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I want my money back as the fourms are down so much :( anandtech has more users and I never seen it down
money back? I didn't pay money for the use of this forum, unless you are talking about access to genmay and soapbox.. etc, etc... If its free, then why complain.... anyways its nice to have the forum up now, i go back to buming around and reading topics.. when I should be studying for my final :(
Oh hell yes, back just in time for the start of xmas break! Hopefully they will be running smoothly from now on ;) Still using mysqsl? :p
lol yea, i second this...I was almost in seizures from missing the forum for almost a week...I felt lost...and I have new parts coming in tomorrow lol. Thanks!
tsuehpsyde said:
lol yea, i second this...I was almost in seizures from missing the forum for almost a week...I felt lost...and I have new parts coming in tomorrow lol. Thanks!

I had to slum it in anandtech (no disrespect ;)) for info on AMD OC'ing, which I'm doing for the first time in 3 years :)
im pretty sure i kept checking to see if it was back up every 2 hours or so
I'm real happy to see the [H]ardforum back up and running - I was also going through withdrawal.
I just want to say thanks to the folks who keep this crazy ship running... you guys make it seem like home.

i too am very glad its back, i can finish my trade on the fs/ft now :D

anand just doenst cut it for me :(

in retrospect, this wasnt nearly as bad as that damn upgrade back in may/june.. forums went down teh day i was gonna register too.. stayed down for months... god that sucked
Dam right when I almost broke the habbit ! Oh well
Seems a bit peppeir
Happy Kringle all !
I have an idea and I was wondering if anyone here would donate money towards [H] for their hard work and their dedication in keeping this place alive !!

They went through a lawsuit that hindered their plans and I don't know if anyone else has noticed but they barely post reviews nowadays.

I'm thinking about starting a thread where people can post their names if they're interested in donating money towards [H] .. $5 each and through it they will also get a 1 year sub.

If a lot of people donate money then hopefully we can also get a surprise giveaway too !!

Is it worth starting a thread for donation reasons or will you guys just start bashing me ?

Thanks for the thought, but if you read this thread you will see that it isn't an issue of hardware, just tweaking. If there was ever to be a donation thread, the management here would handle it, not a forum member. Thanks anyway ;)
MajorDomo said:
Thanks for the thought, but if you read this thread you will see that it isn't an issue of hardware, just tweaking. If there was ever to be a donation thread, the management here would handle it, not a forum member. Thanks anyway ;)

I have already read that thread and I know it's not a hardware issue. I never suggested donating money to buy new hardware for your server.
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