FS, FT 5900 Ultra, a7n8x Deluxe, Athlon 2600, Corsair PC3700, And More


Feb 1, 2003
I am looking for the following. I will give good deals on trades, since I really need these components.

Tyan Thunder K8W
Opteron (any speed, must be a dually, the 2** series)
2 sticks of 512MB Corsair CM72SD512RLP-3200 (ECC and Registered PC3200, 1 GB total)
6800 GT (any model considered except gainward)

For Sale

All prices are shipped to the continental US unless otherwise stated. If you live elsewhere, I will only charge actual shipping costs.

Prices are all OBO. All offers considered. Be sure to check the bottom of the thread for specials. I would much rather sell the motherboard and cpu together, as the special prices show.

To save you time, the only things that aren't pending are the 5900 ultra and corsair ram.

Video Cards

Ati Built Radeon 9500 Pro - $85 OBO (allstarshop lists for $150) pending

Used for 4 days. It is basically new. I got it when my visiontek 4600ti fried thinking visiontek wouldn't replace it since they switched to ati. They did, so this card is virtually brand new. I am pretty sure everything is in the picture unopened except for the driver CD. I will check my box of CD's to see if I can find the driver CD. If it isn't there, I will burn the drivers to a disk and include it.

The clear case that the card is in is from the 4600ti to keep it protected. The card won't be shipped in that clear case because it won't fit in the factory ati box, but instead shipped like it came from the factory.







MSI nBox 5900 Ultra - $320 OBO (shops found on google search still list for $500+. A FS forum at another site lists for $450)

This card is the 6800 Ultra Extreme of the last generation. I paid $600 something for this card. The nBox version is very rare. Even reviews on this card are rare. Few were produced, yet this thing performs like a dream. I am not bullshitting in the least when I fully believe this will be a collector’s card at some point. The price the card is continuing to bring proves this, even if nothing else does. I haven't OC'd this card (nor have I will anything else listed here), but I am sure that this card will OC way past 5950 speeds, as these copper heatsinks are awesome for stock cooling. If it sounds like I don't want to get rid of this, you would be right on that. It plays every game I have played perfectly and smoothly at 1200x960. I think the farcry demo was at 1024x768, but don't hold me to that.

Below are pictures of the box part of the nbox. I have the CD's and everything to go along with this card. The card itself is current being used in my system. Check at the bottom for pics of the system and thus the card. At $350 it comes with all of the games, game books, and everything. The CD keys are unregistered on all of the games.








Athlon 2600 Barton 333fsb - $60 OBO (newegg lists $95) pending

Retail box CPU. Never OC'd or [H]ard-treated. This processor still has more than enough power for virtually anything you want to do. The stock heatsink is unused.

The processor itself is under the Volcano 9 in the system pic. Just trust me, it is there ;).



Athlon 2100 Pal - $5+shipping

Fried, the core is crushed. You really can't tell it unless you look close, but she is now in processor heaven. Buy anything else here and this comes free. First come, first serve on this.


Asus a7n8x Deluxe - $60 OBO (newegg refurb lists for $59) pending

Never OC'd or anything. Virtually new condition. If you kept up on the Socket A's, you know how well this board performs. It held the performance crown for a real long time until here recently.

It comes will all optional components. SATA, game port, back panel USB, ect. The onboard sound is pretty decent. Quality wise, I don't notice any difference between it and my audigy on my surround sound. This board is loaded.

It comes with everything (If I am missing something, I will take less.) Pics of the board below in the system pic.






Corsair twinx PC3700 1GB (2 stick of 512mb) - $220 OBO (newegg lists $285)

I got this to OC, but I never did. Corsair quality, and reviews show this memory going pretty far stable. I would figure AMD system would have a hard time even reaching the breaking point of this memory.

If I find the box, I will ship in that. Otherwise, I will rig something up :). The box wasn't interesting in the least, IIRC.

[pics in system pics]

Controller Cards

Promise Ultra66 Controller - $10 OBO pending

Unused as far as I know. There is still tape over the bag on the card itself. I am pretty sure everything is there, but WYSIWYG. Good for an old computer.







Volcano 9 - $10 OBO

Rated to an athlon 3400. On the athlon 2600 listed here, I get 38 on idle and 42 under load. One of the best heatsinks I have used. It looks big, but it isn't heavy.




Dead Athlon 2100 - Free with any purchase. First come, first serve.

Mobo+CPU - $100 OBO

Processor will be removed from board for its protection during shipping. It will include factory boxes and everything for both.

The volcano 9 will be included for free.

Mobo+CPU+RAM - $300 OBO

Board will be disassembled before shipping for protection of the components. It will include factory boxes and everything for both, for the memory too if I can find it.

The volcano 9 will be included for free.

Mobo+CPU+RAM+5900 Ultra - $580 OBO

Board will be disassembled before shipping for protection of the components. It will include factory boxes and everything for all, for the memory too if I can find it.

The volcano 9 will be included for free.

Want your own deal? - Pick and choose your own components to get a discount.

I really, really want the motherboard/ram/cpu to go together, or at least the motherboard and ram together. I am currently using the system. As soon as I start taking parts out of this system, I can't use it. Thus, I will be stuck without a high end system until everything sells and I build my new dually.

My Information

I have no heatware as this is my first time selling anything through a forum. However, I do have 100% at Ebay. Notice that there were many high dollar auctions there, including cars.


I will not ship first. Yes, you may have more heatware (obviously :p), but that doesn't keep me from getting screwed. It would be much easier for you to get your money back than for me to get my parts back. I will insure everything for the price you paid and give delivery confirmation/tracking number. I will accept paypal/money orders. For trades, I will consider cross shipping.

The parts will be packaged the same way the factory did. If for some reason I can't package them that way, I will package them well enough to keep them from getting torn up. This includes anti-static bags, peanuts, boxes in boxes, whatever it takes. I don't want any problems, I just want a dually :D.

[email protected] (I am the owner of the domain, do whois)
IM's in profile
If you make a purchase, I will accept a phone call to discuss everything and to help prove I am not out to screw you.
System Pics

Couldn't include it above because of errors. The system was running when these pics were taken, so that is why all the cables are messy (yeah, that is the reason ;)).





Remember, all prices are OBO. Want to offer $50 less? You just may be getting you a part.
Brad4321 said:
Remember, all prices are OBO. Want to offer $50 less? You just may be getting you a part.

ok... i offfer $20 for the 2600+ :D

more importantly, bump for an exellent FS thread, they should all have this much effort put into them...
man...I really want that 5900U, but thats about $200 more than I have....oh well. I may be back for that 2600+ tho.....willing to give up the TT heatsink or does it come only with the stock HSF?
The heatsink is useless to me without the processor (and vis versa), so I suppose if you buy the processor, it will be included. Add $5 to the cost of the processor, shipping basically, and you can get both. Damn thing cost $30 new, but the only thing Socket A I will have left after this is my LAN system, so I can't use it for anything.

Thanks for the bump earlier. The sooner this stuff goes, the sooner I am folding on dual opterons :D.
Brad4321 said:
The heatsink is useless to me without the processor (and vis versa), so I suppose if you buy the processor, it will be included. Add $5 to the cost of the processor, shipping basically, and you can get both. Damn thing cost $30 new, but the only thing Socket A I will have left after this is my LAN system, so I can't use it for anything.

Thanks for the bump earlier. The sooner this stuff goes, the sooner I am folding on dual opterons :D.

Well, I will see if I cant sell of my currect proc...and if I can, and scrap up enough extra for this and a video card, ill take it
i think im gonna drop it, just thought i should save money instead. goodluck, bump.
Massive price reduction on everything. I really hate to use ebay, and I won't ebay the 5900 as it is worth too much for ebay.

Before work bump. Come on people, you know you want something.
phenominal prices, $60 on the 2600+ and $85 on the 9500Pro is verrrrry good. If only I could get the money. Your stuff shouldnt stick around soon, aside from the 5900U...im sure most poeple just view it as another graphics card and not the collectors item it is, but good luck to you, hopefuilly you will fund someone.

I am a bit curios though, looking at the box of this, it shows generals and two addons....but isnt there only one addon for that game? :confused:
aside from the 5900U...im sure most poeple just view it as another graphics card and not the collectors item it is

Yeah, that is what I figure to. The key thing is that it is still a functional collectors item. I am not going to drop any more on it. I would keep it and use it until the next generation of GPU's come around first.

I am a bit curios though, looking at the box of this, it shows generals and two addons....but isnt there only one addon for that game?

I don't know. All it came with was CC:Generals, none of the other ones. I don't know why it would picture them then not be in the box.

I hope everything goes fast. Not much interest generated in the ram yet. Very good OC ram.

All PM's replied. The a7n8x is on hold/pending
if that 2600 does anything above 2.3, ill take it. for 40 bux ;) just throwing a price out there cuz i dont really need it, but for that price, ill take it.
Never OC'd anything. I suppose it will do 2.3 easily as it is basically running at 2.1 now.

However, the CPU is pending.
9500 pending

The only things that aren't pending are the 5900 ultra and corsair memory.
I'm interested in both the Ram and the 5900. PayPal today if we come to terms. Feedback @ebay under joyfultuna. Thanks.......I see you're in Indiana, I am too
I see the 2600 is still pending? If that it falls through I would like it. ygpm
Sorry toonage, I believe I have the ram and he just hasnt updated. Already paid for just awaiting shipment.
Everything is gone except the 5900. Someone is interested, they just aren't for sure yet.