need info quick about 7900gtx


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2005
I am stationed overseas and the local computer dealer has a Galaxy 7900gtx in stock, from what I can find it seems to be a mostly sold out side of the states brand but other then that I can not find much info on this company, can someone here please hook me up with some knowlage about this brand. I plan to pick it up tommoro if I hear nothing drasticly bad about it,

also the only realy info I can find is that they pritty much package the refrence card, not even adding a company sticker. but that the actuly packaging is done really nicly ( I.E. the box looks like ya can kick it around a bit and not affect the card ) but this is all i could find out.

Please help me
Well, I found this off a cache site off google
NVIDIA 7600 * 7900 27TH March

ALBATRON PC7900GT GPU - 256MB DDR-III RAM + DVI, TV out, Games coming this wednesday 29th

Note : Do not be put off by the Galaxy brand the 7900gtx/gt and 7600gt cards are made by nvidia themselves not by Galaxy. The difference with XFX and Galaxy is the extra games, nice packaging and manufacturer overclocking. It alows the user to overclock it themselves. Thats why is cheaper then XFX and other cards. Only $499.00

Also, I just found there company website located here

Also, if you do a goolge search you can find verious retailers have the card and also a few sites with reviews on the cards.
thanks for the info, something I was also tring to find out was warrenty info, which I have looked for on google, that plusea review on the 7900gtx by them is the only thing I cant currently find. I have found 7900 gt, 7800 gtx and various other 6xxx models and it all reads good, but I just wanted to see what people had to say about the 7900 gtx it self, as in like there other cards do they package it well, what extra stuff does it come with, am I getting 2 dvi to d-sub, quility of av cables ect...