games being brought to movies "uwe bol"


Jul 21, 2002
I just wanted to get ur opion's on this, I dont want to start a flame or a BIG topic on this but I do agree with 99% of what people say so far and I have seen all his movies "I know" and they are not as good as they should of been.
But what I wonder is will people allways say his movies suck without seeing them just cuz they dont want him to make anymore, or will they give him a chance to grow as a director?
I hope he gets better cuz I love videogame-movies but I want them to be good and he is the biggest guy out there doing alot of them.

your though?
Have you seen any of his movies? All it takes is one.

Seriously, watch House of the Dead. It was so bad I can't even play the game anymore without crying and curling up into the fetal position.
Someone refresh my memory please, is this the guy responsible for House of the Dead I think it was called. What else?
Alone in the Dark. And now, Bloodrayne.

German investors keep giving him the money to make his movies because of a loophole in the German tax system which allows them to write off the losses on the movies. He really isn't trying to make good movies so far as I can tell, just something that will lose a fuck ton of money so his investors will keep giving him capital. If he IS actually trying, then that would make him just about the most incompetent man in any job, ever.
No flame but all those movies sucked something horrid.
I enjoyed RE, RE2, DOOM, but thats about it...all were cheesy and done poorly but they kept me watching.
yeah, like I said I seen them all, mainly cuz I am hopeing for somthing good, I watch any movie brought from a game cuz I love games and i am hopeing for somthing good, I am watching house of the dead 2 looks good, it isnt being mad by him since he was making bloodrayne and they didnt want to wait for him to get done with it,

I have high hopes for Silent hill, any more doom movies, and anything zombie, plus I hope farcry is good,
Have not seen Bloodrayne,
Alone in the Dark, (Dude where's my paycheck performances) yeah it was a bit weak.
House of the Dead, uuuhhhhggggg Ridiculous characters, utter lack of continuity with those characters (among other things) painfully unoriginal plot and diologue. Yeah it was awful.

I dunno, barring some wild success with Bloodrayne, which sure doesn't seem to have materialized, how many chances should someone get and get paid for? I suppose there was some marginal improvement from House to Alone, but damn, these things aren't free. Not how it should work with movies.

Last but not least, Dammit all the above had the promise for a kick ass movie. Instead they just further reinforce the axiom, you can't see a good game based movie (and vice versa) This is not what we need in an industry that already struggles for legitimacy.
agree, but man I hope dungeon siege is good, cuz he is doing that, and I hope farcry is good, 2 games I love.
Not flaming, but hoping for Dungeon Siege, Farcry, Postal, or Hunter: The Reckoning (all games he has movie rights too) to be good is pretty much a pipe dream now.

I've seen his 'movies' like Alone in the Dark, and seriously, they really do blow. Up until this point it has been known that Boll takes advantage of a German Tax Shelter law that allows investors to write off investments in movies if the movie is a bust.

And it shows in his movies. Poor acting, poor directing, poor writing, that low budget feel, his movies have it all. Of course, if you're going to watch Dungeon Siege, be prepared to sit through two helpings, since it's apparently so epic it had to be two movies. If you have seen the trailer, you know you shouldn't get your hopes up at all.

Movies based on games aren't great to begin with, but his are especially bad, and I have seen crap like Street Fighter and Double Dragon too. :eek:

Just be glad he didn't get rights to stuff like Halo (Peter Jackson) or Metroid (Ang Lee).
He's directing Far Cry......I want to assassinate this guy so he can't. How is he getting the rights to do it? Doesn't Crytek have to okay it?
My favourite scene in House of the Dead is when the like 110 pound girl is dual-wielding Desert Eagles with no effects from recoil.
i dont know why he does his the way he does, alone in the dark was a lot better than house of the dead, but still not great. did not see bloodrayne, maybe the critics were right, but i liked the game, and i liked the blonde from T3 so i dont think it can be worse than the other 2 movies, maybe the dollar theater will have it now and ill catch it there. was setup by someone, all it said was "stop making movies" not sure if its still up. thought it was funny
Shakezilla said:
No one mentioned how he could be directing MGS, ohhh god nooooooo :eek:

why would they even bother making a movie based off of MGS? with all of the cutscenes those games have it's already a feature-length movie as far as i'm Kojima could direct it himself if he wanted to and it might actually be good (better than what Uwe Boll could do that's for sure)
Xaeon said:
My favourite scene in House of the Dead is when the like 110 pound girl is dual-wielding Desert Eagles with no effects from recoil.
It's a movie based on a video game, that should be obvious :p
Suspension of disbelief does not cover something like that, in my opinion. I expect zombies in that movie, not a girl with superhuman strength.
Whats even better is thier precision accuracy with all the guns when none of them have ever shot a gun before :)
i think he plays counterstrike, that might explain the jumping shotgun blast by the girl, i think she scores a headshot, while you could jump and shoot, i think it would easily knock her on her ass. as it prolly would for most people. its not a 9mm
That's pretty funny. He totally butchered the franchise. I have actually recommened that people watch it just because it is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. I laughed through most of it.
Its really sad because some of the movies hes done could have been good. Doom, AVP, Resident Evil all had the potential to be interesting at the very least. Instead he turns them into the crap we know as his work to date.

I can only imagine the amount of money fox could have made had they put avp in a real directors hands. Dumbasses.
Resident Evil actually has a fairly deep story.

Unfortunately, .000000000001% of that actually made it into the movie. Most of that experience revolved around watching Milla Jovovich look moody and wondering what she'd look like if she actually had breasts. realize Uwe Boll isn't responsible for EVERY recent video game-based movie, right? Doom was directed by a Polish guy. AVP was Paul Anderson, and not technically based on the game of the same name. First RE was Paul Anderson as well, second was Alex Witt.

So, no, those video-game based movies that sort of didn't suck had nothing to do with Uwe Boll. You should have been able to figure that out by virtue of the fact that they sort of didn't suck.
Uwe Boll didn't make Resident Evil, AvP, OR Doom.

Paul W.S. Anderson did. (Well, RE and AvP. Doom was directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak)

Not that it makes them any better. Makes me wonder why we don't attack and insult his work as well, his movies were nearly as terrible as Uwe Bolls and made much more money.
masher said:

You know, I just found this of Wikipedia, and I don't know if closing the loophole will stop Uwe Boll... January of 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to eliminate the tax shelter. [5] It is not known if this will have any effect on Boll's funding as the new laws only seek to punish investors who are abusing the law for tax purposes; Boll's activities appear to be well within the legitimate usage of the tax shelter...
Cyan20us said:
You know, I just found this of Wikipedia, and I don't know if closing the loophole will stop Uwe Boll... January of 2006, as had been expected for several months, the German legislature changed the country's tax laws to eliminate the tax shelter. [5] It is not known if this will have any effect on Boll's funding as the new laws only seek to punish investors who are abusing the law for tax purposes; Boll's activities appear to be well within the legitimate usage of the tax shelter...

Just to add. I found this in your link.

While Boll has received a lot of negative publicity regarding this funding method, he was actually one of the few directors to use the tax shelter as intended.
I just watched the trailer for the Dungeon Siege movie and... wow. It's... wow. I'm speechless.

Take a look for yourself (high-res).

It's like he watched LOTR and copied as much as he could. Even John Rhys-Davies (who was Gimli) is in this. Oh but there's so much more. I died laughing when I saw "A simple farmer" dual wielding swords and using martial arts (straight out of The Transporter). Plus, you can't go wrong with ninjas. Funny stuff.

Seriously, what the hell was Microsoft or whoever thinking when they allowed him the rights to make this? Money is great and all but come on.
phobic said:
I just watched the trailer for the Dungeon Siege movie and... wow. It's... wow. I'm speechless.

Take a look for yourself (high-res).

It's like he watched LOTR and copied as much as he could. Even John Rhys-Davies (who was Gimli) is in this. Oh but there's so much more. I died laughing when I saw "A simple farmer" dual wielding swords and using martial arts (straight out of The Transporter). Plus, you can't go wrong with ninjas. Funny stuff.

Seriously, what the hell was Microsoft or whoever thinking when they allowed him the rights to make this? Money is great and all but come on.

well it does have the chance to be the best thing he has done yet, even though it looks copied, but watching that trailer it looks better than anything else he has done yet.
Firebomb said:
well it does have the chance to be the best thing he has done yet, even though it looks copied, but watching that trailer it looks better than anything else he has done yet.

Still looks kinda off tho. In the bloodrayne trailer. The girl looked like she was just waving sticks around, really horrible. In dungeon siege it's a bit better but some of the sword scenes were still shaky, either they got it a bit better, or they hired a better trailer maker. Don't they have trainers?
Is it me, or does Dungeon Siege have the guy from Hackers? The one who makes that TV broadcast at the end of the movie (aka the semi-retarded one)?
I love reading reviews for his movies. It's funny seeing someone try to find the words to describe how bad his movies actually are.
I like Uwe Boll because he uses a loophole in the system to continually get funding for his movies.

That's the only thing I know about him.
finalgt said:
Is it me, or does Dungeon Siege have the guy from Hackers? The one who makes that TV broadcast at the end of the movie (aka the semi-retarded one)?

yes u are right, his name was cerial killer "aka frootloops" still one of my most loved movies of all time.
Uwe Ball to movies is like a retard trying to win at scrabble. No matter how hard he tries, he still fails to improve.
Dungeon Seige looks like it will counter Dungeons and Dragons for most craptastic fantasy movie with a decent budget ever.