Joined the Army, have to sell these things or they get trashed, please make an offer!


Sep 7, 2003
I joined the Army and my parents are moving. They will not have room to store much for me, so I only get to keep a few things. This stuff will go in the garbage if not sold. If at all interested, give me a price, chances are you can have it. Remember, it will just go in the trash, so PLEASE help me out! Thanks.

REMEBER, everything is OBO, if you are interested, chances are you will get it.

Pentium 2 233mhz Processor with heatsink and mounting bracket: $10 shipped
Quantum Bigfoot 5.25 series 2.5gb HD: $12 shipped
Fujitsu 2 or 2.5gb HD: $12 shipped
Matrox PCI video card (can provide pic if needed, nothing special): $10 shipped

GIANTS! Citizen Kabuto 2cds: $10 shipped
Dues EX GOTY Edition: $12 shipped
Old 8 port Inmac hub w/ ac adapter: $10 shipped
StarCraft Widescreen Special Limited Edition DVD movie: $8 shipped
80mm King Win fan with adapter to bolt on to AMD HS: $8 shipped
Gentus Linux 6.1 pack: $5 shipped
Bundle of memory laying around: $20 shipped for it all -PENDING-
(Hyundai 128mb pc133, generic 64mb pc133, generic 64mb pc100, samsung 32mb?, 2x generic 32mb pc100)

a few years back my father ran a paintball business, he shut it down but kept the guns. they are in great condition because they were taken care of by a soldier, he has about 9 left plus a lot of spare parts. they do not come with hoppers.
Advanced Technology Competition Inc. TM11-A's pic below

For all 9 he will take $450
or $50 each and we can work out some sort of shipping for either or. We live near Phill if someone would like to pick them up or check them out.

Red Alert 2: $10 shipped

Police Quest SWAT: $5 shipped
Rollercoaster Tycoon: $8 shipped

Soundblaster Live sound card w/ driver cd: $15 shipped
TNT2 Ultra AGP video card: $20 shipped
WD 1.5gb HD: $8 shipped
Maxtor 8.4gb HD (works on and off for me): $5 shipped.
I could use the Diablo / Starcraft CDs, I just bought a new cell phone so I can't afford them :(

Just wanted to say goodluck in the Army, and thanks for volunteering to protect our country!
thank you for your support...there have been a few people that like to talk crap about the gov. and the president to me, but i do not care. I enjoy being an american. i spend some time in college and it did not work out. luckily all of the credits i earned are allowing me to join at a bit of a higher rank for a jump start and they will also help me get promotions down the line.
Good luck! If your ever in Colorado I'll buy you drink. :) it's the least I can do for someone that puts on the uniform.

I'd like the vid card (I have a GF2 MX :( ) but I have to get some WC gear :rolleyes: damn summer....
Bump for the Army! Spent 8 years in myself, just a bit to political for me now though, but best of luck to ya!

Just remember keep your head down low and run like hell.. Eighty Duce for life!
idk the speeds of them, but judging by the smaller sizes, it is nothing amazing at all.

Congrats on joining america's finest. (no not the police)

Glad to seee a [H] member fighting for us.

Im on JROTC.. so i dont know jack about the feild.. and were Air Force.. so yeh.

Good luck! Also, can we see pics of the Ti4400?
PM Sent

Congrats on the Army. My lil brother just finished jump school and is now siting at SFAF or something. Cant remember the acryonym. He got a contract for Special Forces! Just had his 20th birthday in June! He told me basic was a joke & couldnt believe how easy it was. (ya he is a pretty tough kid) So nothing to sweat. (just dont get with the "shit head" group)

Best of luck to you. & a piece of advice (from my dad and his dad)


p.s. They told me to f*&^% off when they found out i have heart problems....
enuro12 said:
p.s. They told me to f*&^% off when they found out i have heart problems....

LOL, I'm a big guy (who oddly doesn't eat much) otherwise I'd have joined the Marines. :D
My grand fathers both served, one in the Army and the other in the Marines, and I have an Uncle in the USAF that just got back from Iraq a few months ago and my Father was always ready to go if he was drafted (during Nam).

Maybe you can put up some shots of the GF.
I was all set to join the Marines ..took the adsvab(sp1) and got a pretty good score on it at recruiter office ...then they wanted me to take a hearing test because of operations i had when i was youngun ...and i guess I failed ...they said go away after that ... :mad:

thank you all very much for your support.

I joined up as a 35F (Special Electronic Device Repair). It should keep me away from the front lines and quite busy. I did decent on my asvabs (88/99) which opened pretty much every door to me. I went skydiving last year for my birthday and it was a blast, so I was considering airbourne, but after I heard about training and such, which involved people dying like clockwork, I opted not to out of respect for my mother. She has worked too hard all of her life for me, and if I am going to die, I would rather die shooting people during an invasion or something rather than a jumping accident during training.

All PMs replied to, thank you for them.

Cyclone, your offer for the turbo is the first. If you do not mind, I would like to wait until thurs/friday area for offers to pan out. I am going to go out on a limb and say I doubt anyone will want it. I have had ONE PM about it but it was not an offer, just a question.

thanks again everyone.
Good luck man ... remember to bring good socks ... I hate war ... but a soldier has got make a living ... and I respect that ...
Even though people may not be a fan of our government and some of the things going on right now (me included), I don't think some people realize that most with that mindset still respect and admire those that are joining the forces and putting their lives on the line. I've got a ton of respect for you, I just don't think you should have to leave the country ;) .
i am ready to leave. i have traveled all of my life with the military (father is an e8 in army) and i cant wait to get back out there again.
My hat goes off to you friend. Thank you for the courage and character to volunteer serving our country -especially considering all the negative press lately. What's left of your lot for sale?
thanks for the comments =)

I fixed the pic i had up of the paintball guns.

everying listed is available except for the n64 and ti4400, they are pending!