FS: Hardware &Stuff - With Pics!

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May 11, 2000
Ok lets try something a little different here. I have pics of everything here I am trying to get rid of. Some of it NEW, and some of it not. Shipping is included in price. Will ship USPS Priority. Paypal or money orders only.

I'll mention this at the end, but onto what I have. Will update as needed...

VIA C3 1GHz Processor. $25
This was pulled out of a system that was scrapped down. It does work last time checked.

2 x cat5 Network Cable Tester $15 each/$25 pair SOLD/SHIPPED
These are your basic testers. You can test cat5 cable with one or a run through the walls with both.

2 x PC2100 DDR 128MB Memory $15 each/$20 pair BOTH SOLD
Pulled out of systems as they were upgraded to 256s

2 x Hitachi 20GB Laptop Hard Drive $40
These are NEW and SEALED Hard Drives. So they are not tested and should be good.

Large Digital LEDs $15
I have four of these suckers. They are pretty large and was going to use them, but decided not to.

2 x PC133 Viking Value RAM 128MB $15 each/$20 pair BOTH SOLD
Again these are pulls out of systems

2 x Small EOS Power Supplies 60W $15 each
I have already used a few of these for misc things. They are great and pretty small.

SMC Barricade Router SMC7004ABR $20
I went wireless so this has to go. Does have built in print server.

Sony Psyc CD Walkman D-EJ360 $15
Never used it. Enough to see if it works, but that is it. Less than 2 hours usage.

3 x IBM Travelstar 6GB Laptop Hard Drive $15 each
For some system pulls. Tested good with no bad sectors.

2 x Western Digital 40GB PATA Hard Drive WD400 $35 each/$60 both 1 SOLD/SHIPPED
Great drives, useing two of them now in a server. These are NEW and SEALED!

Western Digital 120GB PATA Hard Drive WD1200 $55 PENDING
Good drive, no DOA.

Logitech Wingman Extreme Joystick $15
Just got a better joystick for my needs. I still have retail box for it.


Again I will take PayPal or Moeny Order
Will ship USPS Priority
Shipping included in price

heat: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=1934
ebay: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=zorprime7&ssPageName=STRK:ME:UFS
email: zorprime at swbell . net
Can you plug a RJ-45 line into the network testers or do you have to put the wires manually on the top there?

edit: and do you need both to test the line?
malingjc said:
Can you plug a RJ-45 line into the network testers or do you have to put the wires manually on the top there?

edit: and do you need both to test the line?

Should of taken a pic of the top, doh...

But it has two RJ45 on top for testing. You do not need both to test as long has you can have both ends of the cat5 in your hands.
ZorPrime said:
Should of taken a pic of the top, doh...

But it has two RJ45 on top for testing. You do not need both to test as long has you can have both ends of the cat5 in your hands.

Ah okay. I haven't used one before, but basically my application would have one end in a router/switch and testing continuity. I'm assuming I'd only need one for something like that. If that's the case, I call dibs on one.
Im interested in the following, check over my FS thread and pick some crap. shoot me off an email if the ram sales fall through, I will take them and can paypal you immediatly.

ZorPrime said:

2 x PC2100 DDR 128MB Memory $15 each/$20 pair PENDING
Pulled out of systems as they were upgraded to 256s

2 x Hitachi 20GB Laptop Hard Drive $40
These are NEW and SEALED Hard Drives. So they are not tested and should be good.

2 x PC133 Viking Value RAM 128MB $15 each/$20 pair BOTH PENDING
Again these are pulls out of systems

Zero_Distortion said:
Im interested in the following, check over my FS thread and pick some crap. shoot me off an email if the ram sales fall through, I will take them and can paypal you immediatly.

Really I didn't see to much that I need to have from your list. And I'm sure the PC133 memory is sold since someone is coming by to pick them up. But if I do not hear back from the other for the PC2100 memory they can be yours. I'm a hurry right now, but I'll try to send you an email later in the day.

Oh, another bump in the morning.
malingjc said:
Hmm. Seems that when I call dibs, I don't get dibs. Crap.

Someone PMed me before your message. I am sorry that I didn't mention that to you. I was not sure at first glance that you or the other person was truely interested in it.

Again I am sorry...
Interested in one of the Hitachi notebook 20GB drive if you still have one....I'll send an email now.
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