of Duty, $10 shipped

    I am interested in buying the game. You got PM.
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    ***FS: Computer and mp3 Player more to be added***

    I will take it for $50 shipped, you have email and PM. Paypal is ready and waiting.
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    Is this what ATi has in plan for 2005

    Well the first dual-chip card in a long time is coming soon. (I don't like tomshardware to much, but it looks like he has the first look at this type of card.) ATI doesn't even have SLI yet. (To be coming soon thou...) It looks right now...
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    money back? I didn't pay money for the use of this forum, unless you are talking about access to genmay and soapbox.. etc, etc... If its free, then why complain.... anyways its nice to have the forum up now, i go back to buming around and reading topics.. when I should be studying for my final :(
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    urgent sale

    I am sorry to hear that you had to put your dog down. :( :( :( Some people do not understand the attachment people can have for dogs. My dog BlackJack, a german shepherd, passed away quite some time ago... it will be coming up on 1 year soon.. man it still hurts... you have my well wishs...
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    What have I become?

    You know I never played a massive multiplayer game, but with all the good raves that WOW is getting, I might pick it up. The question is do I have the time, after hearing stories of people playing it non stop in forums and being addicted to it... I dont know if I can juggle school, work, and a...
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    speeding ticket so parting my pc

    ygpm on the ram
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    Gift idea: Holiday Buddies 25" Stuffed Animals $6 shipped @

    Hmmm, funny. I just order one, and it says the stuffed animals are in stock, but maybe it depends on what area you are ordering it from.
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    FS:MB,CPU,RAM and Vid card

    If it is not sold yet, I would like to take it off your hand. I have paypal ready and waiting... Please check your email.
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    Help! Seems Sidewinder Gamepads won't work on XP?

    Yeah, I was looking for a game port card or adapter awile ago, found a few here and there. He is a example of a one off ebay...
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    If you could choose your 1 (!ONE!) favourite game....

    Sam and Max: Hit the Road, would be my all time favorite game..... Sam : I don't have anyone to call. Max : Call me, call me! Sam : You'd have to get cellular. Max : I'm pixular! It's better than cellular! Sam : That was bad, Max. Really bad. Hehehe, come on.. you got to love...
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    NEED 2 SELL 2 NITE..........2 Pay bills

    ygpm on the ram, dibs on what left on the ram
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    FS, FT 5900 Ultra, a7n8x Deluxe, Athlon 2600, Corsair PC3700, And More

    I am intrested in the Barton, ygpm
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    WTB: Low end Althlon XP or Duron

    another bump
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    FS: CPU, MOBO, Vid, LAN, RAM etc.

    I want the montherboard combo, ygpm.
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    FS: 950 AMD for $15!

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    Joined the Army, have to sell these things or they get trashed, please make an offer!

    I am interested in the video card. Check your message box.
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    WTB: Low end Althlon XP or Duron

    I am currently looking for a low end AMD CPU for a second computer. I am looking to spend under $60 shiped. If you guys have any offers, please message me.