speeding ticket so parting my pc


Aug 18, 2003
NO prices are in stone i am flexible to a point no lowballs please shipping from north syracuse ny 13212

1x okia p4 psu 420watts $15+shipping
1xpny gf4 ti4600 128mb $60+shipping
4x80mm fans connect to psu or mobo model mw-825h12s $1.50 a peice +shipping
1xabit kd7-r mobo $50+shipping
1x amd 2400+ 266fsb lil o/c on cheap system did 2.3 stable $60+shipping
1x256stick spectec pc2700 $20+shipping-sold to gmkmay
2x 80mm tornados need tails and no longer have rpm monitoring cables $8+shipping
1x20gig hdd used for backup wont let me do a normal format only quick $15+shipping

Will sell it all as a lot for $250+shipping
non free email is [email protected] but i dont check it much its full of spam mail email me @ demonic_demons00atyahoodotcom i check that one twice a day

question for u guys i have alot of sticks of pc100 and some pc133 128mb 256mb and a couple 512mb sticks are they worth putting in here also i have some 18.1gig hotswap scsi drives with cages think they will sell on here also have some 9.1gigs and a few 4 gig scsi drives all 10k rpm and alot of scsi cards if any one is interetsed send me a pm or something and i will post them and there prices up
get a lawyer for like 100$ or a little more they'll dismiss the ticket and it wont show on ur insurance.

damn i think u can take defensive driving, if you havent taken it within a year. it has to be 25miles and under i think. figure it out before u sell ur baby
im selling to help pay for the ticket i have a 2500+ and a nf7-s on the way with slk900 and 2 512mb sticks crucial xms pc 3200 with a 9700pro and 6600gt agp
wow, just a few weeks ago, i got pulled over for the same thing...cept the trooper must have been in a bad or EVIL mood cause he said 61 in a 45...which has to be impossible...but if he just said 60 instead of 61, i would have gottena 150 something ticket instead of the 182 that he gave me....

i dont like liars.
is the antec 80mm fan quiet? (i'm assuming yes based upon that...) if so how cheap do you think you could ship it?
i could prolly ship in a padded envelore if u wanted shouldnt be more than 3-4 bucks prolly less
WillowHawk said:
wow, just a few weeks ago, i got pulled over for the same thing...cept the trooper must have been in a bad or EVIL mood cause he said 61 in a 45...which has to be impossible...but if he just said 60 instead of 61, i would have gottena 150 something ticket instead of the 182 that he gave me....

i dont like liars.

laser radar is quite accurate..

bump for the nice equipment
question for u guys i have alot of sticks of pc100 and some 133 128mb 256mb and a couple 512mb sticks are they worth putting in here also i have 18 18.1gig hotswap scsi drives with cages think they will sell on here also have some 9.1gigs and a few 4 gig scsi drives all 10k rpm
demons9872 said:
question for u guys i have alot of sticks of pc100 and some 133 128mb 256mb and a couple 512mb sticks are they worth putting in here also i have 18 18.1gig hotswap scsi drives with cages think they will sell on here also have some 9.1gigs and a few 4 gig scsi drives all 10k rpm
sure, they sale here... most guys will sale the larger sticks for cheap and toss in the smaller ones for free IF someone buys something larger from their thread.

now... about that pc133... yhpm :)
A lawyer might be a good idea. You won't save money on the ticket, but you might on the insurance. If you have a clean record, you might be able to get the ticket reduced yourself, but your chances are better with a lawyer. Definitely take the defensive driving class, whatever else you do.

On another subject, hot-swappable scsi drives and cards would definitely be interesting. Post pricing, etc.
i got a speeding ticket for 68 in 60 on I-35 here north of Austin... just about wanted to punch the cop... $150 for 8 over (which isnt even accurate cause she didnt laser me, she tailed me - WTF?) F***ing speed traps (just dropped from 65)
Definately get an attourney, I got a ticket for 93 in a 65 earlier this year, and the attourney got all the charges dropped. I did have to sell my Corsair PC4000Pro to afford him though :p Free bump!